Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! It's been a minute since I've shared a gratitude list type of blog post, so I thought I'd talk about some things I'm thankful for this week. I hope you're encouraged to start your own list somewhere; being grateful in all circumstances really shifts your perspective on life and it's hard to complain when you try to see the good amidst all the junk around us. 

This week I am thankful for:

  • hugs to sustain me through the week

I've had even more change in my life that took place this week: Graham officially moved out, and we've started the process of sharing the five dogs. He took his baby Oakley and our old man Crash to live with him. They're a good pair of dogs and are used to sleeping together each night, which is why he went with that combo. It's good for dogs to have friends, you know? Needless to say, if not for all the hugs I've had lately from my sons, I would be a blithering mess. 

  • cooler days
  • friends calling and stopping by work to check on me
  • sleepovers with my besties
  • being able to have overnight guests in my home again
  • my mom and amazing dad (I'm not even calling him "stepdad" anymore; he's now my only dad)
  • an unexpected lunch with them and Jonah yesterday
  • fajita bowls from a new favorite Mexican place
  • leftovers for my dinner this weekend
  • kind encouragement from blog readers like you
  • boldness to speak up about my current life
  • the gift of prayer and the power of it
  • my church family
  • my siblings who are the best ever
  • plans for the weekend
  • people who take the time to text and call me
  • my job that I love so much

What are some things you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. I am thankful for the rain we are getting. It has been so dry in PA. The fall weather we are experiencing. Please pray for my daughter, Jaya, she has ADHD and we are also thinking dyslexia. We are starting meds and it has been a rollercoaster ride.

    1. I know what that feels like; we just came out of an extreme drought and finally got rain last week. I will pray for Jaya! I'm so sorry she's having such a hard time with her meds, I know that has to be hard watching her through that. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment today!

  2. Great list, Jennifer! Your intentional gratitude is something that I admire, especially in a hard season. It´s kind of like faith- it is much easier to have when all is well and good in your life. When times become tough, it´s sometimes harder because even though we know that we WILL have trouble in this life, no one likes it and our first instinct is to complain about why it happened. I am grateful that I am not working today. Two days in a row this week was rough! Have a great Thursday!

    1. Thank you! It isn't always easy to look for things to be thankful for, but it's so much better than grumbling! I do that too, though, I have to confess, but I try not to do it for too long or in front of too many people. My family and best friends get the real deal more than I share here, but even so, I do try to live like this. I'm so much happier when I am grateful! I am glad to hear you have a day off; I totally get that! I'm looking forward to my Friday.

  3. So many things to look forward to my friend XO

  4. Lots of changes but you sound like you are doing ok with them. I hope the dogs splitting works out but I know you are always there to babysit! EO would benefit from another dog but his humans can't handle it right now.
    WIshing you a great rest of the week and weekend, my friend.

    1. It is, and so far I am! So far they've been fine, but I've stopped by to see them twice since he's moved out. I do miss them, but it's so much nicer having only three dogs instead of five! I totally get that; maybe someday? I hope the same for you!

  5. Please let me know about these fajita bowls! Should we go eat there this weekend?

  6. Sounds like you've had a good week! This week I'm thankful for fall temps, the Royals on the cusp of a playoff berth, and dinner last night with a friend I hadn't seen in a long time. Not necessarly in that order LOL

    1. It has been! Those are all great things to be thankful for!

  7. Your boys look like they give the best hugs. It sounds like you've needed them.
    What a great list.

  8. Lots of wonderful things to be thankful for! Our pup is in the kennel while we're traveling and they send us videos. Looks like he's made a few friends there : )

    1. Thank you! That's so good that they send you videos of your dog. I know that helps knowing he's being well taken care of!

  9. Sending you big hugs. I am sure it was hard to let go of 2 of your pups, even if you will still see them some. Sounds like you are moving forward with a plan. I am proud of you.

    1. Thank you! You are so right! I greatly appreciate your encouragement, friend.


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