Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tuesday Tidbits


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joanne for today's post. I thought I'd share a few things that are always worth passing along in life. I hope you enjoy these! 

Pertaining to marriage

  • always be honest with your significant other
  • don't keep the hard stuff from them
  • communicate, communicate, communicate
  • Did I say communicate?
  • be a listener
  • be present
  • make eye contact
  • put your phone down and make sure he puts his down 
  • don't talk to anyone of the opposite sex about your relationship 
  • guard your heart 
  • don't project your feelings about life and other people onto the other person in your relationship
  • don't skim over difficult conversations
  • learn to apologize and do it when the need arises
  • learn to forgive
  • don't be a narcissist 
  • don't be unreasonable
  • if you have feelings that you shouldn't have (or if you don't have feelings that you should have), then for the love of all marriages, go see a counselor
  • don't wait so long that there's no turning back
  • don't be a jerk
  • share passwords and information with one another

Pertaining to yourself:

  • know the financial aspects of life and get the information to view accounts and balances online
  • have your name added to things if it's not already there (cars, homes, bank accounts, etc.)
  • trust your gut
  • ask the hard questions
  • don't feel like you need to be the peacemaker all of the time
  • pay attention to red flags and warning signs
  • guard your heart
  • be a good person, but don't be a doormat
  • question everything
  • do your best and if it's still not good enough, know that it's not your problem

Pertaining to life:

  • don't beat yourself up over things, just keep doing your best
  • don't complain too much
  • look for the good in all circumstances
  • smile a lot
  • dress in things that make you feel great about yourself
  • do things that make you happy
  • always have something to look forward to
  • treat yourself every once in a while
  • don't overexplain yourself
  • don't feel like you have to rush to answer texts
  • be an amazing friend
  • do something that feels indulgent (I did this Sunday by making a big pot of my favorite soup just for myself!) 
  • decide to enjoy your life
  • make the phone call
  • laugh often at yourself

Do you find any of these useful? Do you have any to add? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  1. Great lists! I feel like I definitely do some of these regularly but not all of them. I read somewhere that narcissists don't have enough self awareness to even think that they could be narcissists. One article that I read said that if you even wonder if you are one, there is a good chance you are not. Almost every narcissist cannot imagine him or herself being one. I like you are actively practicing your Pertaining to Life ones. Have a great Tuesday!

    1. I think these are good reminders too. I don't do all of them either, but I do try my best! I've heard that about narcissists; I read several articles on this as well a couple of weekends ago, and it was enlightening. I kind of hate that word right now, because it's a buzz word, but it's the truth about someone -ahem- in particular in my life. Do you know what they hate the most and that drives them completely insane? Silence and being ignored. Guess what I've been doing? 🤣 Thanks, friend! I hope you have a great day as well!

  2. This advice is GOLD and so helpful- thank you for sharing- you got this mama- praying for you XO

    1. Thank you! I do, but I love your daily reminders. You're so encouraging to me! 😘

  3. These are all great reminders, even if it's hard to remember them sometimes. Thanks for sharing!

  4. That is fantastic advice. My fella and I mostly stick to those things. I think honesty in a relationship is a massive thing, without it there is no relationship.
    Sending love and hugs.

  5. Hi Jenn! Thank you for sharing these lists! It is good to have goals. Praying you have a joy filled day.🩷

  6. I think these all seem to be pretty good suggestions. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hello, friend. Yes. You hit the nail on the head with these. Hugs!

  8. These are all good suggestions that I tucked away to think about. Some of them I do...others I need to work on. hang in there!


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Tuesday Tidbits

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joanne for today's post. I thought I'd share a few things that are always worth p...