Monday, August 26, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. How was your weekend? Mine was really good! Here are a few things I did:

First, please note that Chloe is hovering over this new scale in my bathroom; she can see her reflection in it, and she is terrified! She was actually barking and growling at this, eventually. She cracks me up!

I got dressed for lunch out with my friend Kristen and wore my cute graphic tee that I'd forgotten about! It says, "Good days Book Club". We met at Newk's, then after lunch, I went to Sam's for the bookstore and stopped at my dad's grave on the way there. 

His headstone came in a few weeks ago, and I think it turned out really great. The good thing about the VA cemetery is that they're quick about the headstones. Most funeral homes take forever over this kind of thing nowadays, from what I've heard from people.

My bread turned out a little lopsided this time around, but it still tastes great! I sold a loaf this week to my friend who asked me to make her a loaf last week. 

I stopped by Crumbl cookies to take with me Friday night to Marilyn's house. We had pizza, wine, and cookies. We mostly just sat and talked the whole time I was there, but we cut the night short because of the fact that she had to work early the next morning. 

Have you had these cookies from Crumbl yet? 

This was good with the pizza we had! 

Chloe and Crash were cuddle buddies early Saturday morning. 

My quiet time has been so good lately! The Lord keeps showing me how He is working in my life in spite of all the uncertainly and turmoil. I loved this reminder of how when we don't sense Him near, we have His word to turn to during those times. 

I met up with my mom and sister on Saturday, but we didn't do anything noteworthy. I did finally get around to washing my car, which is desperately needed. I even vacuumed it afterward. 

I went to Mom's for dinner that night, and then I was up early the next morning for church. I was home for a while during the day, then I went back to work a women's event again at four that afternoon. I was back home and showered by seven thirty, which was a nice way to end a long day. Today is going to be a day, I'm afraid. Do you mind praying for me? I'm hoping to make progress going forward in my future, and it hinges on something I have to do today. Thank you! 

How was your weekend? What did you do that you loved? I'd love to hear about it! Just a reminder that this coming Saturday is the last one of the month, if you can believe that, so that means it'll be time for Share 4 Somethings. I hope you join in with us! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  1. Yes! I will pray for you today and go back to my post and ACT LIKE AN HOMBRE! This is making me giggle. Wear something masculine. Borrow some cologne from one of your kids. Only you will know what's going on. You've got this. I see the strength in you. You are not alone.
    I had some nice reading time on the patio both Saturday and Sunday and was so relaxed and tired I fell asleep.

    1. Thank you! I do need to back and read that post; I remember agreeing with everything you shared. You're making me laugh! I am going to "practice" what I'm going to say today. I'm glad you had a weekend that you could do fun things while you rested and recovered from being under the weather!

  2. Friday was fun and I am praying today!

  3. Praying for you today. Whatever it is, if the Lord has led you there, you will be able to walk through it. God's got your future already on the map and with him, there's nothing you can't do :) Lots of love and hugs to you today!

    1. Thank you! The Lord is with me, and He already knows my future. That's exciting to think about! I'm ready to take steps toward that direction. Love and hugs to you as well, my friend!

  4. What a calm and cozy weekend- sounds just perfect!

  5. Prayers lifted and prayers will continue throughout this day. I can't tell you anything you don't already know, so I'll just remind you to remember WHOSE you are - you've got this!

  6. I will pray for you today. Whatever it is you're not alone and I'll ask God to give you the strength and courage to do what needs doing. My dad is buried in Arlington and another thing I appreciate about Veteran's Cemeteries the world over is they are well cared for. You don't have to worry about stopping by and finding it unkempt. You can do today!

    1. Thank you, Joyce! That actually dawned on me as well; what a gift that is to family members who visit. It's such an honor!

  7. You will be in my prayers today. Glad that you had a restful, fun, and faith filled weekend to help get you through today.

  8. I'll keep you in my prayers today. Looks like you had a great weekend. It was a hot one, but I did manage to go to a local festival with my brother and his family. Any time I get to spend with my niece and nephews is good!

    1. Thank you! It was fun; and yours sounds hot! But still, family time is the best time.

  9. Praying God will give you wisdom and strength and most of all peace in this day!

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I appreciate that more than you could ever know.

  10. Looks like the loaf has a heart on it! Very sweet! 💗

    1. It does! I love making that design in each of the loaves I make. It's my signature, so to speak.

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I appreciate that so very much.

  12. That's so kind of you to say, Diane! Thank you so much for your prayers and for your encouragement.

  13. Aww! Poor Chloe, that did make me chuckle though.
    Your dad's headstone is beautiful and it is great that it was done quickly, it seems to be something which takes forever here too.
    Those cookies look so good! Yum, yum.
    I hope Monday went well for you with the thing that you had to do.

    1. Isn't that hilarious? I love that his headstone was made so quickly. I hope you're having a great week!


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