Monday, June 10, 2024

a bonus post: share our lives


Happy bonus post day! I wanted to link up with the ladies today because they're talking about making food for other people. I'll jump in!

I've been both on the receiving and the giving end of this kind of thing so many times that I cannot even count. The great thing about friends and church family is that when someone is in need, they all step up. This happens for the birth of a child or the death of a loved one; remember when my bonus son's sister died early this year and I talked about friends, a funeral, and a mercy meal? I've taken meals to people whose spouses have had surgery, to friends that are sick, or just because someone I love is struggling. My friend Barbee takes homemade pans of brownies to people that she loves just because. I want to do more of this kind of thing as I get older! 

Here are some of my favorite things to make or give people right now:

My friend had surgery last year and I took her some soup that she loves from her favorite Mexican restaurant. I thought that was genius when she asked for it; I also ordered her hubby's favorite meal, and something her little girl would eat. 

  • pizza, soft drinks, and dessert (for when there are lots of littles)
  • any type of casserole that reheats well, along with salad, bread, and dessert
  • sandwich trays, fancy breads, and cheese and fruit plates
  • snacks for when there's a death in the family and there are lots of extra people in the house for several days
  • breakfast foods that are continental in style, along with a hearty casserole

I love learning about what people take to others in need! Thanks for reading my bonus post today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. Friends and church family are the best especially in a time of unexpected or even planned medical events like surgeries. Our church isn´t large by any means but it has a place on its website where you can submit a request to have meals brought to you due to illness, surgery, etc. I love that the church offers this. Having been on the receiving end of so much assistance following my recent surgery, I, too am committed to being a blessing to others- more so than I have in the past. I love your meal ideas. The possibilities are almost endless though, and it truly is the thought and the gesture that counts. Have a great Monday!

    1. You are so right! I love that the church website has a place to sign up for that kind of thing. We don't have that on our website, but we can usually spread it by word of mouth; someone always offers to set them up a meal train. You're also right about the possibilities being endless!

  2. These are all wonderful ideas! I rarely think to make/bring soup though and that would be such a good hearty meal in the winter with some fresh bread.

    1. Thanks, Joanne! I agree about it being a great fall/winter meal. In the summer if I take something, I usually make it lighter fare.

  3. so many good ideas. I never think to make someone else a soup.

  4. Many of us had similar ideas for this month's share. Takeout or gift cards are always appreciated.

  5. I love the idea of people helping out and cooking for each other in tough times but it doesn't seem to happen as much as it used to here.
    That is such a kind thought to order from your friends favourite restaurant for her and her family. What wonderful ideas. I know sometimes all you want is a hearty meal but without the effort of cooking when other things are going on in your life.

  6. Sandwich trays are a great idea! Thanks for linking up with us.


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