Saturday, July 27, 2024

Share 4 Somethings (July 2024)


Happy Saturday, friends! I meant to post something yesterday about how I'd be here today, but I forgot. I'll fill you in on what's been going on this week later in the post. Today we're talking about the things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed this month. I'll jump in!


This month I loved watching some of the Christmas in July movies on Hallmark Movies Now. I watched one last night called An Ice Palace Romance that was okay. I also loved some of the books I read this month! I'll share more about those on Thursday of this week, when we co-host the August edition of Share Your Shelf. I hope you make plans to join us for that link party! 

Though these pictures aren't from this month, this was my favorite way to read this summer: on the beach, breeze blowing, ear buds in my ears listening to music, seeing/hearing the ocean past my Kindle. 

I disliked the great disruption/changes in my life, but I'm working hard to get through it and develop new habits and routines. 


I didn't get much accomplished in the way of cooking, but I did enjoy some great bread days! Today would normally be that, but I pushed it off to Monday this week because of my work schedule last week.

Improved upon/Needs improvement

An obvious answer for me with this prompt is that I need to work on and improve upon my emotions. They're all over the place! I know it's normal, but I really hate when they get the best of me. I'm going to work on writing more this month, and getting outside of my normal daily life. This is a great week to start that, right?? 


This month I've noticed how my potted flowers on the deck have survived my lack of attention. It's the Dipladenia flower; I will try to find those again next summer! 

Thanks for being here today to join me this month, despite the fact that I didn't check in with a reminder this week. I'm really hoping to be around here more in the days to come, including on Wednesday when we'll be here for the August edition of Currently. I'll share the prompts for the coming month on Monday, and promise to not forget. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Your white sand is gorgeous!! Beautiful pics. I hear you on letting our emotions get the best of us...we do need to feel them tho. It's hard. Your beaking is impressive!

    1. Isn't that beach gorgeous? Destin, Florida has the most stunning beaches and water. Thanks, Lydia!

  2. Those beach photos are just fabulous and feel so relaxing. How impressive that your flowers are doing so well even with neglect-- those are my kind of flowers! Unfortunately, those darn pesky emotions often sneak up on us and take over and there isn't usually a whole lot we can do about it. I'm so sorry you're struggling and I don't know if it helps at all but I do think of you often and keep praying things will get a bit easier.

    1. Thank you for that, Joanne! You'll never how much I appreciate those prayers, my friend.

  3. It was great to hear from you. I wrote a post but was not sure if you would be here or or not :). Give yourself grace on all of the emotions! Your flowers and bread are all so pretty. Have a great weekend!

    1. I'm glad you were prepared! I'm giving myself grace, but I'm also tired of myself, if that makes sense?? I made myself laugh. Thanks for that, friend!

  4. Your flowers are beautiful, and I'll bet your kitchen smells divine when the bread comes out of the oven!

    1. Thanks, friend! It does always smell so good on bread baking day. It's my favorite!

  5. That is the perfect setting for reading. Although, sitting on the beach like that I don't know if I would read at all, or just watch the surf!

    1. Isn't it?! I did struggle with that wonderful distraction.

  6. The bread looks lovely! I would like to work on dealing with my emotions better too.

    1. Thanks, Lesley! It is delicious. I think that's something good for a lot of us to work on!

  7. Hello! The bread is absolutely amazing! One of these days I am going to give it a try! Love your reading spot too.

  8. Your bread looks great! The reading spot is the best. I have not been outside enough this summer and I know I am going to regret it once it gets cold. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Thanks, Cindy! It was so lovely to sit out there and read while the ocean roared in the background. I hope you get outside some soon!

  9. My kindle and I can get through most anything. lol. I depend on reading to keep me mentally healthy. Love to see you enjoy reading at the beach today. It's such a great pairing. Thanks for hosting us!

    1. I feel the same about my Kindle, Lisa! I wish I was back at the beach, but I'm at home now. That's just an old picture from my beach trip at the end of June. I'm glad you linked up with us this month!

  10. I have no idea what happened to my comment... but I'll try again! Those beach photos look so fabulous. Your breads are beautiful and look so tasty. I love that your flower bloomed despite the lack of attention; so many of mine are floundering by this time of the summer when I am pretty much over watering them. I'm not sure it helps much but I hope you know that I think of you often and you're in my prayers as I know you are going through a difficult time.

    1. Thanks for commenting a second time! I hate it when that happens. Thanks for the love, though, friend, both in your kind words and in your thoughts and prayers. I am so grateful for them! I know what you mean about being over watering; I gave up long ago, sadly. My life went haywire and I stopped caring about everything other than the most essential.

  11. I am lating getting around to reading the link-up posts but am enjoying it nonetheless! Thanks for keeping it going each month. Your bread loaves are so pretty! I had to give up on the sourdough craze. Mine were not pretty but they didn't taste's just that I was the one eating it all!! Praying you are having a peace-filled week.

    1. Better late than never, my friend! I'm glad to keep it going, even though I forgot to mention it here last week. I'm glad y'all are faithful! Thanks for that; I love making it so much and am looking forward to it already this weekend. I'll be spending part of tomorrow getting ready to bake on Saturday. I get it about the eating it part- I have to pace myself. I don't even eat a slice everyday, but I do sometimes eat one slice a day. It's a healthier option for a bread, though, so I don't feel guilty. I hope the same for you, my friend!

  12. Your breads look amazing! And the neglected dipladenia is gorgeous!

  13. Continued prayers coming your way Jen. Oh, boy Jen, our emotions sometimes are like lose squirrels running amuck. Sometimes I feel guilty when my emotions are running amuck. I'm not sure but it may be a me wanting to control, but then I'm comforted remembering that Jesus felt our same emotions, then I go to Him ask for his comfort, guidance and peace. Sorry, I got long winded... I haven't been to the beach in so long, but I do remember how I loved reading and being (awestruck) distracted by the ocean. Your bread looks fantastic, I've never made homemade bread before. I can virtually sell that coming out of your oven.


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