Tuesday, August 20, 2024

a fun thing from Friday

Happy Tuesday, friends! I hope your week is off to a great start! Why do I love this saying so much? I want it be said of me when I look back at this time in my life. I'm having to be someone I never planned on being: tough, assertive, confrontational, and unafraid to speak my mind. I have undergone a major transformation this summer when my world fell apart, and the old me is forever dead and buried. I don't think this is a bad thing, though, and though I'm surprised at this new version of myself, I'm not going to lie; I kind of love her. I know that's why I'm drawn to this saying above. But enough about all of that...

Speaking of that, here's how my weekend started on Friday:

I picked up my dear friend Marilyn, and we took a little field trip together. I've been wanting another tattoo, and after my dad died, I found an old card and knew immediately what I wanted. I didn't tell anyone I was doing this other than my sons, and two friends: Andrea and Marilyn. I asked Marilyn to come with me, because it's never fun getting a tattoo alone. And it turns out that she had the idea to take pictures for me! 🤣

My face here is terrible and funny all rolled into one. 

I always love the funny things you see in a place like this. I took the card with me to my appointment, and they made a copy of it onto a transparency that had ink on it; Chris applied it to my arm where he thought it would look the best, and after I approved it, he started. By the way, I appreciate that he did what he thought was best. It's a little bigger than I thought it would be, but he said with writing you can't make it too small or it'll look blurry, and he wouldn't go any smaller than what he suggested. 

Here's me looking away, because I never want to see a needle going into my arm, either for bloodwork or for a tattoo. Meanwhile, Marilyn apparently had no issue looking, watching, and getting up close and personal! 🤣 She had never seen anyone get a tattoo before, and was curious and had questions. Chris was incredibly nice and answered them all; I love that he was willing to talk about what he was doing and showing her how the needle worked with injecting ink into the second layer of your skin. 

It got a little awkward since his face was right at my arm, and I kept accidentally grabbing the bottom of his shirt. 🙄🤪

And here was what the finished product looked like. I love it! I wanted it on my right arm facing me so that I could read it; I don't care that other people can't read it, because it's not for them but for me. Here's the story behind it: 

After Dad died this summer, I was looking through cards one day and found one he'd given me for one of my birthdays. I'm a words girl, remember? Whether spoken, written, or shown, words and words of affirmation are extremely important to me. Anyway, I had always loved Dad's handwriting and how neat it was; I also loved how he signed his name to everything with his super swirly D's for either "Daddy" or "Dave". That being said, when I found this card with his signature, I knew that was what I wanted for my third tattoo. 

Since I've been reading the Bible chronologically with The Bible Recap community this year, I've loved hearing how Tara Leigh Cobble refers to us as His kids; one of the names of God is Abba Father which translates into "Daddy" or "Dad" in the original language. God is such a great Dad to His kids, just like my dad was a great dad to me. So seeing this signature of Dad's reminds me of my heavenly Father; He is the ultimate Daddy to me, and He has carried me through the hardest time of my life this summer. I know He will continue to, and I love saying to Him at the end of my prayer time, "I love You, too". So now when I look at this, though it does remind of my precious Daddy that is with Jesus now in Heaven, it also reminds me of my heavenly Father, and how He loves me. I've already looked at it countless times and have told Him in prayer how much I love Him in return.

The Lord shows me His love for me in a million little ways everyday, and He continues to show up and be so very good to me. He is God, therefore He is always good! It's the only way He knows how to be, since it's His nature to be that way. This is why I love keeping a running list of all the ways He cares for me; if you're a believer, you should consider this for part of your quiet time. It is truly life changing, seeing all the ways of how He takes care of us and watches over us. 

I love tattoos, and while they're not for everyone, I love that my three have meaning. Here are the others I have:

The same Chris did my first tattoo of this heart in February of 2020. I remember asking him if it mattered which arm it went on, but I knew I wanted it to be small and on the inside of my wrist. When he answered my question of which arm it should go on, he asked me if I wanted to see it a little or a lot, and was I left or right handed. I said I wanted to see it a lot, and that I was left handed, so he said it should go on that arm. I love that he was knowledgeable and informative about the little details like that. The heart looks crooked, but it's one I designed, and I wanted it like that for a reason. It reminds me Deuteronomy 6:5 and is a visual reminder to pray that over my sons:

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. That is my greatest prayer for my sons, their future spouses and kids if that Lord has that in store for them in the future, and for all of my bonus kids. I pray it over them every time the Lord lays them on my heart. 

And my second tattoo was one I got last year with Drew; we went in October. 

