Wednesday, May 8, 2024

weekly Wednesday hodgepodge


Happy Wednesday, friends! I am linking up with Joyce today for the weekly Wednesday Hodge Podge

1. Did you watch the Kentucky Derby this past weekend? Have you ever been to a horse race? Ever ridden a horse, and was it something you enjoyed? Have you ever been to Kentucky? Do you like Bourbon? I didn't watch the Kentucky Derby this past weekend; truthfully, I kind of forgot it was happening. I don't watch live TV anymore, so maybe that's why? I don't really care for horse racing, because I don't like the thought of animals racing; I've read many articles saying how cruel and grueling such events are for horses, and it's why sometimes a horse will drop dead after racing. Though they're strong and made to run, the racing is too strenuous for them. *It's also for this reason why I'm not wild about animals in a zoo; though I love our local zoo, I hate the thought of animals being taken out of their natural environment to live a life of captivity. I feel like this is a spiritual picture for me and why I feel strongly about this. Anyway...I hope we can still be friends now that you know this about me.

I used to have a horse named Dolly, and I loved riding horses in general! That being said, I did not love to ride Dolly, because she was the most stubborn horse known to mankind. She would puff out her stomach when I went to saddle her, and I'd start riding and the saddle would start shifting to the side. Also, I'd tell her to go right and she'd go left, and vice versa. We did go to Kentucky last year, and I loved it! There is excellent food to be eaten there, and we enjoyed every bite. I don't like bourbon, but Todd does, so we hit up part of the bourbon trail while we visited. 

This was when I met Amy, one of my very favorite bloggers.

This was such a fun trip!

2. What's something you wish you'd placed in a time capsule fifteen years ago? I'm not really sure how to answer this one...I would say something that was considered trendy in that time, like a piece of clothing or jewelry. I always wish I'd held onto something when it becomes popular again in ten or fifteen years, though. Have you noticed that in your life? 

3. Are you adventurous? Elaborate. I would not consider myself an adventurous person, as in the actual physical meaning of the word. Even if that is the case, I will say that I am an adventurous eater and will try anything. Last year Todd and I started eating Vietnamese food, and it's one of our favorite things to eat together to this date!

4. What is something you want to make this year? It can be a new recipe, a craft or DIY project, a milestone you've set for yourself...anything at all. Todd and I were talking on Monday night about how we need to repaint inside of our house. I hope we can make that happen! I need to finish one area first, then we'll move on from there. I've been rearranging and redecorating the common spaces, and I see a lot of holes that need filling in from where old pictures hung. I also want to update the colors inside our house, still sticking with actual color, but maybe going with softer shades. Here are some examples below. 

That first one is our kitchen, which is bright yellow. I still love it, honestly, but we need to patch, fill in holes, and take out the phone jack that is on one wall. The second one is our living room; I still love this color as well! Again, we'd like to fill in the holes, and give it a fresh coat of a slightly softer shade. 

5. Cinco de Mayo was also celebrated this past you like Mexican food? If so, what's your favorite dish? Have you ever been to Mexico? Margaritas—yes or no? Do we like Mexican food? 

Obviously, Todd and I detest margaritas as you can see. 

Honestly, I like all Mexican food equally, but I'm having a moment with street tacos at our favorite local place. We each get two street tacos with a blend of chicken and chorizo, and we drizzle salsa Verde on top. We love guacamole, queso, salsa, and everything else related. 

I have been to Mexico several times, but none of those times are recent. I love it there, but I don't really have a desire to go back. 

Do you agree or disagree with some of my answers? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🩷


  1. My dad used to be a jockey and he used to train racehorses and a lot has changed over the last 50 years regarding how much the horses are pushed.
    hahaha! I had a horse like that! Stubborn did not even cover her attitude. lol Her favourite trick was to run to a tree or bush that she could get under but not me while I was on her back, I always ended up in a pile on the floor.
    Yes! I joke with my girls that things that were popular when I was a teen are coming back now. My youngest would have loved my collection of cargo pants.

    1. How cool about your dad! I can't imagine all that has changed in those years. I have a friend who bought a retired racehorse! I love that they rescued him instead of the owner putting him down. That's so funny about your horse! Thankfully Dolly never did that to me. 🤣

  2. Aww! That was so great to meet up! I just felt bad about your airbnb - that location would have been perfect but the situation was not good. I wanted you to be in a walkable area.
    I feel the exact same about horse racing and animals made to do things for humans! And, in captivity! It breaks my heart if I think about it too much!

