Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Cozy Chronicles: the morning routine


Happy Saturday, friends! I was reading a book this week and was inspired to start a new series here on my blog—I'm calling it The Cozy Chronicles, because being cozy isn't just in one particular season. We can do little things everyday to make our homes into the havens that we desire—and this month I'm talking about my morning routine.

Most of you have been reading about how I'm on a month long streak of waking up during the four o'clock hour every morning. This started the week of May 1st, when we had a huge event at our church that brought about 1,000 people into our church for three days straight. For two of those days, I had to be at our church at six a.m. to start making coffee. Also, on the second morning that this event occurred, it was my first night of sleeping on the new Sealy mattress that we had just bought from Costco. I had the best night of sleep that first night, and friends, I am here to tell you that each night has gotten progressively better since then. 

I do think that sleeping well and being tired are things that affect every area of our lives; and both make a huge difference depending on how well or how poorly we slept the night before. That being said, if you aren't sleeping well, think about your mattress and how long you've been using the one you're currently sleeping on. It's definitely worth a thought if you're waking up a lot in the night or if you're waking up tired or aching each morning. 

Anyway, I love my mornings; here are a few things I do each day to ensure that it gets started off in a way that I love. 

1. I wake up early enough to ensure that I don't have to rush on the mornings that I work. I mentioned the new mattress already and getting enough sleep; I also go to bed at a reasonable hour. If I know that I wake up that early, I'm tired by ten o'clock, sometimes even nine! Regardless of when I go to bed, my body has an internal alarm clock that goes off around four every single morning. If you want to start waking up earlier, set an alarm until it's habit. You will start waking up without it before long! 

2. I wake up to a house that is not a mess. I love waking up to a clean house! I ensure this by making steps toward that each night before I go to bed. I clean off the kitchen counters, put things away, load and start the dishwasher, and anything else that I see that needs to be done before heading to bed.

3. I do things I love doing! I love reading blogs in the morning, so I always do that at some point in the morning. Here lately I've been reading first thing each day, and I love that too. I have my quiet time pretty early, usually around six, and I like doing that early so that I can linger in the Bible if I want to dig deeper that day. Sometimes I turn on music, or I'll watch a show in the background; some mornings I even light a candle while I'm sitting at the kitchen table. 

4. I get my house ready to come home each morning before I leave for work. Lately I've been putting out the dinner ingredients before I leave home, but I also unload the dishwasher, fold laundry, and do anything else that needs to be done to make my afternoon easier when I get home that day. Sometimes I start dinner that morning in the Crock-Pot, but I at least have a game plan for dinner that night, especially on Thursdays, when I work all day. 

5. I make my bed, or I at least pull the covers up to neaten it each day. I used to make the bed everyday, but now that Todd has a different job with odd hours, he's always the last one to leave it; when it's just me using it, it gets made. He is great about neatening it and pulling up the covers at least, so it doesn't bother me when it's unmade, so long as it's at least straight. I've read many an article that talks about the benefits of making your bed everyday; is this something that you do? It really does start the day off in a great way! 

Other things you can do to add ambiance to your morning:

  • play one of the beautiful YouTube screensavers on your TV while you do whatever you enjoy (go to the YouTube app on your smart TV, and search for "summer screensavers" and then just hit "play)
  • play cozy (quiet) music while you're doing your morning things
  • light a candle
  • sit outside if that's your thing
  • turn on some lamps
  • consider adding some ambient lighting in your home, whether in lamps or string lights 

Here's a picture of my cozy string lights; I got them from Lowe's.

  • drink something warm to start your day, and use your favorite mug or cup to put it in (or do this with something cold if that's your thing)
  • treat yourself by watching an episode or a movie that you love on the mornings when you have more time to lounge around
  • treat yourself by sleeping in at least one morning each week

(Today I slept in until 5:15!)

What do you do to make your mornings better? Even if you're not a morning person like me, we all have them everyday of our lives! If you'd like to read the first installment in this series, just click here

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. I slept in until 5 today; I can't remember the last time I've slept that late (and I do realize that is early for most people!) but I too tend to be a 4 o'clock person. I usually start my day blogging/reading blogs and checking emails. Then I head downstairs to unload the dishwasher and start planning dinner. If it's a gym morning I get dressed in my gym clothes and often read until 6:40 when it's time to go.

    1. This made me laugh; I edited this post when I woke up, since I worked on it late last night and forgot some things, and I added that I'd slept in until 5 something today! Again, you and I have this in common. I'll do the same thing on the mornings when I have to leave early: I go ahead and get dressed before I leave our bedroom, then I am free to enjoy the rest of my time without having to worry about that. I do this every Sunday morning since I'm at church by 7:15. Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  2. My sleep apnea has my body battery below 45% most days so early morning just wouldn't work for me. I'm tired even before I start my day. With 6 hour sleep on Wednesday my body battery 14% and I had a full day of work and after work activities. It was an exhausting day and I was so glad to climb back into bed that night!!

  3. I would love to get up even earlier, but I'm not sure about how Michael would feel about it. He is a light sleeper, and tends to wake up when I do. Right now I'm getting up with the puppy around 5:30. I would love to know the model of your mattress! It sounds wonderful! I have not worked outside the home in awhile, but agree that having the house clean and bed made is a wonderful way to return home in the afternoon! Hope you're having a good weekend!

    1. Oh, that's hard when one of you is a light sleeper. I will link it in tomorrow's post! I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

  4. Could you link to the mattress (or list the model #)? Thanks! Anita

    1. Hey there, Anita! I'll link it in tomorrow's post. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Jennifer, this was so interesting to read! I wake up several time during the night and wake up early, but stay in the bed most mornings for another hour or two after I wake up.

    1. Thanks, Marilyn! I do have nights when I do that same kind of thing, but it's diminished greatly after getting this new mattress. Who knew I hadn't been getting the rest I needed? My body has told me that this was the case, because I've been sleeping so soundly and waking up so consistently in the 4 o'clock hour, even weeks later! Todd likes to do that as well; he'll wake up and keep laying in bed for another hour. It's interesting how each of us are wired, isn't it? He is not a morning person like me. 🤣

  6. I also love waking up early, usually between 4 and 4:30 am. I just love that quiet, peaceful time of day. I feel like its a gift to myself! And, I also can't go to bed until I've picked up the house... I love starting my day with a clean slate! Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!

    1. I am the same; that's the very best! We have lots in common, it sounds like. Thanks for reading!


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