I love that he and I have this memory together! We went to another place for these that we each got, and though he did a good job on both of us, I will keep recommending the place I went to for my other two. The cross is an obvious symbol, but it was more that Drew said he would get a matching a tattoo with me that made me get this second one. Mine is on the inside of my right wrist, and his is on his left thumb. He told me a few weeks after we got these that the one we got that night was his favorite. He also has three, but his other two are much larger; one is on the underside of his left forearm, and he one on his left thigh as well. 

Here I was the next morning when I took the bandage off. It always stays a little red and puffy for a few days, but that will go down, and it'll be smooth once again. 

Do you have thoughts about tattoos? Would you ever get one? If so, what would be of and where would it be? I'd love to hear from you on this! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

I'm linking up with Joanne for today's post.


  1. I don't have any tattoos and I can't imagine getting one (I too never, ever look at needles entering my body!) BUT I love hearing the story behind other people's tattoos and I yours is so super sweet.

    1. Thanks for that! I also love hearing the story behind what people get. I always told my boys that if they got one to make sure that it meant something, and that it wouldn't be something frivolous that they would later regret.

  2. Thanks for Friday and it was fun for me too! We never imagined we would be here, but the new transformations the Lord is doing in us is giving us strength each day. I love that you have this reminder of His love for you! Enjoy your day at work. What a gift to serve others!

    1. Thank you for going with me and taking pictures! I love our new transformation of the old versions of us. We can be strong and we will get through it all with the Lord's help. I hope you have a great day too, my friend. We'll talk about Friday soon! 😘

  3. This is what I predicted! I think you showed the card on the blog and I kind of had that in the back of my mind. I don't have any tattoos and neither does Tom. I debated getting one my senior year of college but I didn't. Two reasons I probably won't get one - I am cheap and I don't like pain.
    I feel like this is part of your empowerment plan and I love that you did it!

    1. I knew you would know! I remember sharing that card. I've been carrying it in my purse ever since the day I found it! I am also cheap; someone gave me money and encouraged me to spend it in a memorable way in honor of my dad, so that's what I used to do this with. It is TOTALLY part of my empowerment plan! I love that.

  4. In our community, those that don’t have tattoos are a minority. My boss just got one, it is a red cardinal that appeared at his house prior to his mom’s death.

    1. I laughed when I read this about your community! That's really sweet that your boss got something like that. I love hearing stories about that kind of thing!

  5. Aww Jennifer this is so beautiful- what a wonderful tribute to your Dad and you are carrying him around with you too XO

    1. Thanks, friend! I love the thought of what you said. That's a really sweet way to consider!

  6. I like the way the tattoo has double meaning, standing for your dad and God. What a great reminder. I don't have any tattoos and will never have one. I'm not against the ones that are meaningful. But I can't stand seeing the sleeves and other body parts that are just completely covered in tattoos. You almost can't find anyone these days that doesn't have a tattoo. My son Ted has one in Hebrew that means "your worship is war." I love that someone spoke this over him after seeing him lead worship. It's the only tattoo he has and though I cried when he got it, I certainly agree with the sentiment. :)

    1. Thank you; it was meaningful to me as well, especially considering my life right now. I totally get what you're saying and am so glad we can still be friends. 🤣 I won't get another one; this one will be my last. I love what your son got in Hebrew; that's a true statement about all of us when we worship the Lord! I have heard a song with that somewhere in the lyrics, or something similar, about our praise being our weapon.

    2. I think it's in the song Raise a Hallelujah - "my weapon is a melody"

    3. Oh, maybe that's it!

  7. I would never get one but I think that I am in the minority (or just super old... or both!). I like what you had tattooed. You know one thing that surprises is how devoid the guy's arm who did your tattoo was of tattoos. You can see that his other arm has them but it is wild to me that the one arm has none visible.

    1. You made me laugh! Thanks for that. I didn't even notice, to tell you the truth, but that is interesting!

  8. I love all three of your tattoos, but most of all your newest one! How special that your Dad will always be with you. I have 6 tattoos. The most meaningful of which is a daisy chain on the top of my right foot. My Mom and I had talked about getting tattoos forever and I almost had her convinced to actually do it, and then she got sick and passed away. Daisies were her favorite flower, so it seems a no brainer. I love it so much and it makes me smile every time I see it. I also have a small heart on my left hand, a bigger heart on my right wrist, a tribal sun on my lower back (the only one I really regret, luckily I never see it and neither does anyone else really,), I have a small crescent moon and star on my right hip (my first tattoo - it's smaller than a quarter), and finally a heart, anchor cross combo on my left ankle (hope anchors the soul). Anyhow that was way too much about me. I hope you have a fantastic Tuesday!

    1. Thanks, Kirsten! I laughed over you saying that was TMI about you. I liked hearing about them! I love the story about the daisy chain one for your mom.

