Monday, August 12, 2024

Share Our Lives


Happy bonus blog post day! It's that kind of a Monday, I suppose. I love the prompt for today's Share Our Lives link party hosted by Joanne, Jen, and a few other ladies. I couldn't resist jumping in! This month's prompt is least favorite activities, but because I am me and don't like to start on a negative note, I'm going to first list some of my most favorite ones first. 

Most favorite:

I love to make my bed when I first wake up! It's one of the easiest things to do to start your day. My mom instilled this in me, and the earlier I can do this, the better. 

I love to do laundry, particularly the folding part. It's so satisfying taking a basket of warm, messy laundry fresh from the dryer and turning it into neat stacks of towels or clothes. I'm an excellent folder!

This was what my table always looked like when I folded clothes when all the boys lived at home. I miss those days! Life is so different now, but it's not a bad thing. I'm adapting to new things/routines. 

I love to cook dinner, especially when a crowd of young people is involved. I've decided that Tuesday nights are the new family dinner night; I decide what I'm making ahead of time and tell my sons. When I decided on Sunday that Tuesday night was going to be when I make beer cheddar Joe's, there happened to be a garage full of people here, so I invited them all! 

There were three extra cars at my house in these pictures; there's my car in the garage, Jonah's personal truck, his work truck, Graham's truck and car, and we were missing his work truck. Their friends Craig, Nick, Lauren, and Lucas were here when I invited them all over Tuesday night. Do you know how difficult it is to go from cooking for an army to cooking for just three people? That's why I reinstated family dinner nights 2.0. The crowd looks different, but the intent is still the same. My motto in life is the more, the merrier, and there isn't much that tops having a house full of young people! I love their age group and friends; they've all been so good to me these last few weeks. I feel so fortunate for this and am thankful to know they have such kind people in their lives. They all call me Mama Jenn or just Mom, and I couldn't love anything more. I love all my bonus sons and getting hugs from them each time they come over. 

I love to organize spaces and to purge. I may do some of that today, since it's been a while since I last did that. My kitchen and pantry need work again. 

Least favorite:

  • emptying the dishwasher when water sits on the plastic cups and containers
  • going to the dentist
  • shopping
  • mopping the floors
  • cleaning a bathtub or toilets

And really, that's all I dislike as far as working in the home. It's a privilege to be a homeowner, so I don't complain about doing the mundane things. I love the transformation of having it look dirty to being sparkly and clean, so I really enjoy cleaning my house. I'm going to do that today, in fact! I need to vacuum upstairs and clean in my bedroom, then I'll do the downstairs last, since it stays moderately clean. 

I loved this prompt today and can't wait to read some of your posts! Do you agree or disagree with me on these? I'd love to hear from you! Have a great day, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. So many of us said going to the dentist! I am ok with making my bed in the morning, but I don't understand why my husband won't pull up the blankets on his side! So I've been resisting doing both sides of the bed!

    1. That's funny! I didn't realize that when I said the same thing. I do love the feeling afterward, it's just the thought of going and then going. 🤣 Oh goodness! That made me laugh.

  2. I like your positive note. When I saw the topic I thought I likely wouldn't play along this time, but after reading some of the responses I think I'll join in tomorrow. I am realizing I love the results of doing some of the tasks I dislike, just not the actual doing.

    1. I didn't love the topic at first glance, just because I don't like to be negative on my blog or in my real life; then I had to the idea to do what I both love and dislike. That made it more "me" and fun to think about. I am with you on loving the results and not the task!

  3. I am so happy to hear that I am not the only one that enjoys folding laundry! I feel like everyone listed it as one of their least favorite activities but I don't mind folding it-- I get annoyed that no one else in the house puts theirs away but hey, I can't control that! I do love having a clean house but hate the work of getting it there-- particularly cleaning the toilets and shower (I don't mind mine so much since I can clean it while I'm in it but it's hard to reach to clean the boys' shower).

    1. That's funny that you like to fold clothes too! We have so much in common, even down to the timing of shower cleaning. I do mine while I'm in it as well, before I shower.

  4. I don't mind doing laundry, except I hate the folding part. lol I agree on the mopping floors and the dentist. I don't mind emptying the dishwasher, but I do agree that I don't like when water sits in the lids, etc. My new dishwasher does a better job with drying the dishes.

  5. I dont mind emptying the dishwasher but i don't like hand washing dishes.

    1. I also love handwashing dishes; I think it's something that is satisfying for me to do, because it goes from dirty to clean. I know. I'm weird!

  6. The dentist, ugh, absolutely dread it.

  7. Ditto on the dentist. Luckily I have a dental hygienist who I love, which makes it a little better!

    1. I also love my hygienist! We end up talking and laughing the whole time I'm there.

  8. Life got so much better when I could pass all my least favourite household chores to my husband and kids -- except for folding laundry! Hahaha!!!

  9. Great attitude! I often stop myself and think how lucky I am to have the privilege of tending to things in the home!

    1. It's so true! Having a home to care for is such an honor and privilege.

  10. Ohh! You can come and fold all of my laundry for me, it's a job which I loath.
    The family dinners sound wonderful. I love cooking for a lot of people as I always end up making too much.
    I think my favourite household chore is mopping the floors. It's so satisfying seeing it all clean as long as my family don't walk on it. hehehe

    1. You made me laugh! I love our new family dinners. It's funny that we're opposite!


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