Friday, August 16, 2024

Friday Favorites, 8.16.2024.

Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? I have lots of favorites from this week, so I'll use a lot of pictures and a few words sporadically. 

This is my favorite show! And so is this quote from Season 2 Episode 10: "And I do forgive. So I am letting you go. And I release you... into the hands of God. And may He bless you on your way forward, but that walk is yours alone." (Maddie, If Thou Wilt Remember, Sweet Magnolias)

My mom and siblings are some of my very favorite people, and so is lots of time spent with them.

Sunsets will forever be on my list of favorite things!

My view from work is one of my favorites; I love this cute little cozy store that I'm so privileged to run. I love making it warm and inviting for people to come in, have coffee, and to chat; I love picking out new items for people to buy; I love taking care of people and making them feel treasured. It's my dream job! I'm working on attaining some newer, more modern furniture, so stay tuned! 

Cozying up under a blanket this week was a favorite; this was me on Sunday. I was so tired from my weekend! 

A driveway full of cars and young men are my favorite; Jonah works on his friends' cars a lot, so we always have people over here for this reason. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way!

We all know that dogs are my favorite types of people! 🤣

My brother Trey sent me this on his way home last week, and it was one of my favorite things that I saw from the interwebs. 

My beautiful and talented friend Barbara made this bookmark and gave it to me Sunday. I love what it says; handmade gifts are my favorite!

My morning quiet time has been my favorite this week! I have felt the Lord close all week as I've read and prayed; I am so thankful for this and it will always be so special to me that I get to experience that nearness. Do you know my Jesus? I'd love to talk to you more about this! Reach out to me if you'd like to chat; my email address is Several of you have reached out to me over the last few weeks, and I love that you did that! Thank you for contacting me, encouraging me, praying for me, and allowing me to pray for you as some of you are also walking through hard times right now. This blog community is one of my very favorite things, and I don't take it for granted. 

My grocery items were very eclectic this week, but these were my favorite purchases from the week! 

Being their Auntie Jenn is my favorite thing in all of the world, and so is getting to see them often. I have enjoyed being with them while they were in town last weekend; I get to see them again in a few weeks when I travel to Colorado in October. In case you're new here, these are my niece Erika's girls: Kylie, Madi, Macy, and Kinsley are all twins! Both sets are identical. 

And here is their beautiful mommy, my niece Erika. 

Having a sister sleepover was my favorite this week! Debi was staying here last weekend, and on her last night in the hotel after her husband went back home on Monday, I stayed the night with her. The next night she went to Mom's house and stayed there for two nights. 

Getting this book from my friend Debbie was my favorite this week! 

I was influenced by Shay to get this book, and I'm glad I did! I will be referencing this often and have earmarked some pages with recipes that I want to make. Reba is my favorite!

My favorite author Sophie Hudson wrote a new book that comes out in September; because I preordered it months ago, she sent a little happy to us who did that. This is a poem written by David Gate, and he may become my new favorite follow on Instagram

Favorite outfit from the week...

...and my new way to part my hair is my favorite. Isn't it funny how a small change like this makes such a big impact? 

Lastly is my new favorite ring; my sister Debi had this on when she came over Wednesday and when I complemented it, she legit took it off and gave it to me. She wouldn't take my no for an answer! I will definitely be wearing this ring a lot now; isn't it beautiful? We all know that hearts are my favorite!

I wrote a lot this week; apparently, I am feeling like my old self again! Here are my posts from the week linked below. 

Saturday was another installment of my new series titled The Cozy Chronicles; this will be turned into a link party starting in September, so read my weekend recap post for all the details!

Monday was a bonus blog post day with my usual weekend recap; I also joined in with some ladies for the Share Our Lives link party. 

On Tuesday, I talked about life-giving things

Wednesday was a hodgepodge post; the questions were fun for me this week!

Thursday was another bonus blog post day! The first one was Thankful Thursday and the bonus post was called Ageless Style and was about items of clothing I've splurged on

What was your favorite from the week? I'd love to hear from you! Remember that if you don't want to chat in the comments, email me at Thanks for reading my blog, sweet friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. Love that outfit! I am looking forward to wearing my jeans like that! I am so happy reading about your eclectic favorites. I love cookbooks! I like to peruse them through the library or a bookstore first to see if I would like them, so please share any recipes you make! Your hair looks amazing! Love that ring and the fact that your sis was so selfless!
    I've had a good week getting used to my new schedule, my new routine, my new students, etc. My head hits the pillow at 9:30 and I'm out like a light! Well, I did have one unfortunate night, but that's pretty good!

