Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly Wednesday hodgepodge. I'll jump right in!

1. What is one cliche you think is nonsense? What is one that you think holds truth? I don't like the cliche, "Don't cry over spilled milk." Sometimes, as I've learned lately in life, we just need a really good cry. I get the sentiment behind the statement, but it also depicts crying over something as a negative response. I have cried a lot lately, and I appreciate when people don't think less of me because of that. One cliche that I love is, "Laughter is the best medicine." It is! It really is. 

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen? Well, let me introduce myself: Hello! My name is Jennifer and I break things. I'm always the one who breaks things in the house! I always have been, and I'm afraid I always will be. The last thing I broke happened last week, and it was a little glass dipping bowl that I was putting away. It slipped out of my hands and broke in two big pieces. The week before that I broke a glass water bottle in my bathroom, and it exploded into a million teeny tiny little pieces all over the floor in my bathroom, my closet, and my bedroom. It was terrible! 🤣

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had any this summer? The last thing you ate that you wanted s'more of? I love s'mores, but I haven't had any this summer. The last thing I wanted s'more of was the chocolate muffins that my friend made and brought to me last week; she'd made them out of her sourdough discard! They were amazing. 

4. What's a mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday? I've never ridden on a motorcycle, and though I used to want to do that, it now brings a negative image to my mind and I only want to do that when hell freezes over. 

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands on a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu to? I'm so happy it's almost September! My favorite memory from this month, hands down, was my mom's 80th surprise party a couple of weeks ago. 

Today is Mom's actual birthday! Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you! 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 



  1. I have absolutely cried over spilt milk before.. when the boys were little and we had just gotten home from grocery shopping the whole gallon smashed in the garage as we were emptying the car and I was so upset that I was going to have to schlep us all back out to pick up more. Sometimes you just need that cry! I'm so sorry you never got your motorcycle ride... though I have been one and hated it. LOL. It was so scary (of course I was a kid and I'm pretty sure it was my dad taking me and knowing he'd been in something like a dozen motorcycle accidents didn't help my confidence any!).

    1. I have cried over literal spilled milk before too! My story is that my Jonah went outside to get a gallon out of the fridge out there, and it slid out of his hands, bursting like a water balloon. Actually, I don't know if I really cried; I do remember laughing hysterically at some point, because who knew those gallons were so fragile?? I'm okay with the not riding the motorcycle; in order to ride one, you have to trust the driver's driving skills, and that is a whole other can of worms. 🤣

  2. I love laughter is the best medicine! I am hoping the laughter outweighs the crying, but I am here for both. Happy birthday to your mom!

  3. God wouldn´t have given us tear ducts if he didn´t want us to cry :). Your mom´s party sounded like so much fun. How fun that you guys did that for her.

    1. That's so true! I've heard someone else say that and it hit home for me then as well. It was so much fun! I hope she's not disappointed on her birthday today, since we already celebrated.

  4. Happy bday to your mom! Boy, doesn't she look great! Ugh the motorcycle comment. I thought you did ride it but I'm glad you didn't. They scare me to death anyway. So triggering.
    Crying is healthy! I really hope September brings you more laughter than tears, though.
    Thinking of you!

    1. Thanks! I think she looks great too. I'm glad I never rode; in order to ride, you have to trust the driving skills of the one in charge, and that's a whole other issue. I don't want to ride one anymore! I'm hoping for more laughter than tears in September as well!

  5. Well my son-in-law is an orthopedic surgeon who has worked ER trauma and says NO to motorcycles. I rode on the back of my cousins when I was very young. It was just around the neighborhood but no way I'd want my own kids doing that. My other son-in-law had a motorcycle when they got married but sold it once they had kids. We joke my husband breaks a wine glass anytime we use them. He washes them by hand. We have friends coming for dinner to celebrate his birthday this weekend and I actually just ordered four new wine glasses because we don't have six that match anymore. Have a great day!

    1. Well there you go! I would never want any of my sons on one either. That's hilarious about your husband breaking things; I am that person in my home and I always have been. You would have thought that four little boys would have been the major breakers in the house, but I always outbroke them.

  6. This was fun to read. I have never been on a motorcycle either- not sure that will ever happen ;)

    1. Thanks, friend! Yeah, for you and me both. I'm okay with this!

  7. Happy Birthday to your mom! I actually said Laughter is the best medicine, too. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Cathy! How funny that we both said the same one!

  8. Happy Birthday to your mom. She is a great looking 80! Now that you mention it, don't cry over spilled Milk, can be so negative. When someone is crying there are so many nicer things to say. I really do like laughter and that cliche so much! Happy Labor Day weekend to you.

    1. Thank you, friend! I think she is too. You are so right about there being nicer things to say! That laughter is my favorite, and it's healing. I'm grateful for the times I've had doing just that lately.

  9. I agree with you about crying over spilt milk. A good cry can be a very healing thing. I always thought about that cliche as being more about not getting overwrought and wailing about things that don't actually matter. Sometimes we still need to let our emotions out and the little "unimportant" thing might be the catalyst for it.

    Happy Birthday to your mom! Hope you have a great week, and a great long weekend!

    1. Right? I agree about how healing a good cry can be! Thanks for that, my friend!

  10. Jen I rarely comment on blogs but what you are going through breaks my heart for you. I see the pain in your eyes but I will say I am seeing the joy more often also! So glad you have your dogs, family, friends, faith and a job you love during this time! Thanks for still showing up here and sharing your life with us (I save my blog reading for Friday after the work week is done). It is my favorite and your motorcycle comment made me say yes girl!!!!


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