Monday, September 30, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. Did you do anything fun this weekend? Mine was the perfect combination of being with friends and staying cozy inside my home. The weather wasn't great this weekend, but I won't complain about it due to the horrific tragedies that Georgia and North Carolina experienced. It's heartbreaking! Have you seen the footage of the flooding that took place? 

I am praying for those poor people whose towns were destroyed, and for the families who lost loved ones. 

Because of the rain, the plans I had made for my Friday were some that I was able to put off. So, I stayed home and baked bread!

This is one of the two loaves I made; I was relieved when they turned out so beautifully! The last time I baked bread, I think stress played a part in how they turned out; they were both flat, hard discs of bread that I ended up tossing. I caught up on things around the house that day since I was home, and later on, Marilyn came over for dinner! It was a really sweet night; we ate quiche that I made for us, and we just sat and caught up on all the things and laughed, which was good for both of us. I'm so grateful for her friendship! If I've said it once, I've said it at least a million times. We're both going through similar circumstances, and though neither of us would wish this on anyone, we're both so glad that we have each other to lean on during hard times. Her friendship is one small thing that the outside community doesn't understand about this little blogging world; though it feels vast and huge, it also feels small and intimate. I'm so thankful for this space online to write and meet such sweet new friends. 

I had an extremely lazy Saturday as well, because I felt tired. Welcome to my brain fog that I fight all the time; between menopause and my trainwreck of a life, I often feel lethargic and lazy. This could also be a teensy bit of depression, which is why I'm seeing a new counselor on Tuesday. TMI? Who am I here, if not completely myself? 

The most productive thing I did that day was wash my hair. I did end up getting dressed that afternoon so that I could meet my friend Michelle for dinner. I picked her up and we went to a local favorite Mexican restaurant in Memphis, one where they make their own tortilla chips and where the guacamole is to die for: Las Delicias. It was a lovely evening! We stayed and chatted for a couple of hours before I dropped her off, but y'all. Look what she sent me home with!

My very own pumpkin that she grew with her own two hands! Isn't she beautiful?! 

I spent a very restless night in bed Saturday; I have to remember to start taking Melatonin before I go to bed for the next few nights. This week is a significant week in my life, and I foresee restless nights each night leading up to Friday. I'm anticipating a rough week so that I can be pleasantly surprised if it turns out better than I thought. I was up before the sun on Sunday morning, and dressed and ready for church by 6:30. I have been enjoying the worship immensely recently! My friend and our worship pastor sang an old song that had my tears flowing once again. It's one that talks about Heaven and seeing loved ones there, but also getting to see Jesus face to face. I was so close to weeping once again! I was so happy to have Drew and Jonah beside me in church yesterday morning. 

For the rest of the day, I got cozy and settled in for a nap. I watched tv some, I did a few chores around the house, and I finally decided to make some soup for my dinner. 

Marilyn brought over some smoked chicken when she came over on Friday, and I decided to make taco soup with it. It was delicious! I love that it's soup weather again, but realistically, I also had this right next to me. 

This post is brought to you by hot flashes and menopause. 

And that was about it for my weekend, friends! The weather made it kind of dreary, so I will be glad for some sunshine this week. Don't forget that Wednesday is the October edition of Currently! We'll be talking about what we're currently loving, looking forward to, wearing, reading, and cooking. I hope you join us! What did you do this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. Soup weather but give me a fan- love it! We were without power for a portion of the weekend. A part of me hates to complain about it because what we dealt with was not life or death like it was for so many. Our weather was dreary, too as it rained non-stop Friday through Sunday. I am for a cozy rainy day but three was pushing it! How wonderful that you and Marilyn got together and have been getting together a lot- chance made you bloggers but hearts made you friends! I´m sorry that you´re dealing with so much stress. By all means take melatonin and seek out the best help that you can. Will be thinking about you and praying! Have a great Monday!

    1. It's the truth of my life right now! Cold one minute, burning up the next. Marilyn and I were literally passing the fan back and forth on Friday night. 🤣 Thank you for the prayers! It does help having something to look forward to this week, but it's also clouded by a day that I'm dreading. Ugh. I'll be glad to see a counselor tomorrow.

