Saturday, August 31, 2024

Share Four Somethings


Happy Saturday, friends! Today we're talking about the things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed this month. I'll jump in!


I have loved my morning quiet times!

And I loved being with my sisters. I am so fortunate to have them in my life! Actually, I've loved lots of family time this month, including family from out of town and our new family weekly dinners. 

It's been a great August! 


I accomplished quite a bit concerning my future! I made my closet completely mine, and I am loving how that makes me feel seeing all of my clothes and shoes so well organized and displayed in a way that feels pretty. 

This feels very empowering and liberating! I'm embracing my new self/future. 

Improved upon

I am the most proud of what I've improved upon this month, and that is speaking up for myself. If I have something to say, I say it with zero hesitation and fear over what anyone may think. I've had to say some hard things recently, and I'm forever grateful to have family and friends cheering me on. 


It's started happening already, even though it's not quite September; I've noticed that the mornings are getting cooler! I'm so excited about this that I'm celebrating by decorating for Fall today. I am beside myself! Pictures to come soon. 🖤 

I'm so glad you're here today! I am excited to read all of your posts this week. Thanks for being a part of this fun link party, and for reading my blog today! Love to all. 


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Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Favorites, 8.30.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine started off kind of roughly again, but it improved as the week went on. 

It's always a favorite when a women's event is well attended! I have such a heart for women's ministry at my church; as a writer of the studies that we did together, it makes my heart happy to see women getting together whether for studying the word of  God, or for a fun night of fellowship. This was an event called Blooms of Faith; I didn't participate in this one, but I worked in place of attending. I was glad to help out! I was in charge of serving dinner to the ladies as they came through the line, but I had several friends who pitched in with helping hands. I was glad for that! 

My Monday was blah and not worth talking about here since I had to do something I was dreading, but then I met up with my friend Christa for dinner. Unfortunately I had to cut that short when Drew texted me from the ER telling me he'd passed out at work from heat exhaustion and dehydration. We thought he was going to be let go that night, but they ended up admitting him for twenty four hours for more bags of IV fluids and for observation. There was a certain enzyme level that they were watching that can be dangerous when not treated properly. His numbers were still high when he left the next day, but they're going down. He's seeing a doctor again today to follow up about this. 

Drew insisted that I go home for the night, because all he planned on doing was taking a shower and crashing as soon as they got him settled into a room. He actually slept well that night, aside from one crude wakeup at three a.m., but I'm glad he rested. 

The next morning I had an appointment here in this building, and then right after that, I was back by Drew's side, where I sat all day as he slept. Truth be told, I took a nap while he slept as well! I was mentally exhausted. I still kind of feel like this, honestly. 

I do not like when one of my sons is sick! I'm worried about him, honestly. You know how when you're young, you just don't take care of yourself? I don't want him to end up with kidney damage or anything crazy like that. I was glad to hear that the nurses steered him away from drinking energy drinks, and advised him on eating/drinking carefully.

It's my favorite thing in all the world when a puppy snuggles up to me like this; Chloe hugs me all the time, and she was doing that on the morning when I took this picture. We really don't deserve dogs, you know? They're so wonderful and loyal! Chloe is like my emotional support dog, because she senses when I'm upset and comes to comfort me. 

Work has been busy again this week, which is my favorite time to work! It's so great seeing people  back in the building from a summer off. 

My sweet Graham did a thing; he bought a house! He closed on it yesterday, and though I didn't go, I was able to swing by right as he finished signing his life away. I wanted to give him a hug and get a picture! I'm so proud of him! 

For the rest of my work day, I organized things, and then sat on the phone for this long while getting my new laptop set up with our tech company that helps us with all such things. I'm so thankful for my new work laptop! A laptop is better than a desktop any day! 

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the Share Four Somethings link party, so I hope to see you back here for that! What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I have so many things to be thankful for this week. I'll jump right in!

