Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope your week has been good so far; mine has, and as usual, I've been looking for things to be thankful for and found plenty. Before I jump in, I feel like I should say again how much heart goes out to the people who have been so affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. I know people who are in both of those areas and who have had to face such tough circumstances. I honestly cannot fathom having to see firsthand what most of us have only seen on a screen. My thoughts and prayers are with them. 

This week I'm thankful for:

  • a book to read that is holding my attention
  • great advice from my counselor that I put into practice last night
  • a rare Wednesday night at home and not at work
  • TikTok videos for dinner inspiration (more about that tomorrow)
  • family dinner and sitting outside together for over an hour afterward with my Memphis guys
  • several phone calls both from and to Noah
  • the gift of prayer, both to be able to pray for people I love and to be on the receiving end of so many prayers
  • quiet days at work when I get to do things I don't normally get to do
  • my amazing family and friends
  • Jonah and his friends enjoying the fire pit for two nights in a row this week (I'll always love being the hang-out house!) 
  • the gift of music (I'm 3/3 for crying in the church services recently, and this is partly due to the music we sing.)
  • the fact that when I'm having a moment with the feelings that I experience daily, the Lord helps me to pray through them and my perspective changes back to being thankful

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. Such good stuff here! Am most excited to hear about your book and your Tik Tok recipes if we can be honest here.

    1. Thank you! I'll share about both of them soon, but the recipe one will be on tomorrow's, because it WILL be a repeat. So good!

  2. I'm thankful we had fabulous weather and a fabulous time at Alec's parents' weekend. I'm thankful that this cold (or allergies?!) that has been kicking my but this week hasn't been passed onto anyone else and that it's mostly just a horrible sore throat. I'm thankful for a mostly quiet week at home with no real plans.

    1. That's so great about his parent's weekend! I'm sorry that you're under the weather, but glad that you can stay home, take it easy, and recoup. xoxo

  3. I have been following the news about Hurricane Milton over here in England and I can't fathom it either. It's so shocking.
    What wonderful things to be thankful for. How lovely that your home has become the hang out house.

    1. It's so sad! I haven't heard anything new about Milton from last night, but I was watching live coverage on The Weather Channel. Thanks, friend! It's always been that way, but for the last few years it hasn't been; I love that it's that again! They enjoyed the fire pit again last night, and I loved knowing they were out there hanging out. I love having people in my home.

  4. Three out of 3 on the tears- girl, I hear you! I usually don´t cry, cry but I get teary eyed a lot when singing in church. I love that your house is STILL the hangout house. How cool is that even after the boys are done with school. Looking forward to your recipe tomorrow :).

    1. The songs get me every single time! But also, my Pastor preached the Lord's supper sermon, and I cry every time he does that. I love that they still love coming here too!

  5. Extremely grateful my mammogram results were normal and so thankful for your prayers while I waited for my results. My anxiety is so high waiting for test results, but I could feel the peaceful power of prayers.

    1. I am so glad to hear this! Thank you for letting me know, friend. I totally get the high anxiety over waiting for test results. I have been there and felt the same way. The prayers of my friends were what carried me through, so thank you for sharing that with me and trusting me to pray. And thank you in return for praying for me! You'll never know what that means to me. I'm so grateful for you!

  6. This week I'm thankful for post-season baseball (although I am afraid that after tonight my team will probably be done). I'm also thankful for the day off tomorrow for a very brief trip out of town to celebrate my nephew's 8th birthday. This is the second year in a row that he has asked to go with the family to Branson and Silver Dollar City. I'm even more thankful that the weather will be picture perfect (if a bit warm for early October).

    1. That will be so much fun! What a perfect time to go there with your family. Safe travels, and have a great time!

  7. Great list and thoughts to be thankful for. Especially time with your sons and friends. Hope you have a great day. I'm thankful both of my girls and families are safe!

    1. Thank you! I know you are so grateful that your family members are safe and sound.

  8. I'm so happy your house is still the hangout house. I miss that! Have a fantastic Friday!

  9. Your faith is always inspirational and a great reminder to us all of where our focus needs to be XO

  10. I love being caught up in a book that takes me away for a little bit every time I open it. Reading a kind of creepy one right now, but it has my attention!!

    So glad your house is the hang-out house. That speaks to the home you have created and the mom you are. I was glad for my girls to bring friends over, too. Even boyfriends. I always said it was better to have them at our house than somewhere else where I couldn't keep an eye on things.


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