Thursday, August 8, 2024

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! It's been a minute since I've written a thankful Thursday post, so I thought I'd do that today. I love what 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says: Give thanks in everything; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. There is always something to be thankful for, no matter the hard circumstances of life. 

This week I am thankful for:

.,.my job! This week is my one year work anniversary. It's hard to believe it's been a year already! I'm so glad that I didn't quit when I wanted to, just because it was so hard. When I got to work on Tuesday, this was in my mail box. We have a Sunshine Squad that gives gifts like this, and I've been the recipient three times now! I have said it a thousand times here, but I am so thankful for my job, and that I get to work somewhere that I love being. Work doesn't feel like work when it's fun, and my job is just that. I thought that this was a job that would fill my time with something fun; it turns out that the Lord knew that I would desperately need this job and these people at this time in my life. Where else can co-workers pray for you and come in to talk at any given moment? I'm so blessed, friends, and I sincerely mean that. 

I am thankful for the gift of prayer. I don't know where I would be without being able to talk to Jesus about all the things in my heart and on my mind. Every morning before I start having my quiet time, I open up with prayer. I pray specific things for me each morning as I read, and then I pray for my sons and other family members and friends. 

I'm always thankful for the word of God! I read one of my favorite passages during my quiet time on Monday, from Zephaniah 3. I loved reading all these things that God is, according to His word. 

I'm also thankful for things like:

  • early morning phone calls with Mom
  • phone conversations with my sons
  • knowing that Noah can cook (he mastered one of his favorite things that I make this week)
  • Jonah's and Graham's offer to cut the grass at my dad's house (I didn't ask)
  • the fact that Drew loves his job and knowing how well he's taken care of there
  • my friends
  • my sisters
  • a good book
  • a funny show on Netflix
  • my new comforter
  • blog friends that are true friends

Once again, for those of you who have reached out to me, I appreciate you so much! If you ever want to chat about anything involving the Lord or just life in general, email me at What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!




  1. A great reminder to start each day with prayer and in all things to give thanks to the Lord. You have listed some wonderful things to be thankful for. You have inspired me to pray more intentionally about a possible part time job. I am glad that are right where you need to be with- surrounded by people who care for you and pray for you AND pay you :). As always, your penmanship is #goals!!

    1. Thanks, friend! That's exciting about how you're praying about a possible part time job. I know you'll keep us posted! It took me two years to find this one that is so perfect for me, but I am so grateful that I patiently waited as I tried out new things (working in the attorney's office in the fall of 2022 and being a full time teaching assistant from January to May of 2023). This third one was the best one and I am so thankful that I stuck it out. You know I love writing!

  2. Such a positive post to start the day. I fully believe the reason you are doing so well (as can be considered) is due to your grateful heart. If you've ever wondered if you had true friends, now you know! I'm sorry it took this to find out. You have seen what your sons are made of. You have so much going on for you and yes, I also fully believe your job fell into place when it did for a reason. You are so much more than a bookstore manager. You are a place of comfort and refuge for the churchgoers. As the church gets busier this fall, I bet it will be even moreso. I look forward to seeing you do your seasonal decor and your creative ideas for the bookstore.

    1. Thank you, my friend! I do think that looking for things to be thankful for in all stages of life is responsible for a major perspective change. I think that's even been proven scientifically! I remember a segment on this (years ago) on the fluffy hour of the Today show. I love what you said about being so much more than a bookstore manager...thank you for the kind words. I always tell people that it's so much more than a coffee shop and bookstore; my goal is to make it as warm and welcoming as possible for those who need a place to come and chat. I'm excited about some changes that are being made right now; I will share it on my blog as soon as it's finished!

  3. Congratulations for a year in your job. It sounds like you really love it.
    What lovely reasons to be thankful. I totally agree, I am so thankful for blog friends that are true friends. I've had a few over the last few months be there for me more than friends in real life.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I do really love my job. Isn't it wonderful to have such great friends here in this community? I have felt like that before myself. I hope you have a great day, my friend.

  4. Happy one year anniversary! You can tell that you really love your job and all the people you work with because that love just shines through in everything you do.

    1. Thank you, my friend! I really do love it there; I haven't thought of how that comes through in everything I do, but I love that. ❤️

  5. Congratulations on your work anniversary! God knew what he was doing when he put that opportunity in your path. It's also nice to be recognized and appreciated the people you work for. This week I'm thankful for cooler temperatures and much needed rain.

    1. Thanks, friend! You are so right, He knew exactly what He was doing. I never want to get over the fact that He works in all the little details of life. I would be thankful for the rain and cooler temps as well! We experienced that here a couple of weeks ago, and it was LOVELY.

  6. Yeah for your one year anniversary- wow that flew by- to me anyway- ha!! So much to be thankful for- I am thankful for a calming and simple summer here

    1. Thanks, friend, and right?? It flew by for me as well! Those are great things to be thankful for.

  7. Such a great list of things to be thankful for. God is so good, even in the hard times or maybe especially in the hard times. Of course, I know God never changes and He is always good. But maybe in the hard times it seems he's especially good, because we are actually seeking Him then. He told us to seek and that we would find. Love your Bible study and notes! Hope you have a really nice weekend.

    1. Thank you! I love what you shared here, Cathy. I wholeheartedly agree; He is always good, but especially so in the harder times. I love that verse about seeking Him and finding Him. I hope the same for you, my friend!

  8. Incredible list! So many things to be thankful for!! I really need to do this.

    1. Thanks, friend! There really is so much to be thankful for amidst all the other junk. You should do this each week, even if only in a journal; it really changes your perspective, you know? That's what it's done for me.


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