Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly Wednesday hodgepodge. 

1. What was the best, or one of the best, summers of your life? Why? I love thinking about this question! I would say it was the summer I was sixteen; I loved having a newfound freedom that year, and I was boy crazy. 🤣 I have always loved Jeeps, and I remember my friends and I using that word to rate the cuteness of guys. One time we were on our way home from Liberty Land, an old amusement park that used to be here in Memphis, and as we were driving home, my friend pulled up at a stoplight next to a Jeep full of cute guys. They followed us to a fast food place, we all started talking, and I gave my number to one of them. His name was Jason and he ended up being my first boyfriend. We didn't last long, but it made the summer fun having him around! We went to the amusement park several times together over the course of the summer, and I remember thinking even in that moment, that I was having the time of my life. 

This is what that Jeep looked like; it was even red like this one. I was always a little boy crazy; maybe that's why the good Lord saw fit to make me a boy mom! 

2. When you take a trip, are you a list maker or do you just throw things into a bag and hope for the best? Are you a last minute packer or an early packer? What about when you return from a trip, do you unpack immediately or wait until the next day? If you know me at all, you know that I am a list maker by nature. That being said, I've been accused of some things lately, and I'm finding myself trying to be more spontaneous and unpredictable. I know I shouldn't try to change those characteristics about myself, but you can never unhear things, you know? 

That being said, I'll always be a list maker, a last minute packer, and I unpack my bags before I go to bed the same day I get home. 

3. What's your favorite food or beverage made with lemons? Is that a flavor you enjoy? I love lemon flavored things! My favorite is probably a lemon pie that I make with only three ingredients: lemon juice (and the rind), sour cream, and condensed milk. I pour the mixture over a store bought graham cracker crust, and then bake it for ten minutes. It is divine! I also love lemon pound cake, lemon blueberry muffins, and chicken piccata that is flavored with lemon juice and capers. 

I love to squeeze fresh lemon juice over any fish; this is an old picture from when I would make salmon all the time when all the boys lived at home. This will always be my favorite kind of dinner! 

4. When was the last time you had to make lemonade out of lemons, figuratively speaking? I am currently living life making lemonade out of lemons. Nothing is as I thought it would be right now after being married for so long and having sons that are all grown and in the process of moving out of the house. It's not what I wanted or asked for, but it's what I'm living. I'm being vague, I know, but you can figure it out on your own if you think hard enough. That being said, I am living life to the fullest that I can, and with as much joy as I can muster, and I am taking things literally one day at a time. 

5. When you were in school, did you enjoy it? Why or why not? I enjoyed certain aspects of being in school. I loved being social, I loved singing in choir, I loved art, and the fun trips/retreats I went on in high school. Some of my best memories were spent with my high school classmates! I loved history, geography, etymology, literature/grammar, but I hated math and science. School was hard for me. and no matter how many hours I studied for tests, I was never able to do well on them. 

I have never been tested for this, but after working in reading intervention last year at an elementary school and giving screening tests for dyslexia, I am ninety five percent sure that I am dyslexic. I see numbers backwards all the time, along with letters, and even left and right. My sisters and I laughed about this one day this past weekend, because I was pointing to the left and saying it was right. You see why I hated doing the finances in the bookstore when I first started my job last year! It has never come naturally to me, but now that I'm used to doing it each week, it's actually getting easier. I am careful, and I have to go slowly, but I love that my job has taught me to be better at math. 

I can't wait to read your posts on this week's hodgepodge! I loved the questions this time. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤


  1. So interesting about the dyslexia thoughts - I have been transposing letters sometimes lately and it made me wonder? That would totally make sense about hating math and science and your early troubles in the bookstore. They didn't do much testing back in our day so it's possible.
    I had to laugh at your salmon plate because our dinner looked exactly like that last night except we had broccoli. It's really easy to do just a small piece for you if you love it. Treat yourself and still cook for yourself. You deserve it and are worth it.
    You are definitely making lemonade out of lemons.

    1. Isn't that interesting? I remember giving those screening tests when I worked there last year and thinking to myself that somebody other than me needed to be giving that to students! 🤣 After those questions, I am certain that is what was wrong with me in school. It makes perfect sense! That will always be one of my favorite things to eat; I do actually planning on having salmon one night next week for family dinner night 2.0. Last night we had beer cheddar Joe's and they were a hit, as usual. I had mine over a thin piece of my sourdough bread!

      I am worth it, you are right! I do still cook for myself when I'm at home, because I still love to cook, and I have to eat, right? Thanks, sweet friend. xoxo

  2. I will always be a list maker, and EARLY packer (typically I have my bags packed a week or so in advance with another list of all the last minute things I need to pack the day of), and I really can not leave my bag packed for more than a day once we're home and I feel better if I unpack it right away no matter how tired I am. That salmon plate looks yummy and contains all 3 of my favorites! You are doing an amazing job making lemonade out of lemons and I am cheering you on from quite far away!

    1. I laughed when I read about you being an early packer. I totally get that, and though I won't pack early, I will go ahead and start sorting which clothes I'm taking and start adding them to the list on my phone so I won't forget. Thank you, my friend! I am definitely giving it my best effort. 🖤

  3. Aww, I love that resilience bookmark! I wish that students/ kids could be tested and then taught that! Enjoyed your answers. We are alike in some of them. You have overcome and are overcoming so much! Keep on, keeping on :).

    1. My friend made this and gave it to me Sunday! I love it too; she's such a talented artist. I agree with what you said about kids being tested and taught that. It was eye opening, working in the reading intervention room! Thank you, my friend. I have, I am, and I will!

