Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Cozy Chronicles, the one about daily routines


Happy Saturday, friends! I was reading a book recently and was inspired to start a new series here on my blog—I'm calling it The Cozy Chronicles, because being cozy isn't just in one particular season. Because school started back this month, I'm going to make this edition all about routines. 

I remember when my sons were young; after a summer of relaxed schedules and routines, by August, I was craving some semblance of order again. We had an open door policy in the summer every year, and their friends were in and out of my home all season long. I loved that and would do the same thing all over again, by the way. Their youth is just for a season, and I feel like I embraced all the moments that the Lord gave me with them being that young. I still feel that today; their current ages are my favorite! I love being their friend as well as their mom that they come to for advice, and I love their friends. I'm so grateful that I have such a great relationship with all of them! I don't take it for granted. 

All of that being said, I am the Queen of not only High Expectations, but also of The Routines. I shared about morning routines here before, and the afternoon hours routine here. Today's post is about daily routines. As I write this, it's Friday morning, and this is happening during part of my daily routine. When I wake up (around 4-5) each morning, the first thing I do is come downstairs to make my coffee, then I let the dogs out. Once they're back inside with me, I grab my laptop and my coffee and I come sit in the living room to read blogs and to write blog posts. 

The dogs get up early, but they sleep again while I do this each morning until about seven. Then they start telling me that they're hungry, so I feed them and sit down for my quiet time while they eat. That's my favorite part of my morning routine each day, sitting down to pray and read or listen to the word of God. 

My daily morning routine also includes emptying the dishwasher, packing lunches for my sons, making breakfast drinks for Jonah and me, doing laundry, and cleaning the kitchen counters. On the days that I work, I go upstairs by 7:45 to get dressed for my day, and I always leave at 8:30. I also always call Mom on my way to work! I'm so grateful for those early morning calls with her that I mentioned here on my blog on Thursday. I love making her the first person I talk to other than Jesus each day. Of course, I say good morning to my sons, but it's not like we have a deep conversation that early in the morning. 

I come home from work around 12:45 two days a week and on those days I usually drink another protein shake for my lunch. Sometimes I'll eat one piece of sourdough bread and drink a shake at two thirty in the afternoon, but after I eat or drink my lunch, I put things away from work, and I come sit down for a while. I like to read in the afternoons right now, but this is one thing that changes from season to season. If I don't read, I'll watch an episode or two of a show that I'm watching; other times I'll go right upstairs to shower and get comfy for the rest of the day. On Thursdays I come home and put things away, shower and/or get comfy for the evening, and then cook dinner. 

We usually eat dinner around five thirty or six. I let Graham and Jonah tell me when they like to eat, because that's something that doesn't matter to me. Sometimes they're both hungry by five, and we'll eat then, but usually it closer to six. One of us cleans the kitchen after dinner; lately that's been something that Graham does. He likes to stand and eat for some reason, while Jonah and I sit; maybe it's because he's already there by the sink and dishwasher? Anyway, while he does dishes, I'll transfer the leftovers from whatever it cooked in to containers to go into the fridge. The dogs eat their dinner the same time as we do, and I usually vacuum each day after they're finished with their food. I also will finish the laundry that's in the dryer and they'll take it all upstairs for me at that time of day. 

The rest of my evening routine consists of getting the mail, cleaning (sometimes the dog hair is ridiculous, so I dust very often), starting the dishwasher, getting my bag for work ready again for the next day, cleaning out my purse, putting things in my car that I need to take with me the next day (tell me I'm not alone in this), and finally around eight it's time to sit down and either read, work on my blog posts for the next few days, or watch a movie or show. I talk on the phone a lot at night, usually to my sister Lisa, because that's also a good time of day for her. Sometimes we talk for two hours straight! I also talk to friends at night a lot, particularly Missy or Lynda. I do get on social media here and there at night, but I try to stay off that for as long as possible. 

Other things I do as part of my daily routine:

  • I make my bed
  • I clean in my bathroom
  • I write everyday
  • I call or text my people
  • I check on my sons that don't live with me every other day (I use Snapchat for this a lot)
  • I take care of the dogs
  • I organize things everyday to keep a mess down
  • I read
  • I listen to music
  • I think about work or do something related to work
  • I read blogs
  • I work on my own blog posts and have several drafts going at once

Though I don't see my friends as part of a daily routine, I do try to make getting together with them part of my weekly routine. I am fortunate to have a lot of friends, and I try to meet with them often! What about you; do you have daily routines that you love? I'd love to hear about them! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I love this kind of post, where I get to see the routines of other friends. I like routines, much better than schedules. Schedules feel confining; routines feel natural. But anyway...This would be a fun post to do a linky thingy :) I might share my routine on my own blog and link your post too :)

    1. I get you on this; it's something we have in common! I am going to talk about that on Monday's blog post, but I'm going to go ahead and plan on it being a new link party. I'm glad you'll be joining; would you want to co-host it with me??

    2. Thanks, but my mind is not up to adding that to the list :)

  2. Enjoyed reading about your routines! Also I like how that piano fits so nicely in your family room. I love it when there´s a perfect spot for an item, especially a somewhat non traditional item (eg almost everyone puts a couch in a family room but most do not have a piano there). I am like you in that I don´t see my friends most days but I do text/ talk on the phone with them. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I love that piano as well; my dad gave it to Mom many years ago. I like what you said about it being a non traditional item. I had never thought of that before!

  3. Yay for new routines that are encouraging! I have some and need to work on some more this fall when it is back to just me at the house. I only make my bed when I change the sheets. Maybe one day I will do that again! Happy Saturday !

    1. Right? I love that about them. I hope you get to start some new routines in the fall!

  4. I love routines! and your HAIR is gorgeous! : )

  5. I loved this, my friend! Love getting a peek into how you spend your days. You have much the same morning routine as I do. I love having the pups fall back to sleep as I drink my coffee, say my prayers, and read the blogs. Have a cozy afternoon!

  6. Love reading about routines! I should do an updated one of mine since I'm back in school.

  7. I'm excited at your idea to make this a link party! I have a very basic outline started for next month's post already. I too tend to blog first thing between 4:30-5:30 each morning. The past few gym days I'm trying to make working on my latest painting part of my morning routine; I don't often make the time to paint because I don't want to change clothes/ruin my clothes if I were to get any paint on me but I found today that I don't mind wearing my gym clothes while doing that and I nearly finished my latest "masterpiece." I find that as much as I LOVE a good routine I'm always tweaking it, adding to it, changing it up to suit myself and our family routine.


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