Thursday, October 24, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I thought I'd do my typical Thankful Thursday post today, because I am trying to practice gratitude each and everyday. It really does make a difference when you're going through something hard, because it shifts your perspective. I don't know how you're feeling in your life, but I definitely need a new dose of perspective! I'll jump in with my usual bullet point list, because why not? I love them so much. 

This week I'm thankful for:

  • the extra pups I've had with me this week—I know Graham has appreciated the help with his classes all week, and I am glad to do this for him, because he never asks for anything. 
  • the living and active word of God
  • my sisters, and particularly Lisa who answers my call every single time I call her freaking out about something new (it's all the time, friends)
  • this beautiful blog community
  • encouragement from godly friends
  • unexpected blessings
  • the fact that I have things to look forward to
  • the fact that I am able to sleep, even on the hard days—it may be hit or miss throughout the night, but overall, I'm glad to say that I still get at least six hours of decent sleep each night.
  • the freedom to vote
  • being able to draw boundary lines and practice restraint with my words
  • a son who bragged on me to his friend this week and then him telling me about it—I felt honored to hear him tell me that he admires me.
  • phone calls with all my sons
  • hugs from my friend Abbey every Wednesday

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  1. I think it's no accident that people are showing up big for you. You have lived your life in such a way to honor God and love people and now your people are there for you big time. I am glad you have plans and people to check up on you often (not just blog friends who reach out in concern but also to ask random questions, lol). Have a great day!

    1. Thank you for saying all of that! I have wondered the same thing about how this is their reciprocating the friendship I've extended to them, and I do agree with that. This is what friends do for each other! I am also glad for my weekend plans; it's filling up, which is just the way I like it to be! I love your random questions and texts, my friend. Keep on doing that!

  2. I am thankful too. I admire your strength

  3. Love this! You have lots of blessings in your life. You bless others more than you know, I bet!

    1. Thank you! I do have so many blessings in life, and i hope that is the case!

  4. I love that he bragged on you and told you! That encouragement holds so much more than the discouragement from others. Have a good Thursday!

    1. I seriously could have cried, it made me so happy. It does hold so much value, you are right! I hope you have a great day, sweet friend.

  5. What a wonderful list of blessings!!

  6. You are blessed my friend- I love how your people are lifting you up and consistently :)

    1. I am! I have often thought the same and have thanked God for them countless times. I hope you have a great Thursday!

  7. Sisters are my go to when I need to vent, get a different perspective, have someone in my corner. So glad you have sisters who are there for you. Have a wonderful day!

    1. I love that! You are so right. I hope your day was good!

  8. I started a new journal this week, specifically for giving thanks. This week some of the random things I've been so thankful for are friends who check in, friends who blow pine straw off your roof, downtime, our kids who pray faithfully for us, a church who loves us, meds that work, our new home and much more. I'm sitting down each night and writing down all the blessings for the day. It truly changes your perspective.

    1. I love that! Your list is full of great things. I know you appreciate each and every one of them!

  9. Thanks for your bullet points. I am going through a rough life right now and it is good to be reminded of the thankful parts.

    1. I hope you're inspired to start this on your own! It really does help. I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through a rough time as well, friend. I pray that things start to look up for you.

  10. I'm really grateful that I sleep well, too. I know so many struggle with this but this one thing that is not a problem for me (at least not yet). Even with all my stress, I do sleep soundly at night! Definitely something for a thankful Thursday note!!

    1. I do feel like that is something to be so thankful for! That's wonderful that you're a great sleeper, too.

  11. Thank you for helping to remind me that there is always, always somethin gto be thanful for, no matter how small that something is! Today I am thankful for the beautiful fall colors.

    1. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for! Anything at all is better than nothing. That's a great thing to be thankful for!


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