Monday, July 29, 2024



Hi, friends, I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

My weekend was super low-key, thanks to a summer cold I seem to have caught from one of my sons. I started feeling kind of rough on Friday night, and fell asleep by eight o'clock while another son and I watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. (This is the last time I'll mention that, because not only was I not impressed, I was kind of disgusted with it all and won't be watching again.) Moving on...I went to bed early because of that and stayed home on Saturday for the same reason. I was trying to feel better by Sunday, because I can't really miss work right now. (I've missed so much this year!) 

This was me being the receptionist in the church office on Thursday. I enjoyed doing this, because it was very different from what I usually do. It was fun to see lots of people come in and out, and to hang out with the office people for a change. You'll be glad to know that I survived the messy desk debacle from last Monday when I shared it here. Remember? 

This was me killing time and spending more time in the reading plan I had read that morning. I love it when I open my Bible and find an old sermon; I needed to see these reminders again on Thursday! 

I came home that night and had this delicious leftover roast and sourdough bread for dinner. Drew came over later that night and had the exact same thing! And, he took home some leftovers for the rest of his week. I love being able to feed my sons! 

And this was me on Friday doing the same thing. That morning I was able to listen to a podcast titled "How to Radically Forgive", which I also needed to hear. There was one statement in the podcast that stood out against a host of others, and that was to pray to want to forgive. Whew. I have been praying that ever since! I also read the verses written out in the notes and copied them onto notecards so that I can quickly grab them and take them with me when I leave home for an extended period of time. 

I was so glad to be invited out to lunch that day with my work besties, and that they obliged me what I was craving: nachos from a local place here in town called Booyas. It was delicious and I devoured every bite! 

For the rest of the weekend I did mundane but necessary things like:

  • washed my sheets
  • cleaned the entire downstairs
  • caught up on laundry
  • binge watched a season of Somebody Feed Phil on Netflix
  • cuddled with the dogs
  • read my book
  • cried
  • got mad
  • consoled one of my sons once again since the devastation of our lives began on June 22
  • angry texted to get some things off my chest, so to speak
  • washed my hair
  • watched tv in bed
  • drank copious amounts of water to ward off sickness
  • rearranged a flower arrangement
  • talked on the phone several times

I also went to lunch with Marilyn after church on Sunday! 

I am so grateful to God for friends who have walked the same path I am walking in life, and who push me to get out and start new traditions. Everyone needs a Marilyn in their life! Fun fact: after we took this picture, the sky fell and we took a shower walking back to our cars. I acted like a man and walked her to her vehicle with my umbrella since it caught us off guard and she didn't have the chance to completely put on her rain jacket. 🤣 

After lunch I came home and changed and was settling in for an afternoon nap when Graham called. He'd been to look at a house that afternoon and he wanted to come pick me up to take me to see it with him; I told him later that I could have been knee deep in several things and busier than ever, but when my sons call me wanting to do something, I will always drop everything for them and run. I know all of you can imagine how happy this kind of thing makes me! I love that they include me in their lives, and there is nobody on earth I love more than my sons. 

What did you do this weekend? I hope to be back here again this week, but I will definitely be here on Wednesday August 2nd for the Currently link party. Next month we'll be talking about the things we're currently loving, looking forward to, dreading, eating, and buying. I hope you make plans now to join us for that next week! As always, thank you for the encouragement you've sent my way, and for continuing to show up here even when I've not been faithful in posting. I'm hoping that turns around again soon! Love to all. 


  1. I would put no pressure on yourself to write posts. With that said, know that your posts are read and enjoyed :). It sounds like you had a good weekend- not feeling well physically and working through tough things emotionally notwithstanding. Thank God (literally...) for friends and your boys- being there for each other, praying for each other, laughing and crying together. Truly gifts from God!

    1. Thank you for that! I do honestly miss being here and writing everyday. I think if I put a little pressure on myself that it'll help me regain some normalcy in my life. I'm craving that right now, although nothing is "normal" these days. I'm all about new habits and routines, though! Maybe a new "normal" will be not quite everyday, but a few times a week. Who knows? It always changes from week to week, I've noticed. I'm so thankful for the gift that my sons, family, and friends have been to me! They've been my greatest blessings lately.

  2. It sounds like a very full weekend and a very full Sunday - yay! I hope that you have a good week and that you have some answered prayers.

