Thursday, September 5, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Because it's Thursday, I can't let one pass without writing a list of what I'm thankful for this week. I'll be honest: I've been on the struggle bus lately, and it's hard to find things to be thankful for. That being said, I know that if I don't purposefully look for those things anyway, that I would be far worse than I am on the average day. So, I'll continue to look for the bright spots among dark days, trusting God that even when life hurts, His plan is perfect and will accomplish what He wills. 

This week I am thankful for:

  • the fact that the Lord hears my prayers and can take it when I pray in my anger 
  • my family and the fact that they never let my bad mood scare them away
  • my sons and their health, especially after some scary days for my Drew after his hospital stay last week
  • friends who still want to talk to me even when I call them to complain/vent yet again
  • puppy cuddles
  • my Pastor who prays for me immediately when I ask him to
  • the frilly things in life that bring joy, like my decorated home for fall
  • the amazing scent of the candle sitting next to me
  • progress in weight loss, even if it seems to only come off in ounces
  • the Twizzlers I added to my grocery list this week 🤣
  • less time on social media
  • the blogs that I love to read and those of you who read mine
  • old friends that I'm seeing again thanks to the fall schedule at church
  • a clean car thanks to the huge drink I spilled inside it on Sunday
  • cooler weather and overcast days

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. We had four dead trees at the entrance of our driveway. They were in a tricky spot. My husband and I have been debating for months on how to get them down. Yesterday, I received a phone call from our Electric Co-op they had some free time and was going to cut the trees down. We burn the wood, they saved it for us and blessed us as well.

    1. That's incredible! What an act of kindness they extended to you by doing that!

  2. You have a village to support you because you are a wonderful friend too! Remember you are always bringing joy to everyone XO

  3. Awww, I'm sorry you are on that bus. I am hoping for a better week for you next week. You still found lots to be thankful for, though.

  4. Great thankful list! Even when life is hard, God is still good.

  5. You have amazing friends and family and faith in the Creator of the universe- not that those things make everything hunky dory all of the time but they sure do make life much nicer! Great list of things to be thankful for :).

  6. Your positive outlook and your faith are going to get you through all your hard times. As for me, as silly as it is, I'm thankful for the start of the NFL Season. Go Chiefs. I've been a fan LONG before Patrick, long before Travis and long before Taylor.

    1. Thanks for that! I think it's great that you have something you love that brings you joy. My boys are like that with the return of college football!

  7. What a great list! I'm thankful for you!

  8. I get you! I haven't had the best few months but each day I find at least one positive thing to be grateful for.
    I hope Drew is feeling better now.

    1. Yes! It's such a great practice to live by. Thank you!


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