Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Currently, October 2024


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm so glad it's October; are you? Now that it's finally October (which I've been dreading), I'm letting all of my expectations go and focusing on all the good things that are coming with this beautiful month of the year. I'm so glad that you're here today! This month we're talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, wearing, reading, and cooking. In November we'll talk about the things we're currently loving, looking forward to, smelling, preparing for, and thankful. 

I'll jump in with today's prompts.


I know this is one of those unpopular opinions, but I am loving the shorter days. I am loving that it's cozy season! I'm loving that there are fun things to do this month that are things I haven't done before, and that I have a sweet friend to go with. (I'm talking to you, Marilyn!) I am loving the crisp mornings and evenings, and I am loving that I am able to pull out some of my favorite wardrobe essentials with the drop in temperatures! 

Don't get me wrong; it's still very warm where I live and could definitely stand to be a good twenty degrees cooler than what it was yesterday! 

Looking forward to:

I'm going out of town this week, and I couldn't be happier about it! It's very significant that I'm going this week; I may share more later in the week. 


It's officially "dress for fall in the morning, but it's too hot by the afternoon" weather, so I'm wearing lots of jeans/pants, and tops that are neutral in color. It's my homage to fall when it's still too warm for sweaters and long sleeves. Also, see pictures above. 


I'm reading the Bible. Does that count? I am currently unable to focus on reading books; all I can do is listen for the time being.


I am cooking, period, which is huge progress! I did make myself a big pot of soup Sunday night for me to eat this week and then freeze before leaving town. 

I'm excited to read your posts! Thanks for linking up with me today, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. That soup looks really good, especially with the bread. I made chili this week which tasted good and a little bit like fall :). I don´t mind the early darkness either since it doesn´t last THAT long in the grand scheme of the year. I hope your upcoming trip is a great one! Have a great Wednesday!

    1. Sorry I had the link set at the wrong time to open! It's open now if you need to link up. Thanks for that! I bet that chili tasted amazing. I love, love, LOVE soup weather! I'm excited to go again!

  2. The soup looks yummy! I hope you have a great time on your trip.

    1. The link is open now, sorry about that! Thank you for that! The soup was so good; I had it again last night. That's why I love making a big pot of something, because it'll last me for the week with lunches and dinners. I'm excited to leave tomorrow!

    2. It happens! No big deal. :)

  3. Your soup looks absolutely delicious! Even though it’s supposed to be spring here, the weather has been so cold that warm, hearty soups and baked dinners have been all the go!

    1. The link is open now, sorry! I had it set for the wrong time to open. Ugh. Me and technology don't always get along. Thank you for that! I am sure you don't mind the extra days that call for hearty dinners!

  4. Yay for new things to do! I also like the shorter days, so I am with you on that and all the things you are loving. And yes, the Bible counts!! Thanks for hosting!

    1. YAY for new things to do! I am so excited for the future!

  5. I am so excited soup season is here!

  6. I am not a fan of the shorter days. I don't like going to work when it's dark! I am absolutely looking forward to chili/soup weather!

    1. So many people aren't a fan of the shorter days. I get it!

  7. I do love this time of year where the days are shorter. It's so nice to shut the curtains and get cosy on an evening. hahaha! Yes, it's still like that here. Cold in the morning, where I leave the house in the big coat and by the time I get home just before lunch I will be sweating!
    That soup looks so good.

  8. Same here with the fall in the morning but hot in the evening! I love being cozy too.

  9. I have to say your dogs, like ours, are living their best lives, and I love it ! We are still in the mid 90s in Waco but thank goodness for our pool or it would be miserable. Can’t wait hear the details on your trip out of town.

    1. They ARE living their best little lives! Ugh. That sounds so miserable! Thanks for that!

  10. Hello! I join you in loving these earlier evenings. There is something about knowing I am home, in my cozy clothes, all set for the night! Always love your positivity, my friend!

    1. Yes, yes, and YES! I agree on all accounts. Thank you so much!

  11. I also like the coziness of shorter days. We are still in the high 90s here, so I will enjoy fall inside in the A/C. Hope you have a good weekend away. Thinking of you!

    1. I'm enjoying my fall inside too, truthfully. It was downright cold this morning, though, which felt amazing. Thank you for that, sweet friend!

  12. Can't wait to see where you are off to and perfect week for that! Kudos on your cooking- that is a huge accomplishment :)

    1. Thank you! It did feel like a huge accomplishment.

  13. Bring on all the fall soups! My husband told me the other day "but when you make soup, there is so much leftover..." Well, duh. That's the point - lol!! He is not the hugest fan of leftovers but I say cook a big pot to last for days...well, that is brilliant!:) Have a great time away! Thanks for the link-up.

    1. That IS the point! So many people aren't fans of leftovers. I love them, though!

  14. I also love the shorter days! It's such a relief to me.

  15. Yum! That soup looks so good! We've got similar weather - dress for fall in the morning, but be too hot by afternoon - although overall I'm sure we're several degrees cooler on average. I'm starting to cycle long-sleeved t-shirts into what I choose to wear. Hope your October is cozy and warms your heart.

    1. Thank you! That does sound just like our weather here. Long sleeved shirts are a great idea!

  16. I agree, that soup looks so good. I love making soup this time of year. Thanks for this fun link-up. I hope you enjoy the week.

    1. Thank you! It's one of my very favorites. I do too! I'm glad you joined us!


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