  4. Oh I love your Jeep- that must have been so fun at that age- my God!! I am loving mine now- makes me feel like a kid-ha! I am boy crazy too- so funny to read that here- you got this Mama- still praying for you XO

    1. Well, I didn't have a Jeep, but I sure did love them. I was attracted to the boys that drove them. 🤣 You just made me laugh with your boy crazy statement! Thank you, my friend. I am going to be just fine...more than that, actually!

  5. I love your positive attitude in the middle of an unexpected circumstance. I put your name in my prayer journal too and know God will carry you through. I am not a super spontaneous person but am married to the king of spontaneity so I sometimes go when I want to plant my feet and know all the details first : ) I think some things about us others perceive as 'faults' are not really faults, they're just a reflection of how we're each made differently. On a lighter note...I love that salmon meal and it's one we eat pretty often here too. I'm sure there are many grown adults who are dyslexic, but it wasn't really tested for and dealt with the way it is now. That jeep riding must have been a great time! Have a nice rest of the week!

    1. Thank you so much for praying for me, Joyce! I will never be able to adequately express what that means to me. I know that the Lord has got me! He's never once let me down, and He's not about to start now. I laughed about your need to know the details before agreeing first; I am totally the same way! Thanks for hosting such a fun link party every week!

  6. My favorite car I ever had was a soft-top Jeep Wrangler. Man I loved that car. My other favorite car was a Jeep Liberty. I've also had a Jeep Cherokee. I drive a Toyota now. Your lemon pie sounds great! I love lemon (and lime) flavored things too! My grandma made the absolute best lemon bars.

    1. I would love to have a Jeep someday! But maybe as a play car and not my main mode of transportation. They're not the smoothest ride! 🤣 Those lemon bars sound amazing!

  7. Ahhh! I remember the summer when I was 16, I was boy crazy too. lol It was one of my best summers ever!
    That lemon pie sounds so good.

    1. I think that's pretty typical of most 16 year old girls!

  8. Sounds like a rough time; hang in there!

  9. It made me sad to read that you have been accused of some things lately, and that you are trying to be more spontaneous and unpredictable because of that. I know that you are a wonderful, kind, caring, gifted person just the way you are and don't let someone going through a mid-life crisis try to throw a guilt trip on you!

    1. I totally agree with what you're saying here. Thank you! Sadly, I still can't help but be different because I can hear those words in the back of my mind. I know I am this way for a reason, though, because God made me this way! I'm trying to keep a balance of the old while also changing and transforming into a new version of me; it's not a bad thing, I think, and I like this updated version of me so much better. I'm trying to look on the bright side of things.

  10. Trying to be more spontaneous...that is something I need to work on. I tend to thrive on routine and schedule - but, honestly, I can be a bit boring sometimes! Your lemon pie sounds yummy. And easy:) And so does a lemon blueberry muffin - my favorite combination!

    1. I would guess that most of us could work on that one! I am like you and thrive with schedules and routines, but it feels good to shake things up. I love that lemon and blueberry combination!

  11. I'm so sorry that life right now is not what you expected it to be. But God knew and God knows and you know He will never leave you.

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! You are absolutely right. Even though life is difficult for the time being, I know it's not permanent and that He will carry me through.

  12. I love the jeep story! That sounds like my teen years...driving around and trying to find cute guys! I think making lists and being organized is a GOOD trait. :)

    1. I am so glad I'm not the only one! 🤣 Thank you, friend. I do too! I will always be that way, because some things will never change.

  13. In high school, I was also quite infatuated with the boys. It consumed a lot of my mental energy at the time, which should have been toward my studies. I enjoyed my Biology classes because of the boys!

    1. That made me laugh. I was the same! I agree, if I'd focused on school, I'd have done better. Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Ahh...that summer when we were 16. It sounds like you had lots of fun. Our first two children were boys and they were fun to raise. We had a little surprise of a daughter, too, and she has been a delight, too. Our kids are almost all in their 40's! How did that happen? I bet there are several dyslexic folks out there who were never tested. I do hope whatever challenges you are facing these days will turn out for the best as you trust God and follow Him. Happy Hodgepodge to you.

    1. Those were magical times, were they not? Of course, looking back, it seems as if we're romanticizing them, because I know it wasn't all fun and games back then. Thank you for your encouragement! Happy Hodgepodge to you as well, friend.

  15. I loved Libertyland! I have such fun memories from that park. Girl, you be you and make those lists! I think we would all agree that is a good thing. Let's keep making lemonade out of the sour lemons we've been given!

    1. I had so much fun at Libertyland! It was the best. I will keep making those lists, trust me. I wholeheartedly agree, my friend.

  16. My heart hurts that your going thru this, stay true to yourself always remember that many love you and to heck with the rest.

    1. Thank you! I will, I promise. Thank you for your sweet words!

  17. Your lemon pie sounds delicious! I'm glad that you are finding joy and making lemonade out of these difficult things you are going through. When things don't turn out the way they are "supposed to" it can be so hard to keep trusting God and choosing peace and joy, and although I don't know any details, I think you have been a beautiful example of doing that well. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you! It really is, but I haven't made it in over a year. Thank you for your kind words! Even though it's been a hard time, I am feeling more and more like me; I am happier than I've ever been and more at peace than ever before. God is always good!

  18. I just want to say that other people's actions are 100% about them, and not about you, despite what they might say. Not you. Sending you peace and light

    1. Thank you so much for that reminder, my friend. You are absolutely right! I so appreciate your encouragement!

  19. I'm so late commenting and didn't even get around to doing this weeks post. Just no time...BUT, I enjoyed your answers and I love that bookmark photo at the end.


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