Friday, October 18, 2024

Friday Favorites, 10.18.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine has been pretty good; I had one really bad day, but the rest have redeemed that one. Before I get started, I'm sorry that I've been behind in my comments back to you and in reading blogs. I'm hoping to catch up more over the weekend, but I never want it to go without saying how thankful I am for all of you, for your prayers and your many words of kindness. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart! Many of you have emailed me too, and I love getting those emails! Keep them up if you want to keep doing that; my address is I'll jump in with my favorites from this week!


I loved this that Lysa Terkeurst put out this week on socials. This is a true statement! 

Wednesday's work outfit was my favorite. I love this cayenne colored sweater that I bought last weekend.

This Freddy Kruger scaring the bejeezus out of me is not my favorite. The neighbors and I had a good laugh over this when I went over there yesterday afternoon to talk to them about my current life situation. 

This sweatshirt and saying is my favorite! I changed into this when I went back to work Tuesday night. 

I love this type of Kind bar, it's a chewy peanut butter and it's delicious!

The three amigos cuddling on the couch will always be a favorite. My other baby dogs are coming to visit me next week! Graham is letting his two stay with me Sunday through Thursday, because he has a class each night from six to ten, and they would be alone all day long otherwise. I'm glad they'll be here with me and am looking forward to the extra pups! 

I love looking out at the deck each night and seeing this! 

Chloe's favorite place to be is in my arms. I am not complaining, because I can never resist her!

Monday night Book Club was a favorite from this week!

And so was this Mexican-inspired bowl that I had for dinner that night!

These Dr. Scholl's sneakers I bought last year are another favorite. I wore them several times this week and they felt so good to my aching feet. Also, this is the second time I've worn white pants after Labor day this week! It might be my new favorite thing. Do you wear white at this time of year? It feels scandalous. 

Why are owls my favorite??

Leaves on the ground this time of year has always been a favorite!

Last but not least is that Graham made us dinner at his house last night! He grilled us quesadillas—chicken, cheese, and spinach. They were delicious! We ate outside because it was so nice. 

Did you catch my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Monday was a weekend recap

Tuesday was about underrated products that I love and use regularly

Wednesday was a Hodgepodge post. 

Thursday was a link I co-hosted about a cozy wardrobe.

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. I´m glad you´ve had a week with lots of good times- book club, cute outfits, and having dinner at your son´s house. That meal sounds delicious and I will bet it tasted even better because it was made with love by your son :). Enjoy the pup cuddles and have a good weekend!

    1. Thank you! It really was a fun week. I think you are right! I will, friend, and I hope the same for you!

  2. I had to laugh at the "scandalous" white pants :) When you grow up with that rule stuck in your head, it's really hard to get past. I looked at my white tennis shoes the other day and thought "is it ok to wear those?" hahaha Other than the one bad day, I'm glad you've had a good week :)

    1. I know! I grew up with that rule stuck in my head. I wore them last Friday as well and saw another woman wearing some. I had to talk to her about how glad I was that I wasn't the only one wearing them! I think your shoes were fine as well. I also wear white Nikes pretty often. Thank you, sweet friend!

  3. That quesadilla sounds so good! I love the shoes. I have admired some white Dr. Scholls and then saw them at TJ Maxx but resisted. They are a really cute style and look so cushiony. I am sorry about your one bad day!

    1. It was! Thanks for that! I got these last year at DSW, and the price was really great. Bonus! I would actually buy another pair of these if I halfway needed them. It's okay, I moved on from it pretty quickly and I had another appointment with my counselor this week. That helped tremendously!

  4. Is it crazy I looked at that peanut butter bar and thought it was macaroni and cheese at first glance?? Your shoes are so cute and I really like those white pants. It looks so cute with your Boo sweatshirt!

    1. Yes! That is crazy! 🤣🤣 I just busted out laughing and then I had to go back to look at the picture. You're killing me! Thanks for that, friend! I seriously love my BOO sweatshirt.

  5. Love the shoes. Dinner outside with your son sounds like the best! You got this Mama XO

    1. Thank you! It was such a sweet night. I do! It's always a great reminder, though.

  6. Sounds like a good week! That salad looks amazing! I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. It was! And that bowl or salad was really good. I hope you have a great weekend as well, my friend!

  7. I love the outfits you wear but Wednesday's was fab! The colour of your sweater is just perfect for this time of year.
    I love that people don't go all out for Halloween here, some scenes are just too scary. hehehe
    Aww! the dogs on the couch are just so cute. It is nice that you are getting to see your other dogs too.

    1. Thank you! I love that color too. That's how I feel about Halloween; I don't mind a few cutesy type things, but I'm not a fan of scary. I'm excited to have the other pups here with me this week!

  8. Sounds like you “chose joy” at every opportunity this week! We had the exterior of our house painted this week by the nicest women owned family business and provided them with cookies and sodas as a thank you. Enjoy the fall temps !

    1. I sure tried to do that! It's one of my goals each week, actually, and to make it through a week without a gut punch, as my friend calls them. I love that you did that, and I'm sure they were very appreciative!

  9. We make quesadillas sometimes but I never thought of grilling them; yum! Sorry to hear you had a rough day this week but way to rebound and look on the bright side.

    1. He has a Blackstone grill that he used for them; you should try it that way! I'd definitely put foil underneath each quesadilla to keep all the good stuff inside them. Thanks for that, sweet friend!

  10. Hello! I love your BOO sweater! And I love your commitment to joy. You are an inspiration, you know. And white after Labor is a thing now, or so my daughters say! It is hard to get past it, but I am trying!

    1. Thank you for that, my friend! That's very kind of you to say. I don't always succeed in this, but I do try my best. I'm glad I'm not the only one trying to do this!

  11. Oh my goodness! Owls are my favorite, too... and now you've inspired me to wear white this time of year, too!

    1. I really do love them, and have several around my home. I read something a few years ago about embracing quirky trends with home decorating, and when it makes me happy, I will buy it, if it's something I can't stop thinking about. I think that's the fun part about making a house a home. Oh, YAY! It's kind of fun!


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...