Tuesday, October 15, 2024

underrated products that I love/use


Happy Tuesday, friends! I was getting dressed on Saturday and had the idea for this post as I used one of these products. I'm linking up with Joanne for today's post. I've talked about one of these before, but not the other three. 

For my skin:

In my humble opinion, Vaseline is one of the most wonderful and underrated products on the market that has been around for ages. One blogger and influencer I follow mentioned how there's a Vaseline body stick that is available right now, but it's pretty pricey, and this does the same thing. I have been using this for years now, and I wanted to let you know of all of its benefits! First and foremost is that it keeps my lips from being chapped. I've been wearing this to bed every night for at least five years now, and I put it on after I brush my teeth and moisturize every morning. I always take a little and rub it on my forehead (where my skin is extra dry) and the backs of my hands. I have a beautiful African American friend who told me that she uses Vaseline as her daily moisturizer, and you should see her skin! If it helps mine even a fraction as much as it does wonders for her skin, then I will be one happy camper. 

Speaking of moisturizer, this one is the one that I'm still using everyday and that I've been using for years. I like how it's a light and whipped consistency, and not thick and greasy feeling. I put this on under my makeup everyday after I brush my teeth. I also use this as body lotion in the colder months, when my skin is extra dry and sensitive. It lasts for hours and keeps my skin from being itchy all winter long.

For when I'm sick:

And because this is the season for being under the weather, I have to use the most secret weapon that I have in my home to fight off being stuffy. This is the only nose spray that I have ever used that is almost exactly twelve hour relief. I try not to use this stuff unless I have to, but one of the most miserable parts of being sick is when you can't breathe through your nose. Additionally, this is when I either invest in the tissue with lotion, or I just use a roll of toilet paper, because it's the softest. I keep Hall's cough drops with menthol around, and I use a combination of medicines for when I'm really bad, but Mucinex (the Kirkland brand from Costco) is probably the most helpful, because it makes your cough productive. 

For use around the house:

I use Dawn dish soap for everything! I use it for washing dishes, obviously, but its other main use in my home is as a stain remover. It works every single time! Have you tried this? Also, I hate to break it to you, but Dawn power wash is not worth the extra money that it costs, in my opinion. Its sale point is that it breaks through the toughest of foods on dishes, but so does regular Dawn when you just use a few drops of it and fill the dish or pan with water and let it sit. Because I am my mother's child, of course I store it in a pretty glass container with a pump. 

Tell me some things that you love/use that are highly underrated. I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. I don't use Vaseline but I'm obsessed with Dawn! You didn't mention coconut oil! i have really been loving it lately as the weather turns colder.

    1. I started to, but then I forgot about it and never took a picture. I do love Dawn! But Vaseline is my favorite obsession right now.

  2. Alyssa loves CerVe for her dry skin... it is all she will use. I love your glass container/pump thing for your Dawn. I need one of those!

    1. It's so good for that! I save pretty glass soap jars and reuse them for things like this, but you can also purchase one that's specifically for that.

  3. Good morning friend! Vaseline doesn't get talked about like it used to, but I would say the old-school products are probably some of my favorites. Same goes for Pond's cold cream and Oil of Olay. I've been using those for years! And I have to agree on the Dawn. It cleans the best! I hope you're having a good week, so far :) Just wanted to pop in and say Hi :)

    1. Hello! You are right about the products that don't get talked about much anymore. All of those are great! I love the smell of Oil of Olay and Pond's cold cream! Thanks, friend, I hope you are too. ❤️

  4. Hello! Yes to Vaseline!!! And something I cannot live without is Vicks VapoRub. It is great for colds, coughs, and also, forgive me if this is gross, for toenail fungus!

    1. Hi, friend! I love Vicks as well, and use it when I have a cold or a sore nose.

  5. We use Dawn for other things (stain remover, a few drops in round up so it sticks to the leaves, camping etc) but I don’t use it for dishes. I use Palmolive. I am not sure if its our water but Dawn makes a dish rag smell awful

    1. That's interesting! I guess I haven't used it with a dish cloth before.

  6. Vaseline is a no-no for the skin. It is a by product of petroleum, like in car oil and gas. It suffocates skin, clogs pores, traps bacteria, virus, fungus on skin and is a general mischief maker.

    1. That's interesting, too! I've heard of some of those things, but not all of them.

  7. Yes to all of these! I still need to try the Sinex, which I think you recommended before. I also like a little Vick's under my nose before I go to sleep or if I have a headach. Dawn really is the best. I took my empty power spray bottle and added some Dawn, rubbing alcohol and water, and now I have a much cheaper version.

    1. It really is great when you're stopped up! I like Vick's too and use it especially when my nose is sore. That's a great idea for making your own!

  8. We use Dawn dish soap for just about everything too; it makes a great stain remover.

  9. This was a good post! I need to remember the sinex prodcut when the winter cold comes. Thanks for passing that along!


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