    1. Wasn't that great? I'm so glad that we are now friends IRL. I am the same way, and get emotional about it if I think about them too hard. We love all the animals! They were not meant to live in captivity and to do things like race. 💔

  3. That was Amy, by the way. Not sure why my info. is not showing up!

  4. I wouldn´t have known the Derby was on except that we were at a get together where half the people were from Kentucky and the they were into it! I am not into gambling or horses (though I do think they are majestic) so the Derby holds no appeal to me. Agree about wishing I had held items when years later they are back in style. You just can´t hold on to everything I guess! Have a great day!

    1. l am the same as you and am not into gambling or horses either. We have horse races near us in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and I have heard terrible things about what takes place there. Ugh. You are right! I think that's a good thing, though, or we'd all be hoarders. 🤣

  5. Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! It's nice to see you here today. I am also a fan of street tacos, any tacos really lol. We need to repaint inside too. My walls are all pretty neutral, but I'm adding wallpaper to a guest bath and the decorator is going to have her painters give me a quote on paint while they're here. I hope I don't faint. I know it's going to be expensive because we have high ceilings and we couldn't do those ourselves. We've been in our house almost 8 years and it's time for a refresh. Have a great day! So glad you played along today!

    1. Thanks for hosting us, Joyce! I am like you and I'm a fan of any and all tacos. Mexican food is one of my love languages! 🤣 We are weighing options on whether or not to do the painting ourselves or hiring someone. We don't have high ceilings, but we HATE painting. Actually, once i get started I don't mind it too much. It's the getting started that's hard! We've been in our home for 20 years; though we've painted a few times over those years, certain rooms are showing their age. With all the kids we had in and out of our home, it's no wonder. Enjoy your Wednesday!

    2. If you are a podcast listener or listen to audio books, painting along with listening makes the time go quickly! Recently I just haven't had the span of time to get all the supplies out and "get it all done" at once but it's not for lack of wanting to - I have some great books I want to get through!!

  6. Yeah we are definitely into Mexican food! It's funny because my husband is VERY picky but he always liked that, even though he ordered "American" Mexican and never got onions. Now he likes street tacos with onion and cilantro. I'll take all of it, thanks! LOL.

    1. I think it's in our blood at this point, we love it so much! Those street tacos are the absolute best. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment today!

  7. Somehow I don't remember seeing this picture of you and Amy! It is so cute! Girl, you know I will get Mexican with you anytime :).

    1. I love this picture of us! Thanks, my friend. You know I will take you up on that!

  8. Great answers! I can really see that margaritas are not your thing, lol!

    1. Thanks, Pamela! It's clearly not our thing at all, as you can tell. 🤣

  9. That trip with Amy looked so fun :) We need to paint too!

    1. It was so fun getting to meet her while Todd and I were in Louisville!

  10. I often feel the same way about racehorses and animals in captivity but, then again, from talking with our zookeepers many of the animals at our local zoos are rescue animals-- animals that were bought illegally through trade or were injured/rehabilitated and can not be returned to wild or animals who habitats were completely wiped out and were going extinct. Between captivity and extinct I'd pick captivity but it's definitely not ideal.

    1. That is so good to know about what your zookeepers said. That makes sense! Given that or extinction, I would choose the same. Thanks for sharing that with me, I'd never heard of that or even thought of it before.

  11. I’m in agreement with you on animals in captivity. My husband used to work with race horses as a therapist. He finally quit due to the apathy from owners about what they considered was abuse. Big money in horse racing. I went to 1 circus as a child and it bothered me.

    1. That's so sad, Debby! I never thought about the circus, but you are so right. That's disturbing, now that I know what I know as an adult. Those poor animals!

  12. We need to paint too. Hoping to accomplish that along with some other things we need to do too. Still need to declutter more first.

    1. I'm so glad to know it's not just me! I hope you're able to get that done soon as well, my friend. We should hold each other accountable to this!

  13. I laughed at the margarita comment - such a fun picture of Todd! The Kentucky Derby is not a big deal here in Texas, so I really didn't even know it was on! Great post today!

    1. That picture of him cracks me up! He was doing that to send to his brother and would KILL ME if he knew I shared it here. I died laughing watching him take that of himself! I love their fun relationship. Thanks, my friend!

  14. I enjoyed your answers. The pronounciations of Louisville made me laugh. I'm still not sure I know how to pronounce it correctly.


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