Tuesday, July 16, 2024

life carries on


Hi, friends! I thought I'd be here to blog yesterday, but life doesn't always go as I'd planned. That is a loaded statement if ever there was one! I thought I'd just talk for a few minutes here today, about nothing in general and a few things that I'm enjoying to help myself right now. 

I've gone back to writing out scripture on notecards. I used to do this all the time, but lately I've been needing fast access to verses to pray through. My pastor has contributed ideas for me in this, and so has a counselor that I've been seeing. More about that in a minute, though.

It's been amazing to get an outpouring of love from friends through the gift of cards. My stack is growing, and I feel so very fortunate!

I've learned how to be better at asking for help or favors. My friend keeps asking me if she can do anything, and I had a special favor to ask of her: if I could use her pool this week. She was happy to oblige me, and my sister even went with me! I'm learning that people want to do something, and I need to take them up on their offers. I'm getting better at this with each passing day. It's very humbling!

Baking bread is something I still enjoy immensely. I never knew how much I would need it when Marilyn taught me how to do this a few weeks ago! I am looking forward to starting this again on Friday.

I've never been one to visit graves, but I'm drawn to visit the cemetery where my dad is. You know what I mean; I know it's not him that's there, but it's peaceful to go there and that's where I went last week since it was Friday. And then I thought of how Fridays with Dad will continue in this way for a bit, and I had a good cry for at least twenty minutes in my car. 

My life has been such a rollercoaster lately, but I love having a house full of people. Jonah and Graham have some of the greatest friends, and I love when they come to hang out. 

My guys crack me up! I had asked Drew to take a picture of me with some people, and this is what he did while I tried to get them out the door and into the hall. They make me laugh so hard, and I legit laughed out loud when I saw all of these. 

Portable fans are my lifesavers right now, y'all. I bought myself a fourth one recently, and it's my favorite because it's pink.

Lastly, going to counseling has been good for me lately. I've been twice and am working on the "homework" that she gave me; I go back in August and will continue to do so until I feel like I don't need as much help. My anxiety levels have been through the roof since June 22nd, and this is one thing I can do to help myself. Other things I'm trying to remember is to accept help readily, so I've been humbly taking food from my church family. They've been feeding us for two weeks, and the list goes through this week and next. You have no idea what this means to us to not have to worry about dinner each night! 

Thanks for still coming around to read my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. So thankful you are feeling loved and that the sourdough bread allows you a new hobby to enjoy!

    1. Thank you, my friend! And thank you for always being such a huge source of encouragement for me. I love you much!

  2. Relax and take the help that is offered. You would be among the first to do for others, let them take care of you for a little while.

  3. That heart on your sourdough! I love that!! And yes for taking people up on their offer of help; it's so true that it can be so hard to do that but they really genuinely do want to help.

    1. Isn't that so cool?? I loved it too. I am learning that more and more as time goes on. Thank you for that sweet encouragement!

  4. I just saw about your dad. I am SO SORRY!!!!.... When I unexpectedly lost my dad 6 years ago, my world just crashed & has been forever changed. but how blessed we've been to have the most amazing fathers in our lives? Sending you the biggest hugs ever!!!!

    1. Thank you so much! I feel that way too, so very blessed to have had him.

  5. Prayers continue for you and your sons. I know you are an amazing friend to others and they are honored to be there for you during this time. Thank you for giving us an update.

    1. Thank you! Please keep them up. We're working on not being bitter. It feels good to be here when I can actually have words to say. I tried on Monday, but nothing came out. One day at a time is my new motto!

  6. I am glad you have found things to help you though this tough time. It sounds like you have got a good support system with lots of people helping out. Sending love and hugs.

    1. Thank you! You are so very right. I appreciate the love, my friend!

  7. That's wonderful that you have support from friends and family. It's a rough time Jennifer and I pray for you daily! Like you I struggle with accepting or asking for help. But I discovered that people really want to help especially those who are very close to us. I remember asking my wonderful friend to take me to the Salvation Army to donate my mums beautiful clothes. She was more than happy to help and I couldn't have been more grateful. Especially when I broke down in the carpark and she was there to hold me. Sending much love xx


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