Thursday, July 18, 2024

get dressed up anyway and a little bit of wisdom I've learned recently


Hi, friends! I'm linking up with Kellyann and Jill for today's blog post. It'll be a little bit of Fashion Files, and a little bit of wisdom in the form of vanity that's been making a difference in my life recently. 

As many of you know, in the last month, my life has been a trainwreck. I don't mean to be evasive here, but I am not really at liberty to share everything that this entails, but this is why I wanted to link up here today. Because even when life is a mess, you need to just get dressed up anyway. You need to carry on as best you're able, and if that involves putting on lipstick, then so be it. That's what I've been telling myself lately, and it's what I'm sharing with you today. 

Life isn't always sunshine and roses; sometimes it's ugly, painful, and just plain hard.

Sometimes it's all you can do to get out of bed, only to realize that this is not a nightmare that you've been dreaming, but that you are actually living in and waking up to it everyday of your life. On those days you get up anyway and carry on as usual, starting with making the bed. (At least, that's what I do.)

Sometimes you don't want to be around people, but life's circumstances prevent you from wallowing alone at home, so you put on your favorite lipstick, and you smile anyway. 

And somedays you just have to take a picture of yourself to share with your mom, sisters, and niece, because you feel cute that day and nobody has seemed to care. 

And sometimes on other days, you do stay home and wallow. You cry all day, and then the next day you wake up breathing fire, you're so angry. But you keep going and you keep walking forward. So, in spite of the days that suck, you go on about life. Some days all I can wear are comfy clothes, but on the days when I work, it feels great to get up, get dressed, and get out of the house. The walls have a habit of closing in on me at night, so I look forward to my daytimes. 

I didn't mean to be all gloomy here, but honestly, this is my life right now. Some days I'm sad and cry all day, other days I'm mad and I have to fight off the feelings of anger. I think it's why I've not had the emotional energy or strength to write very often. I didn't mean for this to feel so heavy, but it's what it seems to be, so I'll leave it as is and hope I don't run any of you off. 🤣 Thanks for reading along today and being patient with me! Grace upon grace, as I like to say. 

Love to all. 


  1. Glad to see you here this morning! Annie F Downs has been doing an enneagram series and I can see through this post that you were in the heart triad. The series has been helpful because I seem to be able to understand more how people process things, rather than usually when you read about enneagrams they tell you the tendencies of a person. All your dresses are so cute. Sometimes we just have to fake it till we make it. Much love to you.

    1. I feel like I need to check into this. I've been seeing her on IG saying that she was doing something different, and now I'm intrigued. Thanks for mentioning that! It the heart triad means that I am all up in my feels, then I wholeheartedly agree! Yesterday was so much better, but last night got me. Thank you for your sweet words and encouragement! ❤️

  2. Just as common sense is not that common, I would say that authenticity is not that common especially in the online world where anyone can write anything. But you have shown how authentic you are (in addition to being strong, emotive, capable, etc.) in your words here. Oh, and make it cute- you are looking good with your cute dresses, make up, hair and nails. Keep on, keeping one! I pray for God´s peace for you today and in the weeks to come.

    1. Thank you for that, my friend. You have no idea what words of encouragement are for me right now! They're life giving, because after I leave work, that's where the encouragement and support stops. My sons are here for me, of course, but I'm working on not burdening them with my messy life right now, though two of them are good to talk to and are feeling it all with me. I also greatly appreciate your prayers! Much love to you.

  3. I have been praying for you, and also appreciate your authenticity. Thank you for setting a good example. On a lighter note, what is your favorite lipstick?

    1. Thank you for that! You know what? I cannot think of the brand to even do a Google search right now, but I'll link them here tomorrow and mention them on my Friday Favorites. I have two that I love and that are worth mentioning tomorrow. They're inexpensive, too! I bought them both at Target.

  4. Well, I 100% support you throwing on one of your gorgeous dresses (one and done!) and putting that lipstick on. Each day that you do this requires lots of strength, which you have. Things will get better. I firmly believe that. Thanks for showing up here, too. That's not easy!

