Thursday, September 5, 2024

Share Your Shelf


Happy Thursday, friends! Today is all about the books I read in August...and sadly, there aren't many to discuss. I'm not able to read much right now, so I've been listening more than anything, which is better than not reading at all, right? Below are the books that I read and/or listened to this month; click on each picture to be redirected to a separate Amazon link, if you want to check any of them out for yourself. 

First up this month was Jenny James Is Not a Disaster, by Debbie Johnson.

My friend Amy recommended this book to me, and I liked it! This book is about a woman who knows a thing or two about a bad day, but then The Terrible Day happens. Her job is in jeopardy, her car broke down, and she arrived home just in time to watch her cozy little cottage slide off the cliff into the sea. She and her son find themselves with no place to live, but her recluse-like neighbor Luke opens up his homey camper to them. As she finds herself on the road with these two men and Luke's dog, Jenny starts to imagine what her life could become. Maybe when you fall, you actually find the best way to move forward. 

Next up was this incredibly helpful book by Lysa Terkeurst, Forgiving What You Can't Forget. 

In this book Lysa uses her personal life testimony to share how she learned to move past the pain that she felt stuck in when her marriage went through the greatest trial she'd ever experienced. She shares scripture and practical advice on how you can learn to forgive when an apology is never spoken from the one who caused the pain. This book is slightly devastating in that when she wrote it, she and her husband of twenty plus years had just recommitted their lives to each other in a vow renewal ceremony, but their years together ended in divorce after this was written. That being said, there's some helpful advice within these pages. 

Next up was a book that I read again for book club, After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

When Lauren and Ryan's marriage reaches a breaking point, they decide on an unconventional approach: they take a year off from one another with no contact. Lauren goes through a year of self-discovery and comes to some surprising conclusions about what she believes in love. This book is about what to do when love fades; it's about staying in love, seizing love, and committing to it with everything you've got. 

Spoiler alert (not really, though): I didn't love this as much as I did the first time through. Chalk it up to life circumstances. 

And those are the books that I read this month, friends. It was a sad reading month for me! I've been on a downhill slope since June, and I don't see it changing, because I'm having issues with focusing for long periods of time. I'm better with audible things and rewatching my favorite shows. What did you read in August that you loved? I can't wait to hear about your books! Thanks for linking up with us today and reading my blog! Love to all. 

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  1. It sounds like you didn't like Jenny James as much as I did, but I hope you know why I wanted you to read it. It left me feeling hopeful that there can be a new chapter!

    1. I keep finding that I'm not loving any books that I read right now! It's one more thing I'm chalking up to life circumstances.

  2. When we're walking through a very trying season or circumstance it is hard to focus and that's okay. Hope you have a nice day and enjoy your clean car : ) My daughter spilled an entire coke on the third seat of my hubs vehicle and it's never been the same lol.

    1. Thank you for that! Oh my word! That made me laugh. It does feel great knowing my car is super clean!

  3. I know your brain must feel so distracted right now, so don't worry too much about not turning the pages! Ever since 2020, my attention span has decreased and audiobooks are my prefered format now!

    1. It does! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't listen to things right now. I may never be the same!

  4. I think Jenny Jones sound like such a cute story but I completely get how books wouldn't hold your attention or even feel very believable right now.

    1. Yes! It's exactly like that! It's why I keep rewatching things right now. I just can't hold any new information right now.

  5. Our books were exactly the same this month!!! :)

  6. Lysa TerKeurst's most recent books are very thought-provoking. What a hard thing to go through!

    1. Yes! It's the path I find myself on right now, and it's one I would never have chosen!

  7. Be gentle with yourself, mama. Grief takes away our linear thinking, making it hard to concentrate on things like reading. Keep those airpods in and take all the time you need! I say this as someone who has survived two suicides, a divorce, and the death of my dad, - and every time I felt like I should be doing something different - doing more, reading more, accomplishing more, going out more , spending less time in bed- but you can't go around, you can only go through. Everything in it's time. Be kind to yourself like you'd be kind to a friend in your situation. Easier said than done, I know. Wishing you peace

    1. Oh, friend. I am so sorry for the hard things you have walked through! I appreciate your kind words so much. I will take your advice and try my best to remember these words. Thank you! xoxo

  8. I find Jenkins Reid always a little disappointing. I think the hype gets me sucked in but she's really not my thing. Noticing a theme, hope everything is ok for you. Take care of yourself.

    1. I have loved some of her books, but others I haven't. I guess she's a hit or miss with me? I think this one hit a little too close to home for me. Thank you! Your theme would be correct. I am working on that now!


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