Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Wednesday hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today with her Wednesday hodgepodge link party. 

1. It's officially fall, y' the Northern Hemisphere, anyway. What are three of your favorite things about this particular season? 

  • the weather
  • the decor that I pull out each year that seriously rivals Christmas
  • the shorter, cozier days 

2. Your favorite fall fabric—denim, flannel, tweed, corduroy, tartan, polar fleece, leather? Do you own something made with your favorite fabric? I think that out of all of these choices, my favorite fabrics to wear on cooler mornings and nights are flannel and polar fleece. 

Here are some examples that I found of those fabrics. 

3. According to Everyday Health, here are ten healthy fall foods: apples, pears, cranberries, winter squash, pumpkin, leeks, Brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes, parsnips and broccoli. How many of these do you eat on a regular basis? Which is your favorite? Which one gets a big no thanks from you? I don't really eat any of these on a regular basis, per se, but I do love sweet potatoes the most and will eat any of the others mentioned. I don't dislike any of these super foods, but pears are not my favorite. They're always too mushy for my taste and remind me of an apple that is past it's best date. 

4. Tell us about the last time (or a recent time) you experienced a wave of nostalgia? Everyday of my life would be an acceptable answer! I have to stay off the memories app on Facebook and Timehop, because my life is so drastically different than this time last year. It makes me cry all the time! Don't get me wrong; part of me loves this new independent life that I'm living, but the other part of me desperately misses the old life I had as one half of a couple. I miss the person he was, but I do not like the person he is now; he's someone who is unrecognizable to me. I started to post a picture here, but he honestly doesn't deserve the space he once took up on my blog. I'll share one of just me instead.

5. September 22nd was National Daughter's day. Like mother, like daughter...does this idiom ring true for you? You may answer in terms of your own role as a daughter, or if you have daughters, then your role as a mother of daughters. This idiom definitely rings true for me! People tell me all the time how I am just like my mom; I am and I consider that a great compliment. I also get told often how much we favor. I'll let you be the judge. 

6. Insert your own thought. 

My Jonah doesn't get a lot of picture space here on the old blog, but I cannot imagine my life without him. He is the only person I live with now, and months ago he told me because of all that I had gone through this summer, that leaving me anytime soon was nowhere on his radar. He is my son, of course, but he is my friend, my roommate, my helper, and someone who makes me laugh. I greatly admire and respect him and the fact that he talks to me about everything and anything. He speaks his mind very freely, and he has had the worst summer of his entire life: his twin brother moved to Texas, his best friend moved to Chattanooga, his pappaw died, his dad moved out of our home, and he broke up with his girlfriend. It's been wave after wave of sadness, devastation, and heartbreak, but those dimples you see in his cheeks are still there each and everyday. His friends have been his lifeline, and he has been one of mine. All of my sons have, honestly, but Jonah is often the unsung hero in my eyes. He never lets me take his picture, but he's one of the most kind human beings I've ever had the privilege of knowing. Just look at him and his brothers holding my Dad's hands before he died. 

And now I need to go cry a little over my dad. I miss him. 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all.

Jenn 🖤 


  1. Aww, what you wrote about Jonah makes me want to cry and I don't even know him. He sounds very strong and is only getting stronger but, of course, no one wants to go through hard times. I am glad he's there for you, literally and figurately. I am sure that you are a huge blessing to him just as he is to you. Love the picture of you and your mom!

    1. He is so strong! I'm so proud of him, of all of them, but he's the one I talk to the most since we live together, obviously. Thank you for that!

  2. I wish I would have bought an Old Navy striped fleece. I admire yours everything you wear it

    1. Thank you! I still love it as much as the day I first bought it!

  3. It sounds like Jonah has a lot of your Dad's qualities and yours. This is a unique time for you to bond as roomies and I think you will look back on it with nostalgia. I know it's hard that only one lives with you now, but it might make the opportunities coming up in your next chapter easier in some ways because you aren't making decisions for 5 people. Does that make sense? I hate that he has to go through such a hard season. I hope he also has amazing things heading his way.

    1. I think he does! You are right, and it may be the hardest on me when he moves out someday since we'll be closer than we've ever been before. One thing that's nice about us is that we're just alike in that we are clean freaks! Our house will always be clean, no matter the time or day. 🤣 I think that's true about it being easier with just the two of us. Thank you for that! I believe that he does. ❤️

  4. Oh Jennifer, how blessed to have your boys and so special that you are getting this extra time with Jonah- just loved reading this XO

    1. Thank you, friend! I consider it a special time as well. He's such a sweetheart!

  5. Jonah sounds like a fine young man. Be proud Mama. He is who he is because you are you you are.

  6. Yay for fall decor and clothes! Jonah is so cute and in my most sincere meaning, I truly say bless his heart with all he has been through this summer. So glad you have him with you.

    1. Right?! I'm so ready to start wearing some of the things pictured. I know you mean that! Thank you. I am so grateful for him!

  7. I love this time of year when the days get shorter, it's so nice to get cosy at home especially with fleecy blankets.
    Aww! Jonah sounds like a rock to you. What a sweetheart he is. Sending love and hugs to you both, it has been a rotten summer for you and him.

    1. Yes! I feel the exact same way. He is! Thank you for that, my friend. It has been terrible, but I am thankful for the hope I have in Jesus and for the better days that are sure to come.

  8. As a huge dog lover, I am always here for the Chloe pictures! I am praying and feel sure better days lie ahead for Jonah and you!

  9. Aw, Jonah is such a sweetie! I'm so sorry he's had such a hard year. You all have and I feel so bad about that but I am so glad you have each other to lean on. I like fleece too but I realized the other day while pulling out all my fall/winter gear that I don't really have any pieces anymore; I think most of mine got so pilly I got rid of them and I forgot to replace them.

    1. Thank you, he really is! It's been a rotten year, so I am ready to say goodbye to it soon. I'm ready to start over! Girl, you have to remedy that no fleece situation soon!

  10. You do look very much like your mom. I love you in all your outfits. I'm so sorry your life changed so drastically without warning. I'm so glad you know Jesus!

    1. Thank you! For all of that. It was with no warning whatsoever! I am so grateful for the hope I have in Jesus! I wouldn't be able to stand if not for Him.

  11. Well I'm sending you a big hug because life does sound particularly hard just now. You are coping though, better than coping as you're living life, doing what needs to be done, and you have a smile on your face when I'm sure you're not always feeling it. Your son sounds like a wonderful soul and I'm glad he's nearby for support. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. I hope there are some fun things on your calendar this fall. Your faith seems strong and God will continue to carry you when you need carrying xo

    1. Thank you! I am coping and some days are better than others. Today was one such day; it was better than yesterday! I am hopeful for more of those to come. I do have some fun things lining up, thanks to another fall trip and some fun October plans in our city!

  12. Aw, I'm sorry the nostalgia is not a good thing for you these days, but I understand how it wouldn't be. How wonderful that Jonah is there with you and such a joy and support. He sounds like an absolute gem of a young man - your description put me in mind of my middle son, Spencer, which gave me a little wave of nostalgia. :-) Have a great week!

    1. Thank you for that, Kym! I love how that reminded you of your Spencer.


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