Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday Favorites 8.2.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. Today's post is a random assortment of things since I didn't take pictures this week with this in mind. Don't mind me; I've only been doing this for eighteen years and still can't remember how to be a blogger sometimes. 🤣 

This was my favorite reminder from the internet this week. I have to remind myself of God's truth every single day of my life. I'm so thankful for the love of the Lord; do you know Him? I always ask, but haven't in a while. If you ever want to talk more about this, feel free to email me at

This blanket was a gift to me recently, and it's my favorite! I love the colors; they seem summer-y to me. I'll be switching out the seasonal decor at the end of August, even though fall doesn't begin until late September technically. I like to change it out after Labor day every year, since it's the month that ushers in my favorite season. 

This picture was always a favorite that hung on the wall in Dad's house. I brought it home recently and hung it in the dining room. This was one of the most fun trips I remember, when he, Trish, and I went to California and drove up the coast. This was in my little orphan Annie phase of life when I'd perform the songs from that movie for anyone who watched. 

A clean and clutter-free home will always be one of my favorite things. 

This old copper kettle is another favorite of mine right now. I brought this home from Dad's as well. 

This has been one of my favorite candles this summer! So is another one in a really cute glass jar that my friend Andrea gave to me. 

Homegrown tomatoes are my favorite! I plan on eating this one tonight with some sourdough bread. And bacon; maybe some bacon. 

This is one of my favorite passages in Scripture. I read this one day this week and it blew my mind.

Chloe's puppy dog eyes are my favorite. 

It's always a favorite when I can share a meal with my sons, any range of a mix of them! 

Seeing my son's prospective new home was a favorite for me, too! He picked me up on Sunday after lunch, then drove me in my car to see it with him. I love that he wanted me to go with him! And life update: Graham bought a house! They accepted his offer, signatures have been documented, and he will close on it August 29th! I am so happy for him that I can't even be a little sad. But let me tell you how much we're dwindling down in number in my home. 

I'm saving the best for last, even though I already talked about it on Monday. Sunday lunch with Marilyn was my favorite this week. It was so good to do something new after church, and time with her is always fun. I have never been so thankful in all of my life for a friend like this dear one. She's a blessing to me in so many ways, and I am glad to have her in my life. 

How was your week? What did you do that you loved? I'd love to hear from you! I actually wrote five blog posts this week, friends. It's shocking! Yesterday's bookish post was later in the day, but it's there nonetheless. Here are the days linked below:

Monday was a weekend recap.

Tuesday was about things I appreciate in July. 

Wednesday was a hodgepodge. 

Thursday was a bookish post on what I read last month. I hope you check them all out! 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Thanks for sharing all of your joy- always makes me smile- Yes I know the Lord and he is my savior too but thanks for the reminder :) XO

    1. I know you know Him, Holly! Thanks for the sweet words, my friend. 🩷

  2. I sense a bit more lightness in you this week but maybe that's just what I am wanting to sense. Thinking about you on this Friday. I love the little touches you have from your Dad.

    1. I think I do have more lightheartedness this week, because the whole week has felt like that. I mean, I also still have this cloud hanging over me, and I'll eventually have to figure things out, but for now I'm just living each day on its own and taking things a step at a time. I know the figuring out will come later, but I'm trying not to fret about things. I know the Lord has got me in His hands! Thank you for thinking of me today; each Friday has been different. Today I'm running errands and meeting my friend Dedee for lunch; I haven't seen her since the night she drove me home from the beach. I can't wait to catch up with her!

  3. It's good to see you posting again :) Not that I have any room to talk. I have been MIA all week :) I hope you have a blessed weekend!

    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I noticed you haven't been around this week; I certainly know what that feels like and am likely to experience it again myself. I hope everything is okay with your family and that you're doing well!

  4. I love that you were obsessed with Annie too! I was lucky enough to have my grandparents take me to see it on Broadway when I was 7 or 8 and I have been obsessed with it ever since. I had the original broadway cast recording on vinyl and listened to it over and over and over!
    That candle sounds like it would smell amazing! Have a great weekend!

    1. I got to see in the theater as well, but I don't know if it was considered Broadway. Now I'm curious! I seriously loved it and can still sing all the songs. When my sons were little, we watched the newer version of it that came out in the early-to mid 2000s, and I burst into tears at one point during the movie. I hadn't seen it since I was a little girl, and it brought back a flood of emotions! I remembered it all like it had just happened; my parents had divorced a few years before that, and my dad was alone for a few years before he met his wife Sandy (my stepmom). I would cry when I left him each week, because I hated the thought of him being alone! Man, that still makes me emotional today.

      That was a lot of heavy information there. On a more lighthearted note, the candle is amazing! I love a woodwick candle. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!

  5. I love your posts and look forward to them! I loved Annie as a little girl too and I'm so excited the Broadway show will be showing in my area soon. I have plans to get tickets! Continued prayers for you during this time. Thank you for being such a bright light to so many during your darkest times.

    1. Thank you, Amber! I love that you loved Annie as well. That's amazing that you'll get to see the Broadway production of it soon! Thank you so much for your prayers; my days aren't always great, but I do know that the Lord will never leave or forsake me. He will carry me through! I'm just leaning on Him minute by minute. 🩷

  6. Congratulations to Graham! That's a really nice patio and back yard.

  7. Homegrown produce always tastes so much better! Congrats to Graham!

  8. Good to see several things that are making you smile this week! I love that would make me smile. I have been thinking about you often lately. In fact, you were in a dream last night. I know, weird but you've apparently been on my mind more than I know:) Just wanted to say that I said a prayer for you this morning. Here's to several more reasons to smile in the weekend ahead!!

    1. Thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers...and how funny that I was in a dream? I greatly appreciate you, my friend. I hope your weekend was great!

  9. Congrats to Graham; that's exciting!! I love seeing all these wonderful mementos from your father's house.

  10. The kettle, the verse, the house such great favorites! And for sure, lunch was a favorite! Thank you friend for the kind swords. I am equally as grateful.

    1. Thanks, friend! I will always be glad for your friendship and I tell the Lord that all the time!

  11. I love your dad's picture, which is now on your wall. What a beautiful reminder of a happy time. Congratulations to Graham on buying a house! I'm praying for you, Jennifer, and I'm so glad you had many wonderful favourites this week. xx

    1. Thank you, Ruth! And thank you for your prayers; you have no idea what that means to me that I have friends, both in real life and online, who pray for me. I could never say thank you enough, and I would be happy to return those prayers to the Lord for you if you are ever in need.

  12. That blanket really is pretty and the picture from your dad's house.
    Oh wow! That is a big tomato, we have some growing outside but they are tiny in comparison.
    Congrats to Graham with the house and what a wonderful friend you have.


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...