Monday, August 5, 2024

Prime Purchases from July


Happy bonus blog post day! I'm linking up with Tanya for this post today. Happy prime shopping!

I bought these bar stools for Drew in July. He paid me back for them, but it was two for a very reasonable price! There was a Saturday that he spent the day cleaning and making their home look nicer; I bought this for him, and I bought a cat tree thing for his cat Tito. 

I bought myself some new sheets last week. I had new sheets that were purchased when my new mattress was bought, but they were made out of bamboo which is also code for fabric that makes you sweat. The ones I bought for myself are microfiber and they're white, which is my favorite. I also bought myself a new comforter for my bed; I'll share it here on Friday, don't you worry. 

I bought Graham a house warming gift! I bought him these fancy knives along with a magnetic strip for the side of his refrigerator; he loves the look of displaying cool knives like these on the side of his fridge. 

And friends, that's all I bought that was exciting in July. I did also purchase things that I ran out of like water enhancer that I love, the mousse I use in my hair, and some shampoo/conditioner. I can't wait to read what you purchased last month, but I've already been influenced and have already purchased some vitamins that my friend Marilyn mentioned. That's not a bad kind of being influenced, though, because I also genuinely needed to replace what I was out of at home. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Love the barstools. I just bought a new set of sheets on Amazon before Kelli came home. I absolutely love them and will be getting some more soon.

    1. I liked them too; he did a good job picking them out!

  2. We just bought bar stools for Grace too. We found a lot of good things at the store "At Home." Do you have that there? A great place for furnishing a home/apartment with all the little extras. Thanks for linking up!

    1. We do have an At Home! I always forget about it, though. Thanks for that reminder, and for hosting us today!

  3. I buy all our sheets on Amazon!

  4. Based on the photo that looks like the same brand of sheets we bought for Alec's dorm! Though he requested the gray with white stripe.


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