Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What's up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I thought I'd share my own version of what I've been up to this week. I'll have the link party info at the bottom of today's post. I'll jump right in!

I've participated in a few of these types of posts on the stories of Instagram that are "share your (fill in the blank". This one below was "share your feed". Am I the only one who loves things like this? 

I've loved seeing pictures of Noah living it up in Dallas! We talked for an hour last night, and it was the best conversation I've had all week. 

I love that he sends me pictures of his apartment...

...and the food he's been eating.

I've been enjoying the warmer weather, and our beautiful town on nights that are nice.

I've loved every second of spending time with my great nieces while they were here visiting from Colorado.

I cut the grass this weekend! I was home alone, so why not? 

I've been showing off our hydrangeas!

And I'm dreaming of going to a place like this someday. Doesn't this place look amazing? I did a little searching on where this picture is that I found on Pinterest last week, and learned that it's somewhere in the Washington Cascades. How dreamy would it be to go here? The color of the water is amazing!

What have you been up to this week? I'd love to hear from you! I'm linking up with the ladies listed below. Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Great post! Those cottages on the lake must not be too far from us, I'll have to see if I can find them.

    1. You should look into it, Pamela! This is my kind of vacation...a beautiful background and a lake.

  2. Very pretty! I love going north in the summer! I wish all the screensavers that show different places would list those places! I have been to Seattle but I was really young. Other than that, I have not seen the Pacific Northwest. So happy that Dallas seems to be going well!

    1. I love the northeast corner of the US. I'd like to visit in the summer, though, and I'd like to see more of the northwest. I've only seen a small part of that area, so it's on my travel bucket list. I was so glad we talked for so long last night; he was alone for the first time since he got there Thursday night, so he was more free to talk to me about all the things. I loved it!

  3. Aww! It's lovely that Noah is staying in touch.
    I love the look of your town, it looks so cute.
    I was complaining about cutting our grass earlier in the week and we only have half as much as you. hehehe It's hard work.

  4. Love how Noah is sharing everything with you- so sweet!! :)

  5. Oh, those cottages do look lovely! I think it is so sweet that Noah is sending you photos and keeping in touch like that.

  6. The Pacific NW is beautiful! The Oregon coast is truly beautiful; there are no private beaches here, so you can drive 101 all the way up the coast. I'm a southern girl who's lived in the SW, Colorado and now Oregon. It's been fun to see the differences and meet amazing people in every state we've lived.

  7. Oh my goodness that place in the Cascades looks gorgeous!

  8. Your great nieces are so cute and the hydrangeas are beautiful! I have been photographing our flowers.

  9. I love going someplace cooler in the summer. This will be the first time in awhile that we haven't done that. With both my kids pretty far away, I love getting those photos, texts and calls to make me feel like I'm still a big part of their lives. I bet it will be the same with sounds like he's very thoughtful!

  10. That photo looks incredible. I’d love to visit the Cascades. I love that Noah is doing so well. Your hydrangeas are beautiful.

  11. I am headed where those cottages are in a few weeks. It is a different world up in our mountains and I often feel like I am in the Alps.


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Thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday, friends! It feels like it's been a minute since I've shared a Thankful Thursday post, so this feels good to share ...