This week I am thankful for:

  • the health of my sons
  • the promise of cooler weather in the next week
  • the gift of friendship
  • wise counsel
  • anti-inflammatory medication 🤣
  • texts, phone calls, lunches, and dinners with family and friends
  • fun things to look forward to
  • the love of Jesus and His word

I'm keeping it short and sweet this week, since I'm writing this ahead of time and I am about to have to leave again. What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly Wednesday hodgepodge. I'll jump right in!

1. What is one cliche you think is nonsense? What is one that you think holds truth? I don't like the cliche, "Don't cry over spilled milk." Sometimes, as I've learned lately in life, we just need a really good cry. I get the sentiment behind the statement, but it also depicts crying over something as a negative response. I have cried a lot lately, and I appreciate when people don't think less of me because of that. One cliche that I love is, "Laughter is the best medicine." It is! It really is. 

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen? Well, let me introduce myself: Hello! My name is Jennifer and I break things. I'm always the one who breaks things in the house! I always have been, and I'm afraid I always will be. The last thing I broke happened last week, and it was a little glass dipping bowl that I was putting away. It slipped out of my hands and broke in two big pieces. The week before that I broke a glass water bottle in my bathroom, and it exploded into a million teeny tiny little pieces all over the floor in my bathroom, my closet, and my bedroom. It was terrible! 🤣

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had any this summer? The last thing you ate that you wanted s'more of? I love s'mores, but I haven't had any this summer. The last thing I wanted s'more of was the chocolate muffins that my friend made and brought to me last week; she'd made them out of her sourdough discard! They were amazing. 

4. What's a mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday? I've never ridden on a motorcycle, and though I used to want to do that, it now brings a negative image to my mind and I only want to do that when hell freezes over. 

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands on a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu to? I'm so happy it's almost September! My favorite memory from this month, hands down, was my mom's 80th surprise party a couple of weeks ago. 

Today is Mom's actual birthday! Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you! 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


Monday, August 26, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. How was your weekend? Mine was really good! Here are a few things I did:

First, please note that Chloe is hovering over this new scale in my bathroom; she can see her reflection in it, and she is terrified! She was actually barking and growling at this, eventually. She cracks me up!

I got dressed for lunch out with my friend Kristen and wore my cute graphic tee that I'd forgotten about! It says, "Good days Book Club". We met at Newk's, then after lunch, I went to Sam's for the bookstore and stopped at my dad's grave on the way there. 

His headstone came in a few weeks ago, and I think it turned out really great. The good thing about the VA cemetery is that they're quick about the headstones. Most funeral homes take forever over this kind of thing nowadays, from what I've heard from people.

My bread turned out a little lopsided this time around, but it still tastes great! I sold a loaf this week to my friend who asked me to make her a loaf last week. 

I stopped by Crumbl cookies to take with me Friday night to Marilyn's house. We had pizza, wine, and cookies. We mostly just sat and talked the whole time I was there, but we cut the night short because of the fact that she had to work early the next morning. 

Have you had these cookies from Crumbl yet? 

This was good with the pizza we had! 

Chloe and Crash were cuddle buddies early Saturday morning. 

My quiet time has been so good lately! The Lord keeps showing me how He is working in my life in spite of all the uncertainly and turmoil. I loved this reminder of how when we don't sense Him near, we have His word to turn to during those times. 

I met up with my mom and sister on Saturday, but we didn't do anything noteworthy. I did finally get around to washing my car, which is desperately needed. I even vacuumed it afterward. 

I went to Mom's for dinner that night, and then I was up early the next morning for church. I was home for a while during the day, then I went back to work a women's event again at four that afternoon. I was back home and showered by seven thirty, which was a nice way to end a long day. Today is going to be a day, I'm afraid. Do you mind praying for me? I'm hoping to make progress going forward in my future, and it hinges on something I have to do today. Thank you! 

How was your weekend? What did you do that you loved? I'd love to hear about it! Just a reminder that this coming Saturday is the last one of the month, if you can believe that, so that means it'll be time for Share 4 Somethings. I hope you join in with us! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty good, for the most part; I had some ups and downs and I'll shar...