  5. I have a tshirt that says Grace Upon Grace. I am in the trenches of parenting a 9 year old girl that we adopted and it is a challenge. I feel the same way you do. I want to cry, scream and hide. Her name is Jaya - please pray for her

    1. Have you heard the song Grace Upon Grace? It's by a group named Brooke and Bogg, or something like that. It's beautiful; you should listen to it when you have a chance! I know that must be challenging feeling all of those emotions in parenting; I have a similar situation with a family member's adopted child, so I know what that looks like. I will pray for Jaya and for you as well! I'm a huge fan of support groups or counseling, so maybe you could look into something like that where you can be with like-minded people and talk things through. Thanks for commenting today!

    2. I called today and scheduled Behavior therapy We start next week!!!

    3. I'm so glad you did that! I pray that it helps you all!

  6. Well, I have to admit, I feel something deep going on here and that leaves lots of room for guessing. Not that you owe us anything. I'm just hoping that the Lord works all of this out and you feel his presence over anything else. I pray the Lord gives you strength for each day and night. I'm praying for his peace to be like a blanket over you each night and you wake each day feeling well cared for. Take care my friend.

    1. I know! I'm sure everyone feels that way. Thank you for the patience and your very kind words. He is giving me strength each and everyday, and every morning I wake up thanking Him for His mercies that are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness! Somehow, I am able to sleep each night, and I know that is the hand of God. It doesn't make sense.

  7. There's a great line (or few lines) from Sleepless in Seattle regarding grief. Whenever I'm going through challenging times I think of that quote. Maybe you can think of it on hard days

    "I’m gonna get out of bed every morning … breathe in and out all day long. Then after a while, I won’t have to remind myself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out. And then after a while, I won’t have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while."

    On a lighter note - I love ALL your dresses. And nails.

    1. I love that so much! And I love that movie. My Jonah is named after Sam's Jonah in that movie. (Everyone thinks it's because of the Bible character, but that's my least favorite character in the Bible.) 🤣 Thank you!

  8. I went through a really rough time 20 years ago (doesn't seem like that long) and went through the tears and the rage and all the emotions. What I learned was to not push to get through those tough times, not to wallow in them either but to lean on the Lord. Lean hard! He's got you, now more than ever. In my case, just when I reached a point where I realized I was going to be fine, God brought new joy and blessing into my life - God's got you and we're all praying for you!

    1. I love what you said about not pushing through them, and I just listened to a podcaster that said the same thing. Thank you for that! You are so right; the Lord is faithful and He will never let me down or leave me forsaken. Praise His holy Name.

  9. My therapist calls that "dragging yourself through the door" and it really does work, just as long as you also make sure to feel all your feelings. (something I definitely didn't do) Sending you strength and prayers for whatever you're going through.

    1. I like what your therapist calls it! It's such a true description. I just listened to a podcast that said the same thing about feeling all of the feelings. It's great advice. Thank you!

  10. Praying that you had a peace-filled weekend. That the Lord refills your least, halfway:) And that you will keep moving forward. And making the bed:) (always a good start!) Thanks for sharing your heart. Many are praying for you and thinking about you.

  11. Well, you do look great on the outside. As hard as I am sure it is to get up and keep going some days, putting on a dress and some lipstick is a remarkable start. It really is. You are so much stronger than you think you are because most people would not be able to put on the smile and go through the motions. I keep praying that one day it won't all feel like so much work for you but in the meantime you keep trying and on the days you can't or don't and end up crying that's okay too. 😘

    1. Thank you! I will take small starts every single day. I appreciate your encouragement!

  12. Sending you strength and love and reminding you to give yourself grace XO

  13. Hello there. I was sitting here thinking about visiting some blog friends, and you came to my mind. I came over to visit, and read through your posts. I am so very sorry on the loss of your father. Please know you are in my prayers. I sense that in addition to that heavy cross, you are carrying another heavy burden. One day at a time. We are all here with you. Hugs, my friend

  14. Sending love and hugs to you!
    I always feel better when I am wearing something nice with a bit of make up on. It doesn't make my problems go away but just for a few moments I can smile. I hope things are better for you soon. x

  15. I'm catching up on blogs a bit late but I just wanted to say that, whatever is happening, I am praying for you Jennifer. And while it's hard to be so sad and so angry, I think that feeling those emotions is better than suppressing them so give yourself permission to sit with the hard too. Sending love...


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

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