  9. I also have no tattoos and I'm not sure I'd personally get one but you have definitely inspired me, Jennifer! I love how intentional you were when getting each one and the story behind each! Your latest is such a lovely reminder of the love shared with your beloved daddy! How special to have those words in his handwriting! It's doubly special because of the connection to your earthly and your heavenly fathers! Beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Laura! I love the double meaning of my newest one.

  10. Ahh! I remember you mentioning the card from your dad in another post and getting a tattoo and I did guess that you would get your dad's handwriting. That is so special and it looks great. What a lovely tribute.
    I have always said I want a tattoo but I haven't found the perfect one yet.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I want to hear about it when you do find one.

  11. I love tattoos with special meaning! I technically have 4 but my last one is a whole arm sleeve. I am one of those people that other people never expect to have tattoos. Ha ha. My first is a ladybug for luck on my right foot. The second is an anchor for faith on my left foot. My aunt always called me an angel and she & I were very close. So my third is a small pair of angel wings that I got after she passed. It is behind my right ear. My 4th is all the birthflowers of my nieces, nephews and godchildren on my upper arm, my daughter's name, birthflower, and a peach blossom on my lower arm.

    1. I do too! I always ask people about theirs. I loved hearing the meaning behind yours!

  12. I don't have any tattoos, but my daughters have several each. I've never really liked tattoos, but I've grown accustomed to them because of my girls, and I can enjoy the meaning behind them now. Hope you have a great day.

  13. I never thought I would get a tattoo although I love the stories behind the sentimental ones. Now I have three - my first, "Where you lead I will follow" with an arrow (my daughter and I got matching tattoos on the inside of our left arm - we're Gilmore Girls and Carol King lovers), the second a pair of angel wings just below my left collarbone to honor my parents after they died. I struggled to come up with something small that represented each of them; there were several that would represent them but I would have ended up with a much bigger tattoo that I was comfortable with - my little wings are perfect. I know what and who they represent. The third is on my upper right arm, a pile of books with reading glasses laying on top and a cup of steaming coffee sitting in front of them. That's most of me in one tattoo but it's slightly off center because I wanted to see all of it whenever I looked down. I need something incorporated that will balance it. I love all of my tattoos and never say never about getting another. Your three are so wonderful, I love them!

    1. I loved hearing about your tattoos! I love that you and your daughter gone one together; what a special memory for you both. Never say never...I didn't mean to have three!

  14. Stopping over from Talking about it Tuesday. I loved reading about your tattoo experience and how special this new one is! I also love that Coffee t-shirt. I don't have any tattoos but I'm definitely not against them and would consider something tiny if my daughters wanted to get them with me.

    1. Thanks, Heather! I think we would do just about anything for our kids, right?

  15. Not a tattoo person, and no will never get one, but to each his own. I know a lot of people that love it.
    Found your post on Slices of Life. My entries this week are numbered #35+36
    Hope you will join/share M-Sat at https://esmesalon.com/tag/seniorsalonpitstop/

  16. This is so meaningful, just like the others you have. I don't have any and probably won't get any. I love hearing about them though, and the stories behind them.

    1. Thanks, friend. I love hearing about them from people too!

  17. I don't have any tattoos and no plans for any either. I enjoy the stories behind them and yours are meaningful to you which is what matters. Does it hurt?

    1. I love the stories behind them as well! That is a common thread here in this post. It stings for a few seconds, like a wasp sting, but then it quickly goes away.

  18. Love your new tattoo and the meaning behind it. I love tattoos. Eden, my cousin and I have the same bird tattoo different places/size and color. They are addicting. Getting my third in November:)

    1. Thank you! I love that you and Eden have something similar. That's a great idea to do with a friend (or cousin)! I've learned that I should never say never. They are addicting!

  19. I do not have any tattoos, but I wouldn't mind having one, something like that small heart (would be cool to have a matching one with my hubby, but I don't see him getting one ever, lol). So I probably won't get one but I love these!

    1. You made me laugh with the thought of your husband getting a small heart tattoo! 🤣 Thanks, though!

  20. Love your tattoos! They are so simple, but so awesome! I got my first tattoo when I turned 40, it's of a small ocean wave on the inside of my wrist. The ocean is my favorite of all time!

  21. Nope. I don't have any tattoos nor would I get one. I'm sorry to hear about your dad but it looks like you found a great way to remember him for you. I planted a tree and I purchased a grandfather clock when my dad died. They both have plaques on them honoring my dad. Hey, on another topic, do you know how to access our Ageless Style Instagram group and get notifications of new message? We are waiting to hear from you.

  22. Brave and beautiful! Thanks for sharing the process and the stories with us, Jennifer.


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