Friday, October 25, 2024

Friday Favorites, 10.25.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? My week was pretty good, but also mundane at the same time; that being said, I don't have a lot of pictures to share here. Sometimes things just go that way, right? 

These two images above were my favorite things that I saw on social media this week, especially that first one. It's true! I'm ready to say hasta la vista to 2024.

Days off are always a favorite! I voted on Monday, and even though it took an hour and a half, you'll never hear me complain about people voting and having to wait.

I bought a chicken pot pie from Costco on Sunday. Have you ever had one of them from there? It's already made, so all you have to do it bake it for about an hour. It may be my new favorite thing, friends; I've eaten on it all week!

I enjoyed a glass of my favorite wine this week in this adorable wine tumbler that my sister Debi gave me a couple of years ago. Isn't this cute? (Stella Rosa is my favorite brand, and the flavor was peach.)

I bought myself some new tennis shoes from the TikTok shop a couple of weeks ago, and they came in last Thursday. They're a brand called Ruibao; here's some that are similar on Amazon

Here's what mine look like on. I've worn them several times already; they're so comfy! 

Thursdays have been slow lately, and because I didn't have a lot going on yesterday, I spent two hours in this closet tackling the mess that it was. I share half of this closet with my friend Amy, our women's ministry leader; her side was a mess! In her defense, she has so many people that help her, that when things get put up, they just kind of get thrown anywhere. It's nowhere near perfect after my attempt yesterday, but it's so much better than it was, and you can walk all the way around the shelves now! Bonus! 

And this is just an appreciation comment for my favorite place to be when I'm not at home: work! I love my job, still, fourteen months later. I think the store looks really cute right now, all dressed up for fall, don't you? I stopped to take this on my way out yesterday, but I wish I'd gotten it when the lights were turned on, and the twinkly lights plugged in. 

What was a favorite of yours from this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. I try really hard to not complain about the mundane- there just isn´t anything wrong with mundane! Your book store is looking good- it must be a huge relief to like your job. My job is like a box a chocolates in that you never know what your´re going get; I am grateful that I had a really good day at school yesterday- the very best piece of candy if we are still using a box of chocolate analogy :) Have a great weekend!

  2. This week my favorite was that a friend came over and blew off our roof without us knowing they were coming. That may seem insignificant and random, but since David can't get on the roof, it was such a blessing. The funny (Murphy's law) thing that happened was that they chose the very hour that David was inside the house doing a zoom conference call with a major project he had been working on. Thankfully no one on the call could hear the leaf blower, but it was going the entire time David was doing his presentation. :) Such is life! One adventure after another :)

  3. It is so cute! Those tennis shoes look comfy and supportive. I have not gone down the TT shop rabbit hole yet and don't really understand it if I'm being honest! I had a similar week - just rinse and repeat - without many photos.

  4. I love those graphics too! I know that was a good feeling to the the closet organized. And the coffee shop looks so festive!

  5. Such a cute outfit and that Chicken Pot Pie looks so delish! Have a wonderful weekend XO


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Friday Favorites, 10.25.2024.

  Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with  Andrea  and  Erika  for today's blog post. How has your week been? My week was pretty ...