Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday Favorites, 8.23.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine started off terribly, but it improved greatly as the week went on. I'm grateful for this! I try not to let the bad days get me down for too long these days. I'm glad that it's the weekend and that I have plans today, tonight, tomorrow and Sunday. This is crucial to my wellbeing! 

Friday with Marilyn last week was my favorite...

...and so is my newest tattoo!

Spending Friday night with my friend Michelle was another favorite from the week!

My latest nightshirt from Walmart is my's the Joyspun brand. 

Swimming on Saturday was something I really wanted to be a favorite, but honestly, it wasn't. It brought back a bad memory from the last time I swam there, and it was so hot that I felt like I was getting fried. I stayed for 45 minutes, then I left again. 

I love wearing this green dress; it's one of my favorites!

This weekend bag is one of my favorites, and I love to leave it hanging there on the door into my closet.

And speaking of closet, having an organized one is my favorite! I did that on Sunday after church and I am still enjoying it five days later. 

My morning quiet time has been my favorite lately. 

This building is my favorite place to be when I'm not at home!

Lastly, out of all the dresses I bought this summer, this one is my favorite. I found this star necklace yesterday that I'd forgotten about; I have been wearing more silver lately. 

What was a favorite of yours from the week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  1. Love that blue and white dress! Sorry about the pool! You tried! I'm glad you have so much to look forward to this weekend and I look forward to hearing about it!

    1. I kind of think I'm done with swimming for the season, you know? Thank you! I'm looking forward to it myself.

  2. Sounds like you have some nice things planned for the weekend and that's so great to hear! Your closet looks fantastic. Whenever I do a big cleanout I keep coming back to look at it over and over again. So satisfying!

    1. Thank you! I know what you mean; I find myself doing the same thing and doing the work to keep it clean. It's a great feeling!

  3. Your dress and necklace are so cute! Hope your day goes well and see you later!

  4. What’s the story behind your tattoo? Thanks for sharing your week!

    1. It's my dad's signature from a birthday card that he gave me years ago; he passed away in July and we were extremely close. I'm glad you stopped by today!

  5. Your dresses are always so cute! The best part of my week was a last-minute invitation from my brother to go to see Green Day! It was an unexpected fun night out! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! How fun was that? I loved them as a teenager!

  6. I am glad your week has got better as it has gone on.
    I love your new tattoo. It is such a lovely tribute to your dad.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you! Me too. I hope your weekend is great as well!

  7. I have like 4 pairs of the Joyspun brand pj's from Walmart and love them. In fact, I have a pair on right now. We're having a very slow start to our Friday. Hubby is not feeling well. so we're giving him a chance to see if he can sleep it off. I've started a new book and made a new blog post and now I'm reading friends' posts. Hope you have a really great day!

    1. They're so comfy! I hope your hubby feels better soon and that you enjoy the weekend!

  8. I will be honest. I first thought your tattoo said “I love you, Dolly”. After reading another comment, I realized it says “Daddy”.

    1. Someone else said that; it's because he had super swirly D's!

  9. My favorite part of last week was seeing the Triumphant Quartet at the Gospel Barn in Hillsdale, MI. I already know what will be this week's favorite - taking my 15 year old granddaughter to see Gabby Barrett in concert (and we were gifted the tickets!)

    1. Aw! I bet that was fun! And how sweet to do that with your granddaughter. I love spending quality time with people like that, and making new memories. I hope you have a wonderful time and weekend!

  10. I don't think I've been swimming (or even in a swimsuit!) all summer long.... and now it's feeling too much like to fall to even have any appeal. Your pj's are so cute and I just love your dresses.

    1. Aw, shoot! Of course it's different for us here, because it's SO HOT. I assume the heat isn't as bad for you in your neck of the woods. I'm ready for fall, though! My pumpkins are coming out next week! Thanks, friend!

  11. I love the pj's and the blue/white dress too. Where did you get the dress? I'm sorry to hear about the swimming. I haven't been going because of the heat wave we're in. I might try to fit in one or two swims before fall since we will have very warm temps through the end of September. Hope you have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you! It came from Shein! It was rough; it's always sad when it's too hot to be in the water. I have another chance coming up next weekend that I'm excited about. It's hot here again this coming week! Have a great weekend, my friend!

  12. You always have the cutest fashions! I love that dress! I'm glad you've had a full week of good friends and family. I love the tattoo! I don't think I could be that brave, but yours looks so good! I've been tempted to try one, but I'd hate for them to start and me make them stop! Haha! I hope your weekend is a good one. I know you've said you are going through some tough times, but I do admire the way you are staying busy and seeking all means necessary to get through these trials. It's empowering, just so you know! :)

    1. Thanks, friend! Your prayers and encouragement mean the world to me. I could never thank people enough for the gift that is their prayers for me and my sons. It's been terribly difficult and shocking, this new reality that is mine now, but I know without a doubt that God is always good, because He is always God! Nothing ever catches Him by surprise, and He has been preparing me for this very day for the last twenty-something years of my life. He has never let me down, and He's not about to start!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...