Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Favorites, 7.19.2024.


Hi, friends! I hope your week has been good; mine has been better than last week, so I'm thankful for that. I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. 

I've been wearing extra earrings lately. They're my favorite!

It's been cooler here this week in temperature, and my favorite thing to wear on cooler days is a maxi dress. This one is in my favorite color: royal blue!

Books are my favorite! These are three I've been given lately. One is a book that the staff at our church is reading together, the other two are ones that friends bought me. 

Someone here recently asked about my favorite lipsticks, and these are the top two right now. 

In my Bible Recap plan this week, I read Isaiah 26; it's one of my favorite chapters!

This is one of my favorite dresses from last summer; I'd forgotten about it until this week, so I wore it to work on Wednesday. 

This strawberry cake from my pastor's wife has been a favorite for all of us!

Why do I love coffee mugs so much? The only thing I love more than these is when I'm given one as a thoughtful gift. I love that it says Mama inside; one of their friends gave this to me.

Monday was my favorite! I swam in this glorious pool with my sister. 

Chloe napping on me in the mornings will always be a favorite for me. 

This night at a great restaurant was a favorite! (Here's that red lipstick I mentioned above.)

Here's the inside of it; I love places like this!

This bread is my favorite! Sourdough bread has been such a stress reliever for me, and I'm getting better at the patterns I score into the top of the loaf.

I went to my visit my dad's gravesite last Friday. I sat in my car for half an hour and bawled my eyes out after I took this picture. 

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from Dad's funeral. One is my two friends and me (Missy on the left, Teresa in the middle), the other is my sister Trish and my brother Paul, and this last one is of my boys being the pallbearers for Dad's casket with my nephew Devin in the back. This one makes me cry when I look at it, and I hesitated to share it here, but I love it so much. 

In case you missed them, I did write blog posts this week! I'll link them here. 

Tuesday was a post I titled Life Carries On

Wednesday was a Hodgepodge post. 

Thursday was about Getting Dressed Up Anyway, even when you don't always feel like it.

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Funerals of family members are hard yet comforting in small ways because we are surrounded by people we love and care about the most and we can see that our lives are part of something larger. At my brother´s funeral- he died when he was just 49, it was hard because his death was unexpected but I saw many in the family whom I don´t see often at all. On a lighter note, your dresses are all so cute. I like your blue tiered dress. Isn´t this cooler weather great? We are having it along with low humidity. It´s been just lovely! Have a great day and weekend!

    1. You are so right! They're hard, and comforting, and sad, and also hopeful because of the hope we have in Jesus. I know it's so much worse when the death is unexpected, and it's hard to feel all of those things in times like that. Thank you for that! I am loving the cooler temps, but it's also a bit cruel, because it won't last. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  2. Love the lipsticks and the blue dress - and the dress from last summer. You are rocking the dresses. Great books you are reading right now. Thank you for sharing the photos. I know it's so hard to see them even though there is such beauty in them, too. I want a post on the weekly sourdough process!

    1. Thank you! And I love that my friends know me enough to gift me with books. They're helpful in me processing all the things I'm feeling at the moment, which are also ever-changing. I thought the picture was beautiful, too! My dad has cared for these boys all of their lives, and in his death, they were caring for him. I have so many more pictures that I'll always treasure on my phone. I need to post about it, but I don't know the starter recipe. If I can figure it out, I'll share.

  3. Oh the pics of the funeral- my heart- so glad you are surrounded by your boys- so much joy in this post- thinking of you friend XO

    1. I know! That's how I felt. I had a really good cry when after I finished writing this post. I'm glad for that, too! They've been such great caretakers of me the last few weeks, and they've been through some low spots themselves. Thank you for the love!

  4. So many favorites today! They made me smile - that sweet pup loving you, your royal blue dress (love it!), the cute mug and even the cemetery photo. Cemeteries, for some reason, give me peace. I go to Tyler's cemetery so often and, as much as I miss him, being there really calms my heart.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! I can totally see what you mean about cemeteries. This place is so peaceful that I can really see myself going there to just gaze at the beauty and talk to Jesus. That's what I did in my car that afternoon last week; I may do it again today.

  5. Your royal blue dress is beautiful. What a lovely picture of your boys - I look back on Vic's part in my Dad's funeral - he presented the military honors. It was hard to see again but such a special part of the ceremony.

    1. Thank you! I love looking back at pictures like that.

  6. I'm loving this weather too! All of your dresses look so cute and you do too! Great books and hoping it is a good weekend for you.

    1. Thank you! I hope you enjoyed being home with your girls this weekend!

  7. That royal blue maxi dress is lovely! I love that photo of your boys being pallbearers; it's such a sweet tribute to your wonderful dad.

  8. That's a great list of favorites and I am glad your week was a little better. I've been thinking about you.


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