Saturday, October 26, 2024

Share 4 Somethings


Happy Saturday, friends! First off, let me start by saying that if you're here, I'm glad, since I totally forgot to mention this yesterday (or this week, for that matter). Today we're talking about the things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed this month. I'll jump in! 

I've loved the fall temperatures this month!

Because of those wonderful temperatures, I've enjoyed some time outside this month. This is why I love October, and though I was dreading it with everything in me, it's been better than I'd hoped it would be. This is greatly because of my family and friends. I am so thankful for them! 

I feel like I didn't accomplish a lot this month, so something that I need to improve upon is my motivation. I have some things that I need to do around my house, but I have zero want-to. This would also require me getting in touch with you know who, and because I am better off not doing that, I'm dragging my feet. 

This month I noticed myself being in a better head space, even though were pockets of time that I didn't feel that way. I noticed that I've stopped stalking him and her, at the suggestion of my counselor and friends. 🤣 IYKYK.

I'm looking forward to reading your posts! Thanks for reading my blog today and being a part of this link party. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤 

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  1. You are making progress each month and October has flown by! The Hallmark Christmas movies are good motivators for me to have in the background and get something done, yet I am still slow. I can so relate. Happy Saturday!

    1. We both are making progress! You are right, it has flown by so quickly. I can't believe it'll be November next Friday! They're so good, aren't they? I am so glad to know I'm not the only one. Happy Saturday to you!

  2. I agree with your counselor and friends...good riddance. The best revenge is to live an amazing life. Redecorate, move things around as many times as you want, without someone asking why. Take anything and everything down that brings bad memories and maybe even stash the good things away for the time being. Watch videos that inspire you. You are in charge now :) That's gotta be a bit inspiring :) Get a new bedspread, move to a new room. Heck, move to a new house! Whatever it takes to have a wonderful life.

    1. Right? I love what you said about just living a full life. I am trying my best, and some weeks I succeed more at this than at other times. Girl, you should see how different my house is! I've removed all of the reminders that were in pictures, I got new bedding and towels, and I switched to the other side of the bed. I did all of these things pretty quickly since I couldn't stand seeing the pictures that were hanging, knowing what he was doing. Once I knew the full story, everything changed for me. I will be moving eventually! I'm dreading it, but I'm also a little excited as well.

  3. Keep on keepin´ on- you are doing an amazing job! I am impressed with your steadfast faith and encouragement of others even when you are going through something devastating. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you! I don't always feel like I'm good at those things, but I sure am trying. God is always so good to me, and He is faithful to show me all the ways that He cares for me each and everyday. I'm so grateful for this and thank Him profusely for that all the time. I hope you have a great weekend, too!

  4. I have been loving the weather this month too! I'm soaking up all the outdoor time I can before our temps get real cold. I don't feel like I have much motivation to get things done around the house either but, in my case, I can't figure out why.

    1. I totally get that! I hope you've enjoyed all the outdoor time. I'm so glad to know that it's not just me without motivation!

  5. I just want to be outside all day. The weather has been fabulous here too. My whole house needs serious dusting but eh. Not really feeling it lol. It's hard in the age of social media to make a clean break with someone. They're just so accessible. It's good you're able to take some steps in that direction. Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Right? I am not quite to that extent since it's still so buggy here, but I get the drift. I totally get that feeling! You are so right about social media; I have to fight the temptation to go searching each and everyday, particularly when I'm bored. Thanks for the kind words! I hope you enjoy your weekend, my friend.

  6. I'm so ready for fall temps again. They've been coming and going in Alabama this month. Glad you're finding a better headspace to be in. I'm sorry you're going through a rough season (been there). It's always comforting when we find we're making some progress. You will survive!

    1. It's been the same for us in West Tennessee. I'm so ready for them to stick! Thank you for your kind words! I will absolutely survive, and do far better than just that, hopefully!

  7. Hi Jenn, I'm coming in late for the party. I'm glad you are in a better head space in a very difficult situation you are living through. Getting outside and enjoy the cooler temps is always a bonus for the heart and mind. Hope the rest of your weekend is beautiful!

    1. I'm glad you joined us! Thank you for that. I do agree that getting outside to clear the head helps tremendously. I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  8. Give yourself all the grace you deserve and give those pups and yourself big hugs from Waco!

  9. It has been quite warm over here too considering the time of the year.
    I can understand you not having the motivation to do things around the house if you have to get in touch with him but at the same time putting it off is just delaying it. Get it over and done with and get him out of your life. You are doing great! Sending love and hugs.

    1. I know, I do agree with that, but I am definitely procrastinating! Thanks for that, friend!

  10. You are amazing and will be a NYT's top seller when you write your book. He will be in your past wishing he had not been so stupid and juvenile! YOU GO GIRL!


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