Monday, September 2, 2024

Prime Purchases


Happy Monday and happy Labor day, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya for this post today. Happy prime shopping! Click on each picture to be redirected to a separate Amazon lik. 

I bought myself some new white sheets for my bed recently. 

I love these sheets! They're oversized and don't come off my King sized bed, and they're super soft. They pair nicely with the new coverlet I bought myself recently as well. 

I love the coverlet equally as much, and yes, it is that color. 

I recently bought these slides for myself to wear around the house and around town when I run errands.

They are so comfy that I bought a second pair. 

I bought this hand truck that Joanne mentioned recently, and I've used it multiple times already for work!

I also bought Graham some house warming gifts for his new home to help him out; I got him plates, knives, and a holder, and two lamps. I bought more of the body butter that I love, mousse, mascara, brow gel, and blush to replace what I ran out of. What have you Primed that you love lately? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


  1. How fun to help Graham get set up in his new house! I am so glad you got new sheets and bedding for your bed. That is so refreshing. Hope it is a good day for you friend!

    1. It has been so much fun getting to do that! And I love my new bedding; that was the best thing I have bought recently. My sister Debi was the one who recommended that I do that! I hope you enjoy your day!

  2. I need some new sheets, I need to check these out. I hope your Labor Day is relaxing and soul nourishing!

    1. These are some of the best that I've had in a long time! Thank you for that, I hope the same for you!

  3. I bought those sheets in grey for the spare room before my daughter came home this summer. Absolutely love them. I also love your pink coverlet!

  4. I'm so glad to read that you are leaning on the Lord and on your friends and family, it sounds like you have had such a rough summer. Is the coverlet heavy or light? Would you please post the link? I'm a HOT sleeper and having trouble finding something that isn't heavy! BTW I am now addicted to the Hawaiian Tropic after sun cream! Anita in Charleston

    1. Thank you for your kind words! It's been a rough summer, one that I am ready to say goodbye to! I love this coverlet, it's thin and keeps me cool enough at night that I'm not melting into the sheets. For added warmth in the cooler months, it would be easy to add a blanket either at the end of the bed, or on top of the flat sheet. I love that Hawaiian Tropic so much!

  5. oops just realized I can click on the pic for the link. Anita

  6. I love the new bedding and I am so glad to hear that the hand truck has been helpful to you. I bet Graham was grateful for his housewarming gifts.

    1. Thank you for that, and for recommending that! He hasn't seen several of them yet, and I'm excited to show him.

  7. Thanks for much for stopping by and your kind words about my Daddy. And, I am so sorry about yours. I can't help but wonder if this is not the beginning of the end for my Daddy. Really hard to see him go through this.

    Love the sheets and I'm in the market for some new ones so may have to go check those out. Abundant blessings!

    1. I know how that feels! I truly am sorry that you're walking that with him. I just tried to focus on each day and treat each one as if it were the very last. I know you'll do the same! It's so hard to watch our parents age. I keep thinking of the phrase grace upon grace. Thanks for stopping by today!

  8. We just got a similar hand truck and love it! Hope you have a wonderful week - thanks for linking up!

    1. It's amazing, isn't it?! I have used mine several times already! Thanks for hosting us for this fun post each month!

  9. What great buys! That coverlet looks so pretty and cosy too. Those sliders look so comfortable, I have some similar one's which I've worn all summer.


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