    1. I know! I was so glad that Sunday was full; that feeling lasted right up until I went to bed and slept solidly that night. What a relief! Thanks for that, my friend. I hope your today and tomorrow go well with your PD days!

  3. You are such a great mom and during the tough times like these, your boys will always remember that...despite what you are feeling, you are still putting them first..your sacrifices will pay off and I am so glad you have friends like Marilyn to push you forward XO

    1. Thank you, my friend! I hope they always know that about me, that I love them fiercely and that I would literally move Heaven and earth for them.

  4. Your boys are so luck to have you, and you them. Especially during tough times.
    Sometimes lunch with a good friend does such wonders for the Soul. I hope you have a good week!

    1. Thank you for that, my friend! You are so right about lunch with a good friend. It's all about the small pleasures in life!

  5. I love that you added "angry texted" in your list :) Give me the number and I'll send some too! just kidding my friend. But after all - you have every right. And your sons are warming my heart. They are precious.

    1. I mean, right??? I'll be sending you that number now. 🤣🤣 I'm so grateful for my handsome young men! I ended up with a full house last night, which always makes me so happy. I love it when I get to see/talk to all of them on the same day. I missed being with my Noah, but I did talk to him before I went to bed. That's the next best thing!

  6. Sounds like a low key weekend for sure. We have a couple friends who are sick as well. Hope all is well.

    1. It ended up being the perfect balance for me! I know so many who are sick right now. We have had rainy weather here for the last week, and that always gets to us! I hope you have a great day, friend.

  7. Grown kids who are supportive and dear friends are a blessing in times of great stress and the things life brings. So glad you have both of these now. Lunch with a friend who understands helps a lot too. Take care and I hope you find beauty and joy in the week ahead.

    1. You are so right! I will be looking for those moments this week. I hope you have a great week, friend!

  8. I loved seeing your Saturday list! The roast and bread looks like the perfect meal. Thanks for walking me to my car after lunch! I am glad you went out to see the hosue and hope you feel better today.

    1. It was SO GOOD. And you're welcome! You're worth it all, my friend. I am so glad you asked me to lunch; thank you for changing up my Sunday routine!

  9. Hi Jennifer: So sorry you have been sick this weekend, and I hope you are feeling better today. Hang in there my friend and stick with Jesus and your sons and your friends to help you along. I'm so glad you have them all. I'm still praying for you.

    1. Thank you, Cathy! You are so right; I am glad for them too. I appreciate your prayers!

  10. Always good seeing you here :) Sometimes making a list, however mundane, helps to show you that you WERE productive, despite the world's definition of such. Grown children. . .what a blessing they are.

    1. Thanks, Jenni! I agree; I love list-making! You are so right. I never knew how much that would be so!

  11. Hello! I pray you are feeling better, my friend. Hugs and prayers for more happy days than sad ones.

  12. Aw, sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I spent most of Saturday painting and working at my parent's house; they put their house on the market last week and the photographer is coming tomorrow and they had a HUGE list of things they wanted to get done. How sweet of you to walk Marilyn to her car! LOL. I love seeing photos of the two of you and knowing that between her, your sons, and your friends from church you have lots of people giving you lots of support.

    1. Thanks for that! I'm glad that you were able to help your parents with their list of things to do. You should have seen us! I'm fairly certain we were both drenched by the time we got to our vehicles. 🤣

  13. I loved seeing the photo of the two of you! Hope you are feeling better soon!

    1. Thanks, my friend! It was such a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

  14. Hi Jennifer I have just been catching up on your blog. I am always playing catch up trying to juggle work, home life and blogging. There are never enough hours in the day! Firstly I wanted to send you my sincere condolences at the passing of your dear dad. I am so sorry and I'm sending you much love and prayers. I totally agree with you about the Olympic ceremony and I just ask myself "why?". We watched the waterpolo the other night because my husbands nephew is on the Australian team. Other than that I'm not interested.

    1. Hey there, friend! I know how you feel and often find myself playing catch up a lot these days as well. No worries, though! Thank you for your kind words about my dad. I miss him! I always need the prayers too, and I appreciate yours. Isn't it sad about the disgrace of it all? I think it's amazing that your nephew is participating, though! I have watched it some, actually, because I love certain sports.


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