Monday, August 5, 2024

weekending (8/5/2024)


Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

I got my weekend started off with meeting my friend Dedee for lunch on Friday. We have this place here that's new, called the Salad Station, and that's where we met on Friday. We got there at 11:30 and left at two! We never run out of things to talk about, needless to say. This sign was in the restroom, and I loved it so much that I had her take a picture when she saw it and send it to me. (I'd left my phone at the table when I went.) 🤣 

That night my best friend came over, and we ran to do a couple of things together before coming back to my house to eat dinner.

This was me after Missy left; I had to unwind before I went to bed, so I watched an episode of Sweet Magnolias, which is my new favorite show. 

Saturday was bread making day! After this I went to lunch with my friend Jenna, then I went to Sam's, to get gas in my car, then back home. I was here for a little while, then I left again to have dinner at my mom's and Bill's. 

I sent this picture to my friend on Saturday. Her daughter is going to college next weekend, and she was asking for specific things to pray over grown kids. I have this in a frame by my kitchen sink, because I like to read it out loud as a prayer over my sons when I see it sitting there. 

I got this bell from Dad's house! He bought this during a trip to Switzerland; I have a small one, but I love this large size. 

I loved being at Mom's and Bill's Saturday night! I used Mom's extra amazing light-up/close up mirror to pamper myself that night. 

Driving home while watching the sunset makes me so happy!

My friend Kelly and I showed up to church matching yesterday! She's the one who used to run the bookstore that I now run. We go way back, and I'm thankful for her friendship!

I went to Dad's house on Sunday afternoon. I helped my sister do some things and I picked out more things to bring home. While we did that inside, Graham and Jonah cut the grass out there. 

Bless them! It was hotter than Hades yesterday. 

This was Dad's work area in his garage. I used to love being in this place; I was fascinated by all the tools he had. 

I hung this copper piece above the piano, and put his old brass lamp there as well. I love how it looks now! After I got home, I showered and then got comfy for the night. I watched a show, I worked on this blog post, and I talked on the phone to a friend for two hours. It was a great weekend! How was yours? Did you do anything that you loved? I'll see you back here tomorrow, hopefully, and again on Wednesday for the August edition of Currently. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. As soon as you posted that prayer I went and found the song to put on. My niece and I got to see Elevation Worship in Cincinnati last weekend and they did the most amazing job with this blessing.
    It sounds like you had a busy and productive weekend. I pray to continue to see His words of promise in your Bible but on walls, in music, time with friends, and other unexpected places. HE IS FOR YOU (as the song is repeating to me right now) ❤️

    1. It's such a great song! I'm glad you listened to it today. I love the version by Travis Cottrell that he sings with his daughter Lilly Kate. It's beautiful! Thank you for your prayers; I can feel the prayers of my friends. Without them, and without the strength of the Lord, I would be unable to even stand. He is always good and you are so right, He is for me!

  2. You really filled up your weekend with people you love and who love you! I love the cow bell and the copper piece. I think it's so special that you get to pick meaningful pieces and that Sandy (I assume) is encouraging this. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I know, right? It was wonderful! Thanks for that; I love that I am able to do this as well, Sandy has moved out and what is leftover are the things she left for us. I'm so grateful for this! I'm praying for your week, my friend, and for my friends here who are back this week as well.

  3. I can't wait for the new season of Sweet Magnolias!

    1. I am excited to keep watching it as well! I'm glad they're doing another season.

  4. Is Sandy not staying at your Dad’s place?

    1. She didn't want to stay there without him, and I don't blame her one bit! She moved out a couple of weeks ago.

  5. What a lovely little weekend! Love how you and your friend match- such pretty dresses! Can't wait for Sweet Magnolias to come back!

    1. It really was a lovely little weekend! Isn't it funny when we show up matching our friends? This happens to me all the time! I'm excited they're doing another season!

  6. Loved reading about your weekend! I'm glad you went to salad station. Its my new favorite place!

    1. Thanks, friend! It's so good and I feel the same about it. I'm going there again tonight for Book Club!

  7. You're so sweet to encourage me! Thank you for that; I feel so very fortunate to have so many people who love me and my sons.

  8. I did not know that Sweet Magolias was still making new ones. I think I watched maybe 2 seasons. I'm not sure. Cute black dresses. Have a great day!

    1. I didn't realize that until recently! It's such a great show. Thanks, my friend!

  9. Sounds like a very nice weekend. That piece looks really nice over your piano. Are you guys emptying out your dad's house? I'm glad so many sweet things are finding a new home in your house. I so wish I had more from my parents....but that did not happen. Sigh. Sure wish I had a nice salad place as well. Yum:)

    1. Thank you! I love it there. We are emptying his house; my stepmom wanted to move out pretty quickly, so she took most of what was there, thankfully. There's a few things left that we're dividing up and will donate, and then we'll sell his house. I know you wish you had more from your parents! I'm thankful to get the things I've been able to take. I hope you're having a good day, my friend!

  10. I love the copper piece and it looks like it was made for that spot. I'm glad your weekend was filled with lots of friend time. I have never watched Sweet Magnolias so will have to look for that one. Have a nice week! Your bread looks yummy!

    1. Thanks, Joyce! I think so too. I love that it's like my "Dad" corner; the piano was one he gave to my mom, and the lamp and the wall hanging also came from his house. I didn't mean to do that, but it happened! You should watch the show, it's really good!

  11. That sounds like a wonderful weekend with lots of friend and family time! I swear my grandmother had a bell just like that one around her house somewhere because as soon as I saw it it sparked a memory (and she's the only one I know that traveled the world!).

    1. It was a great weekend! How cool that your grandmother had the same bell. I feel like that wasn't a common thing from back then; what a privilege it is to travel!

  12. I am glad to see you had a sweet weekend. I love the way you decorate your home and I want to try to make some sourdough... I need to get a starter :)

    1. Thanks for that, Kim! I hope you get the chance to try your hand at making it soon. It's so much fun!

  13. It sounds like a good weekend filled with people who care about you. It was so hot in Nashville this weekend. It might as well have been Houston!! I just love that prayer/blessing and will print it out to reference later. Maybe put it in care packages for the kids! Your blog posts always leave me filled with joy and shaking my head in agreement. Hope you have a good week!

    1. It was a great weekend! It was hot here too, it was the same here near Memphis. I love the lyrics and Scriptures to that song! I think it's good to have handy to use for a prayer for our families. Thank you for that sweet encouragement! It's been a great Monday. I hope your week got started off well!

  14. I like how you asked that: did you do anything you loved? I think we all need to assess that more often. Does this make me happy? If so, then yes!


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