Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday Favorites, 8.9.2024


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine has been really good, and it has flown by. I don't even know why, honestly, except that I did different things? I don't know, but I'm glad it's the weekend. Here are some of my favorites from this week, some that I've already talked about here this week and some that I haven't. 

Saturday nights with Mom and Bill are my favorite! So is using Mom's magnifying, light-up mirror. I did some facial grooming while I was there last weekend. Isn't her bedroom behind me beautiful? 

Matching with friends is always a favorite! This was my friend Kelly and me last week; she's who ran the bookstore before I took over. 

Seeing my boys take care of Dad's property will forever be a favorite. It was a group effort on Sunday, and it was Graham and Jonah. One day soon the three that live here are going to go out and edge/weed eat around the lake. Before he died, my nephew Cole took care of the property. Dad was proud of all his grandkids!   

This day of reading in the Bible Recap reading plan was my favorite. 

Cards will always be my favorite! I was looking for a specific one that my dad gave to me, and the picture above was that one. I wanted his signature. 

This little cross and "peace to all who enter" sign are my favorites at the moment. 

I haven't talked about my breakfast (and sometimes lunch) drink lately; the Premier brand of protein drinks is my favorite. I pour it over ice, add coffee and a splash of cream, and that's my breakfast every single day. I've been doing the same thing for my lunch lately as well, because it's fast and easy. Sometimes I don't like trying to figure out what to eat for lunch. 

Monday night was a favorite, because it was book club night! It's been two months since we last met, and though three of us were missing, we still had fun. I named us The Bright Minds Book Club. 

Mornings are my favorite, and so is this playlist by Archer Marsh. Most of you might know his music as what is played in the popular Netflix show Bridgerton. I love listening to instrumental music in the mornings, especially when it sounds bright and happy. 

This is my newest favorite night shirt. Walmart + for the win!

I love books by Elizabeth George and this one is a favorite. I love inspirational books that challenge me in my walk with Jesus. Have you read any of her books? 

Tuesday was a favorite day, because this was in my mailbox at work; this week is my one week anniversary of running the bookstore in my church! I wrote about it more yesterday in this Thankful Thursday post, in case you'd like to read more. 

I have a new favorite ring! My mom bought me this one night this week; isn't it cute? And how sweet was she to buy me a ring? 

Crash curled up into a tiny ball will always be my favorite. 

This podcast was a favorite this week! Have you listened to this one yet? It was really insightful.

This is my current favorite dress. I have it on again today!

My favorite place to be other than at home is my home away from home. I'm so thankful to work at my church! 

This type of lunch is my favorite! On this day I came home from work and had two of these egg bites I'd bought from Costco, some guacamole salsa with tortilla chips, and grapes. 

Finding this old Jim Walter home catalogue this week was a favorite. This is the type of home my dad lived in; I loved flipping through the vintage pages and seeing his handwriting. He was always so proud of his home! He lived there for over fifty years. 

Wednesday night at church was a favorite, because my friend brought me down this mini Crumbl cookie. It was delicious! 

Did you read my other posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Monday was a weekending recap, and a bonus blog post about Prime Purchases

Tuesday was when I shared about the makings of a book club.

Wednesday was Currently

Thursday was Thankful Thursday

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! For those of you who have reached out to me lately by email, thank you! It means so much to me to get those, and I'd love for more of you to do that kind of thing, so I'll say it again: if you'd like to chat about anything, feel free to reach out to me at Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Thank you for introducing me to Archer Marsh. I think my students would like this playing while they work even though I try to do Spanish guitar or something like that. Archer Marsh playing is achingly beautiful, right?
    I love your new coffee shirt. It reminds me of Lorelai Gilmore saying, "coffee, coffee, coffee" and the girl giving her 3 coffees! Ha!
    What do you have planned for bookstore? Apples for September? Pumpkins for October? I hope you have some fun plans for the weekend!

    1. Isn't his music beautiful? My friend that I went to the beach with introduced me to him, so I'm glad to share. I think it's a great idea to play his music while your students work! Thanks about the shirt- it's the same brand of the one you told me about with lobsters on it; I loved this one for fall. It does remind me of Lorelai saying that! In the bookstore, I decorate seasonally, so in September, I'm going to go ahead and bring out all the fall decorations. I'll leave that in place until the week of Thanksgiving, and then I'll decorate for Christmas so that it'll be done when we come to church the Sunday after. I just placed a huge order this week for more gift items; I can't wait to get those next week! I'll put them out closer to September, or at the first of that month, when I change the decor. I have some fun plans this weekend! I'm so glad for new things to do and look forward to each weekend. My family has been amazing to me! I hope yours is great as well!

  2. So many good things- thank God for girlfriends right? I am OBSESSED with that ring too- your mom knows you so well :)

    1. YES! I feel the same way, my friend. Thank you! She really does know me the best!

  3. I have a ¨default lunch¨ that I eat. It´s nice to not have to think about what that meal is going to be, so I get your default breakfast! That ring so pretty, wow! I like the juxtaposition of how dainty it is with the powerful message of the cross. Finding your dad´s house plans must have been cool! His handwriting is neat, too, and there´s something about seeing a loved one´s writing that is heart tugging when that person is no longer there. I can find something random with either of my parent´s handwriting and I think it´s so special. Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm glad it's not just me that does that! I also love that about the ring. I thought it was so sweet of her to think of me and to buy it for me! I feel so fortunate. I loved finding that magazine with Dad's handwriting! I always loved his writing, because it was always so neat. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!

  4. Your lunch with the egg bites and grapes looks perfect! I get into such a lunch rut. It's always yogurt with an uncrustable or yogurt with some pepperoni and cheese. And it get boring. But I'm also too lazy to think of anything else! Ha! The ring is pretty! Have a great weekend!

    1. It was so good! Those egg bites are from Costco and are delicious. I may have that for dinner tonight! Thanks for that, friend. I hope you have a great weekend as well!

  5. I am glad you have had a good week and I love that you were matching with a friend. How cute.
    Well done the boys taking care of your dad's property and how lovely to have all of the cards.
    I have started drinking protein drinks for breakfast over the last few weeks. I never thought of adding coffee. I might need to try that.
    When you mentioned Archer Marsh in a previous blog post I thought I recognised the name but didn't know where from, Bridgerton, that explains it!

    1. Thank you! I hope you try that coffee with a protein drink; it's delicious!

  6. I have a default breakfast (and if for some reason I don't eat it that becomes my default lunch that day!), I hate having to think about what to eat at each meal too. I often try to pack up leftovers from dinner for my lunch the next day but someone usually beats me to that. That ring is so pretty and so sweet of your mom to have bought it for you.

  7. I had the chocolate Premier Protein Shake this morning for breakfast. We started buying them a couple of months ago when hubby was sick and had no appetite. Next time I need to put it over ice. That sounds really good! Your outfits and your new ring are really cute. Hope you have a good day today.

  8. Have you seen those necklaces you can get with a person's signature? My friend got one that said "love Daddy" in her dad's handwriting after he passed away.

  9. I need to try the protein shakes. It would be nice to have a "default" meal that is so easy! Hope you have a good weekend!

  10. I'm happy you found your dad's signature. Recently, I found a randomly scribbled note from my mum. She must have been practicing her handwriting because it used to bother her that her hands wouldn't let her write properly anymore, and she was always so proud of her penmanship. I pray for you every day, Jennifer because losing your beloved parent is so hard. I miss my mum so much every day. Sending warm hugs.

  11. I love your ring!!! I have been looking at some that I may buy for myself...or wait and put it on my Christmas list.


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...