Saturday, September 28, 2024

Share 4 Somethings (September 2024)


Happy Saturday, friends! Today we're talking about the things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed this month. I'll jump in! 


I loved spending time with my siblings Trish and Paul while we worked on cleaning out Dad's house...

...and I loved that Drew and Jonah were there to help us, but I also disliked this monumental task. It's hard to empty a house and say goodbye to it since you've it's the only "home" you've ever known.

I loved getting this pretty new journal for the fall and starting the process of filling the pages! Do you like to journal? It's something I've done since I was a young girl, but lately it's become something even more important to me as I've been writing about my life since June. It goes everywhere with me! 

I loved that my sister Lisa flew in from Denver just for a me a couple weeks ago and that we had two nights of sleepovers. 

I loved this day! I experienced what felt like another day of poetic justice on this day, and I'll never forget wearing this dress on the day it happened. I feel good in this dress and always get compliments on it when I wear it, which is why I picked it for this particular day. I do think it's important to dress the way that you want to come across; I wanted to feel bold and confident this day, and I did! 

I loved getting this book in the mail on the day it released; it's really good, but I'm having a heck of a time reading and concentrating. 

I loved getting to see Graham's house and helping him hang things this week! His home is adorable and he and the pups are settling in really nicely. 

I loved seeing my Noah last weekend and spending the weekend with him last week in Dallas. 


I accomplished my first solo home project last week and got rid of a hutch to bring in this different one from my dad's house. I still love it every time I walk into the dining room, and it feels great knowing that I decluttered the things that had been stored inside the old one. I tossed all of the things that had chips/cracks in them, so I got rid of several coffee mugs/cups, and plates that I had. 

Improved upon/Needs improvement

In some ways this month, I've improved upon my outlook and attitude. I'm trying more to see the good in everything, and when I'm feeling sorry for myself, I ask God to help me with my thoughts and to help me pull myself together. In other ways, though, my attitude still needs lots of improvement. I know it's normal to have all the emotions I'm having because of my life situation, but I hate feeling sad or angry. Given the choice between the two, I'll choose angry any day over feeling sad and weepy. He doesn't deserve the tears I've cried! And honestly, it's not tears over him, but over the dreams of what I thought my life would look like at this stage of life. 


I've noticed that the there is a slight hint of change in the color of the leaves in my neighborhood. And also, more leaves are on the ground now than last week! I love this time of year, and I'm thankful that no matter what I'm going through, some things will never change. 

I'm excited to read your posts today! Thanks for reading my blog and for linking up with me today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤

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Share 4 Somethings (September 2024)

  Happy Saturday, friends! Today we're talking about the things we  loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, an...