Monday, July 22, 2024



Hi, friends, I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. 

Fridays are very different for me now, as you can imagine, with the passing of my Dad. Each week is a new one, though, and I'm embracing what my new life looks like now, even if it's not the life I'd always imagined. Thinking of and stressing about it doesn't do any good, so I might as well be like this, right? I'm learning every single day. On this particular week, I went into work for a couple of hours. I've asked for more hours as they're able to find for me, and this was one opportunity that I was afforded. I'll be working the front desk in our church office for two days this week, on Thursday and Friday, so this past Friday I went in to start learning. 

Just know that this desk almost makes me insane, because I struggle with working in chaos. 

I was given the sweetest gift from one of my young friends, Madison. Aren't these flowers stunning? I love the presentation of them and the craft paper. 

After I worked for a little while, I went to get my hair trimmed. Does anyone else hate having their hair trimmed? I never like how it looks immediately following this appointment, but I desperately needed this, so I'm glad I went. 

I had made tentative plans with two different people on this night, but I canceled everything when my son's friend broke his leg in two places. Jonah had to take his friend's little brother up to the hospital, and since Graham was working that night, I decided to stay home with the dogs. I wasn't upset about this, because I love to take a shower after a haircut, and then I just changed into my pajamas. I had leftovers for dinner, and I prepped the bread I had plans on baking the next day. Saturday morning I woke up and finished making the bread; it turned out beautifully!

I got out for a little while on Saturday with my mom and sister; it's been ages since we've done that! We just ran a few errands, and then we had lunch before calling it a day. After that my mom went home, and Trish and I went to my dad's house to collect some things that we wanted. 

And then I took Trish back home and had dinner with them that night. I love country sunsets! Bill made amazing BBQ chicken with slaw, potato salad, cucumbers with oil and vinegar, and garden tomatoes. This was one delicious meal! 

I hung one of the pictures I brought home in my bathroom that night. I love how it looks, and I needed to fill in the blank space since I'd taken something down that week. 

The zinnias at their house are beautiful! Those are one of my favorite flowers. 

Sunday morning dawned bright and early; I stayed home for the rest of the day after church, though I'd made plans to make a hospital visit. I may do that today instead, since I have a few errands to run this morning. I struggle on Sundays, friends. They feel long and lonely, and I may share more here someday in the future, but if you want to pray for me on those days, they'll never be wasted. One thing I started this weekend was the show America's Sweethearts on Netflix, and I binge watched the entire show. It was so good! Many of you have talked about it here, which was why I tried it for myself. 

What did you do that you loved this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. The flowers are lovely! The ones at your mom´s house and the ones you were given- Alyssa´s boyfriend´s family has a flower farm side business and many times Alyssa is gifted a beautiful bouquet in craft paper. I hope you were able to get some meaningful items from your dad´s house- things that remind you of his character and/ or his love for you and your boys. Your bread is pretty and I am glad you liked the Netflix show! I hope you have a good Monday and the rest of the week as you move into working the front desk at your church.

    1. Aren't they?! I love that Alyssa's boyfriend's family has a flower farm. What a fun thing that would be to do! Thank you, I didn't get anything incredibly sentimental, but things that I love and that feel special to me; they had a gallery wall out in their den, so I brought home several of those framed pictures. Thanks for the well wishes this week; I hope yours is great too, my friend!

  2. Aww, shoot. I hate that Sundays are long and lonely. Maybe you can plan something for next Sunday if you have the energy. My friend does Sushi Sundays or Brewery Sundays. She just does either of those things depending on the mood. I am glad you had such a busy Saturday, though. I love that picture you hung.
    I cannot stand a cluttered desk. When I cover for another teacher and their desk looks like this I almost just can't sit there. I will pick a student desk or stand. Maybe that is why I can't sub? My desk is always totally clear. I have my piles, mind you, but I cannot focus if my desk isn't clear.

    1. I will probably plan something next week just to get out of the house. This week it worked that I felt like staying home, because I also get in a really bad mood on Sundays for a reason that I'll explain privately. I love the picture, too! I love even the color of the mat in the frame. I totally get that and would be the same way! I detest clutter, so I always clean up things before I leave. I was thinking of all the things I would do with that desk if I were the one sitting behind it; but I'm not, so I will try my very best to ignore it this week. I may go crazy, though. 🤣

  3. Hi Jennifer :) The weekends always feel the loneliest for some reason. I've been praying for you daily. Big hugs, from hot and humid Texas :)

    1. Hey there, friend! You are right; I don't have as much to do, for one thing, and I always enjoyed them previously. I'm all about making new routines and standing "dates" now, though. For instance, Saturday nights are now spent at my mom's house every week, so I always look forward to that. Thank you for your prayers, my friend. I sincerely appreciate them and you with your sweet words. Much love to you!

    2. I love that you've made a standing date with your mom on Saturdays :) That is a great step in creating new routines.

  4. That's good that you are picking up some more hours at work. I would feel the same way about the desk! The flowers are so pretty, and I love when they are wrapped in brown paper like that. Hope you have a good week. I will be praying for you especially on the weekend.

    1. I know, I'm glad to have the chance to do that this week. It's rough, friend. 🤣 My mind struggles with chaotic surfaces/environment. I love it when flowers come wrapped like that too! Thank you for your prayers!

  5. Hi Jennifer- I am so sorry you have to go through this tough time- your faith will carry you through- I can only imagine what is happening right now on top of the passing of your Dad- you got this XO

  6. The flower are gorgeous! The bread is almost too pretty to eat, although if I had the chance I'd definitely give it a go! Sending you hugs and positive vibes for a great week!

  7. I love the flower bouquet and the zinnias...both are beautiful. I really love the new picture you hung! Praying for you. I have a sticky note with a prayer request for you on the side of my desk. I noticed it as I was getting set up for the day and stood there and prayed for you and also for another request there. Take care and I know God will be with you every step that you are taking in these hard times.

    1. I think zinnias are some of the most beautiful flowers ever. I love this hybrid plant; the colors meld together, and I think it's so pretty. You have no ideas what your prayers for me mean! Thank you so much, my friend, but words cannot express my gratitude. If I can ever repay those prayers for you, don't hesitate to let me know. You are so right!

  8. I absolutely could not sit at that desk without doing a little tidying up. I cannot handle a cluttered desk space. The flowers you were given are beautiful and I also love the zinnias, one of my favorites too. Take care and give yourself lots of grace as you grieve.

    1. Right?? I feel the same. Thank you for that, Joyce!

  9. What beautiful flowers! Good for you for picking up extra shifts and trying new things on Fridays.. though I agree that desk would be hard for me to work at too! I am such a neat freak about my work spaces. Your bread looks beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad to do that for my friend who will be gone this week.

  10. Those flowers are beautiful!

  11. Yikes, that desk would drive me nuts! What beautiful flowers. You're becoming quite the artiste with your bread!

    1. I know! It's bad. I hope it'll be better this week. Thank you for that!

  12. I need some tips on how you decorated your bread! Look at you go! I'm so glad you have this new hobby :). We can grab lunch on a Sunday sometime this fall!

    1. The trick is a big, sharp knife, and pushing the tip of it all the way down until you hit the bottom of the Dutch oven. You'll feel like you're going too far, but you're not, I promise! You can Google fun and whimsical designs to find one that you like. So far I've just freehanded everything. I would love that too!

  13. the loaf is just to pretty to eat :)


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