    1. Thank you! It really was my favorite thing to wear this week. I still love the jeans that we share, I just don't wear them a lot right now because of the heat. I will be sharing some recipes from this cookbook, I promise! Thanks for the hair love; I've been wanting to try it and have never liked it like this before, but when I went to bed with wet hair one night and it fell naturally like this the next day, I had to go with it. Now it's a new daily thing and I'm trying to retrain it to fall that way all the time; I washed my hair last night and had to part it for that to happen. I want to be like my sister when I grow up! I told her that, because a lot of my jewelry comes from her. We look the most alike and are built the same, except that she's about four inches taller than me.

      I am glad you've slept so well almost every night! I know it's exhausting, the whole reentry into school routine. Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  2. Oh I love your hair parted that way- it looks so pretty! I am also swooning over that heart ring- oh my gosh LOVE!

    1. Thank you! And so am's one of the most beautiful rings I've ever owned. I'm so thankful that she gave it to me! I still can't believe she did that.

  3. Pretty ring and a great list of favorites! Family time is the best, for sure. Your nieces are adorable! As you know, none of my family lives in town so out of town visits (by one of us) are the only times I get to see anyone I am related to. It´s sad in one way but it makes me cherish every visit that we have. I know you cherish your time with your siblings and other family members who don´t live near you. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you so much! I know that you cherish those moments that you get with your sister and brother. I always love seeing the pictures when you're with them! Thanks, sweet friend! I hope you have a great weekend as well.

  4. Your hair is so cute that way! Again, I'm glad you're enjoying the book. I can't wait to see what kind of chairs you put in the bookstore. That job is the one I would want :) I'm glad you're having so much fun and love in your life. You deserve it :)

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to share it when it's all complete. It's such a fun job! I appreciate your friendship and kind words so very much, my friend.

  5. I love that outfit and your new ring is so pretty; and now you'll always remember how sweet your sister was to give it to you too! That darling bookmark is such a sweet gift as well. All this family time sounds so wonderful!

    1. Thank you! I love that she did that, and it just makes it even more special. I love such thoughtful gifts, don't you?

  6. Cozy blankets are always a favorite of mine! I'm glad you're enjoying all the family time. Homemade gifts are also always a favorite - I love that bookmark! How thoughtful. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Handmade gifts are always a favorite for me as well! I hope your weekend as great as well, my friend.

  7. Love your hair always and your outfit and new ring are very cute too. I think I need to get that Reba book...there is so much about her that I love. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! You would love this book. She talks about Jesus a lot in it so far. I hope your weekend is great, my friend!

  8. The sunset and your joy at work are my favourites from this post! My favourite from this week was watching a lot of Ted Lasso with my teenage son. I cherished the time we were able to spend together and the conversations we could have about things which came up in the show.

    1. Aw, thank you! I love that you watched that with your son. I know how special times like that are as a mom to my own sons. Anytime that presents an opportunity to talk about something difficult is so good for us as their moms and them to help them navigate through life.

  9. I love your hair like that. I just got the notice that the Reba book is ready for pickup from the library...yea! I'm looking forward to the Sophie H. book too. I hope you have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you! And YAY! You will love the book. I am going to have lots of great reading this fall!

  10. Thank you for taking the time to speak to my heart today. God bless you for your faithfulness. I’m grateful.

  11. Your hair looks cute parted that way : ) I love sunsets too. And cookbooks. I have quite a few and enjoy browsing through them for inspiration. I feel like its easy now to just google a recipe, or go to Pinterest but I am still a fan of a real cookbook. I'm co-hosting a bridal shower this weekend and we bought a cookbook to use as the guest book. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you! I love Pinterest for that same reason, and my usage of cookbooks has greatly diminished.

  12. I love all these favorites and what a perfect eclectic assortment of groceries :).

    1. Thank you! I blame you partially for getting me back onto my Twizzler habit!

  13. Sweet Magnolias is one of those shows on my to watch list that I never get around to watching. I will one day.
    That is a pretty sunset and your store does look so cute.

  14. I'm happy to hear that you are feeling like your old self again :)

  15. I love the "Auntie Jenn" photo...too sweet! The ring is so pretty!

    1. Thank you! I love being with them; I miss them when I don't get to see them often. I am in love with my new ring!


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...