  2. Praying for your week and that you feel God's presence in every second of every day. I know much happier days are in your future.

    1. Thank you! I know that is the case; I just have to make it through a year of all these firsts that are so hard. I think once January comes, I'll be good!

  3. The bread and quiche were delicous, but I so enjoyed your company too and sweet Chloe! I am so thankful for you as well. Las Delicias is my favorite Mexican place! Let's all go back there soon! I am praying this week for you.

    1. Thank you! I loved having you here, and hopefully Chloe didn't bother you too much. She really loved you! I love that place too, and that's a great idea. That would be fun for the three of us to do that! Thank you for that, my friend.

  4. Hi Jennifer :) I hope things are going in the right direction for you and that you can see hope and peace coming around the corner :) Don't you just love when other people's sin throws your life into chaos? I have to say...that's one of my biggest pet peeves! Anyway, that bread looks so pretty! What are you baking it in, to make it that shape? I've seen people bake in a bowl, but I've always been afraid to try it. Also, you hit the nail on the head, saying that blogging is vast and wide, yet can create some of the best little communities :) I love that. We are still moving little things into our new house and still aren't done! We love our new house, but I despise the moving process! I'll try to get back to checking in more often. Have a great day my friend!

    1. Hello! I've missed you in this little space and am glad to hear you're making it through your move, even if only bit by bit. I love what you said about other people's sin throwing chaos into my life; yes, I do hate that, actually! Especially when there's no sorrow involved from the other party. What a selfish jerk of a person and the king of narcissists! It feels good to say that since this is a significant week in my life. I look forward to hearing from you again soon!

  5. Well first of all that is a perfect pumpkin. I actually thought it was artificial when I first saw it. I'm glad you're real here and I often use my blog as a way to figure things out so keep writing, and I hope you have a nice connection with the counselor. Thanks for asking about the house and area...our area was hit hard but our neighbors say our house and property are fine. No big downed trees, but a lot of debris to pick up once we're back. The surrounding mountain towns are not so lucky. One is literally completely gone. It's heartbreaking. We travel to my mother-in-law's home on the interstate that washed away, and also go into the Johnson City TN area a lot and that road is partly gone. I know they'll come up with a work around, but the fix isn't going to be quick. I have two friends in Asheville really struggling. The city is isolated and still no power, no gas, it's just awful. We will be home this week and see what's happening in our area. Some neighborhoods are without power, but ours has been restored. It's kind of random how it's coming back on in various subdivisions, but we feel very fortunate all things considered. I hope this week goes better than expected for you. Take care.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement! I am so glad to hear that your home and your neighbors are okay. What a tragedy! We prayed for all of those communities in church Sunday and we're taking up a special offering next week. Safe travels back to the States this week, my friend.

  6. I have seen news stories about the flooding which has happened, it is truly awful.
    What a great Friday evening staying home and baking bread. It looks so good. It sounds like you have such a wonderful friendship with Marilyn!
    It's no wonder you feel tired with everything going on. Good luck with the new counsellor.
    That pumpkin really is beautiful!
    Thinking of you! I hope this week goes as well as it can.

    1. It's so heartbreaking! I feel fortunate to have spent the evening doing just that in light of the natural disasters taking place. I'm so grateful for Marilyn and our sweet friendship!

  7. That bread looks incredible- you are so talented- I will pray for you this week friend- you got this! XO

    1. Thank you! On all of those accounts, my friend. I've got this! XOXO

  8. Soup with a fan on the side. Sounds like a perfect fall in the south combination. I think the counselor is a great idea, and I hope you can let it all out with her. You are so strong!

    1. I knew my Texas friends would appreciate that! Thank you for that! Lots of love.

  9. This weather is not making it very easy to get out, feel motivated, or feel happy. I am glad you got to church with your boys and had a great dinner with your friend. Talking to someone can be a huge help, but a hard step to take. Way to go Jenn! I am proud of you! Sending positive thoughts your way this week!

    1. I am so glad for that as well, Sarah! Thank you so much for that! I greatly appreciate your sweet words of encouragement. ❤️

  10. That soup looks delicious. I love your adorable pumpkin and hearing about your sweet friends.


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