Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Hello September


Happy Tuesday, friends! And happy September to us all; this is one of my favorite months of the year with August being my least favorite. It's because of where I live and how hot it is when that month rolls around, although we're also known for our hot Septembers. Even so, bring on all the fall decorations! That's what I did this weekend, I pulled out all of my fall decor to celebrate the start of my favorite season. I love to have it decorated on September 1, since that's the month that ushers in fall. 

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend! Here were a few noteworthy things that I did.

I got my weekend kicked off with my friend at her salon. I love fresh highlights! You should see how big my hair is when it's brushed out. 🤣

And since it was a self-care day, apparently, I got my nails done as well. I was ready for a fun color to usher in September! I consider this color part of the fall colors palette. 

I met a friend for dinner, and we got stuck inside by the deluge of rain! We desperately needed this storm, so I was glad to have to wait while it watered our very dry land. 

At the end of a Saturday at home spent decorating and cleaning, I got dressed to meet Marilyn for dinner. I pulled out something more "fall" from my closet on this night. 

We met up at a place called the Salad Station, which is one of my new favorite places. We practically had the place to ourselves! It felt incredible outside that night, and we ended our night out at one of the patio tables before parting ways. I'm so grateful for this friend! She is always up for an impromptu girls night, and I'm at a place in my life where I need that right now. 

What did you do this weekend that you loved? I'm linking up with Sarah, Holly, and Joanne today for this blog post. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 

Ps. I'll see you back here tomorrow for the Currently link: the prompts are things we're currently loving, looking forward to, smelling, watching, and admiring. 


  1. Your hair looks so good! Glad that you got to meet up with Marilyn- how fun! We got rain Friday night in Indianapolis which was not great for us because we were outside. But normally, I love a good rain especially when we need it. I hope you have a great Tuesday!

    1. Thank you! It was fun getting to see her this weekend, since it wasn't anything we'd planned before time. I wouldn't love getting stuck in rain either, especially having to walk in it for a mile back to the hotel!

  2. What a fun weekend! Your hair looks fab and I always love seeing your fun time spent with Marilyn :)

  3. Love the new hair and nails and yes to self care! I love your black top jeans outfit and The Salad Stations sounds great - we have something where you pick all your components and they mix and chop it really well.

    1. Thank you! And yes, girl. It felt great to do that! I'm so ready for cooler weather and different clothes. I love my fall wardrobe! I've been to another place similar to that, and I also love that. This place seems to have exceptional options for salad toppings, much more so than any other I've been to. I could eat there twice a week! Their dressing is my favorite, it's an avocado vinaigrette that is guilt free. It's so good, I could drink it!

  4. Nothing makes me feel better than fresh highlights and someone else doing my hair. Yours looks great! My hubs just said he's not ready for summer to end, but I say bring on fall. We will still have lake time and some hot days so it will feel like summer for a while longer here.

    1. I love it when someone else washes my hair!! I literally got the best message while she did it for me. It was amazing! I am in West Tennessee, so I know that we still have a good bit before it cools down completely, but I am ready!

  5. I'm glad you were able to partake in some self-care this weekend! I love that nail color. This weekend was the perfect combo of family time (a local festival with my husband, son and my brother's family on Friday night plus a baseball game with my son yesterday) and friend time (game night with my husband and our friends Saturday night). Thankful for a short week this week!

    1. Thank you! I am glad I was able to do that as well. It was so nice! Your weekend sounds amazing!

  6. I’m glad you got some self care in. I love your hair and nails.

  7. Hello, my friend. Yes, as everyone as commented, self care is a must. I actually enjoy someone just washing my hair! LOL Happy September! I love the promise it brings.

    1. It was nice to be able to do that! I love that as well, weird as it may sound. I love what you said about September! I agree wholeheartedly.

  8. I love this time of year too, as much as I like the summer I do like it when it cools down.
    Your nail colour is so pretty!
    It sounds like you had a lovely evening with your friend.

  9. I totally understand about the heat —it lingers in central Texas well into September. So glad you got some rain and had important self care time. We our two kids/spouses and three of our six grandkids for pool time and BBQ ribs.

    1. Thank you for that! You have the heat for far longer than we do, so I shouldn't complain. Ha! That sounds like a great weekend!

  10. Oh I LOVE your nails! I went with blue this week too but mine are more of a denim color. Yay for getting some much needed rain; at least you had a nice dry space to wait it out.

    1. Yours sound as well! You'll have to share it one day. Great minds think alike!

  11. Let's keep Salad Station in our rotation! Your hair and nails looked great, beautiful as always!

    1. Definitely! I've eaten there again recently with my mom!

  12. Thank you! Lighter and brighter are a couple of my favorite terms when it comes to hair!


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