Tuesday, May 14, 2024

things I'm excited about & one thing I'm dreading


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share about some things I'm excited about right now and also some things I am dreading. The order of my thoughts will happy➡️sad➡️happy. I never like to end on a sad note. I'll jump in now! 

I'm so excited about my niece and greats coming next week! 

The last time I saw them was when I was there visiting last fall, and I know they're even more grown. I'll see them at the end of this month, and I'll see them again in July, when I'm going there to visit again; I am excited about a summer trip to Colorado. I'd love to do something new and different this time. I'm also excited to talk about all things involving homeschooling with her; we could go on and on about this for hours. 

While I'm excited to see them next week, I'm also dreading next week, because Noah is moving to Dallas. I've been in denial about this since September, when he first decided that he was moving within a year from that time. Remember when he was in Dallas last July and was involved in a wreck? Ever since he came home from that trip, he started preparing us by telling us that he was moving within one year's time. I'm super proud of him for following through with this, even if I hate to see him to leave, but honestly? I don't blame him for wanting to leave Memphis for something better involving his future. That's another blog post for another time, though. 

Anyway, I'm so glad we were at Mom's and Bill's on Sunday so that he could spend time with them before he leaves next week. I can't put into words the dread I have in my heart over him moving. It could be worse, and he could be going so much farther away, but I can't help but wonder if that once he gets there he'll love it and stay there forever. He may do that, and he may not, but I trust the Lord that there's a reason he's moving there. His plans are always perfect and far better than anything we could ever dream or hope for. Proverbs 16:9 says that a person's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps. 

Ironically enough, as I am writing all of that about Noah, I'm listening to this song above. I'm going to write the lyrics, because they are from Psalm 121 and have been such a blessing to me the last few weeks in regards to my son moving and me being strengthened and encouraged through Scripture that is being sung over me. Here are the lyrics to the song, but you should listen to it if you have some spare time; it's beautiful!

I lift my eyes and see
I need not be afraid
All my help comes from the Lord
Who the earth and sky has made

He will keep you from all evils
Behind you and before
He will sustain you, through this journey
From now and evermore.

The Lord will never sleep,
My steps He has ordained;
For the One who holds the night
Is the Sovereign of my days.

He will keep you from all evils,
Behind you and before.
He will sustain you, through this journey
From now and evermore.

I keep praying this blessing over Noah using those lyrics: 

Lord, keep Noah from all evil,
help him to know that you are behind him and before.
Sustain him through this journey,
from now and evermore

Lord, you never sleep;
Noah's steps You have ordained.
You're the One who holds the night,
You are the Sovereign of our days.

Please keep him from all evil,
go behind him and before.
Sustain him through this journey,
both now and evermore. Amen.

On a much lighter note, now that I've made myself cry...🤣

I'm really excited for something new I am starting in June—I am starting my first in-real-life book club! I may be looking into book club names as I write this post. 🤣

It's coming together really nicely! There are definitely three of us who are committed right this moment, with a possibility of four more ladies that I know. I've heard that to have a successful book club, it needs to be small in number, maybe from 5-10 people. If that is the case, this one is shaping up perfectly. I tried this before one summer several years ago, and  there were way too many women! Nobody read the book, and the ones of us who did never even talked about it; all we did was socialize. Don't get me wrong, I love that kind of night, but I was so irritated that our "book club" was nothing about books! 

The Lord will bring the ones that need to be there, I am not worried about that at all. We'll take turns making suggestions for books, and will talk about what we're reading next while we're there for our first meeting. I'm keeping it low key and we're meeting the first Monday night of each month, at a restaurant from 6:30-8:30; I also want us to take turns "hosting", because that we could all have a turn picking both the book and the next month's location. Of course, some people may not want to host, so if that's the case we'll just move onto the next person. Which of the names above do you like? Do you have any suggestions? We're all in our 40's or 50's, and there is one who is in her late 60's. My favorite so far is The Laugh Lines Literary Society. I'm basically over here living my dream by starting a book club. I have dreamed about this for YEARS! There are some younger friends that I have that are in a book club; they call themselves The Novelties, which is where I got my idea for naming us. It may seem silly, but this is bringing me tremendous joy right now! 

I actually have a really cool story to share about how the Lord is putting us together as a group, but it's not really mine to tell, so you'll have to trust me. I'll just say that we're all around the same age, our kids are all around the same age, and a few of us are in very similar life situations. Even the first book that we're reading together all plays a part in the big picture of it all, but the Lord really is putting it all together! I never want to get over the awe and wonder of Him when He blows my mind with details like the ones that I just figured out yesterday. I immediately had to call my best friend and share it with somebody, because she's the only one who would appreciate that kind of thing. Also, her mind was blown by my story yesterday. 

I may or may not have gotten a cute little book club reading log on Saturday and a t-shirt from Old Navy that was on clearance two weeks ago! Seriously, I bought the t-shirt before I even knew I was going to start a book club!

I love it; isn't it funny how all the details worked out? What is something you're excited about now? Are you dreading anything? I want to hear all your answers! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

I'm linking up with Joanne for this post.

Jenn 🩷❤️


  1. I can relate to the Dallas situation! It's so hard!
    But, congrats on the book club - did you ever read this?

    1. It's rough. I actually managed to talk to him last night about him moving with crying in front of him, so yay me! Every other second of the day I am an emotional mess! 🤣 I'll be okay, and things are better for Jonah now for a few reasons, but I am not talking about them on my blog, because it's so personal for him. I'm not nearly as worried about Jonah now as I was at first, though, so I'm thankful for that. I haven't read that! I'll go read it now, thanks for sharing! I did read one that was similar that Modern Mrs. Darcy shared several years ago and is where I got my facts from. I hope you have a great Tuesday!

  2. Eek! Next week? I knew he was moving but somehow I kept thinking it was further in the future than that. I know it's got to be so hard to let him go but good for him for knowing what he wants and making it happen. I like the Page Pals myself but they're all pretty cute. Best of luck on the book club!! If we lived closer I'd definitely join in. :)

    1. Next week. Gulp. In some ways I'm not ready, but in other ways I am wanting to get it over with. Does that make sense? I wish you could join in with us! That would be so much fun.

  3. I have never had a child move that far away but I feel you on the emotions of change. Alyssa graduates this week and it feels surreal. It doesn´t help that I am going over pictures for her grad party. Like, she was JUST little!! Look at Jonah´s move this way: you will get to visit Texas and get to know a whole new area of the country. I like the idea of naming a book club. I´m not certain that I would enjoy a book club. I´m too quiet by nature. I enjoy reading book reviews of books after I have completed reading one to see if others had the same thoughts/ feelings as I did. But I know that I am the odd one on that subject! Most readers love the idea of a book club. It is great how it sounds like the right mix of women are coming together for yours!

    1. I never wanted to have one of mine move away at all! I am dreading it and also wanting to get it over with, you know? I like that way of thinking of Noah moving. I'm already planning on visiting him in the fall and going into McKinney! I love that little town so much, from the one time I've been there. I enjoy that also, reading about what other people thought of a book I read. I'm so excited!

  4. An in real life book club - I can't think of anything more perfect you!! I love it when God works things out like that. I know you will be looking forward to those Monday each month!! I will be praying for your son as he moves - and for you and your heart as well!! Will be great to see all God has in store for him in Dallas.

    1. Right?! I think so too! I am beyond excited. Thank you for your prayers for Noah as he moves and for Jonah as his twin. Thanks, my friend!

  5. I've always wanted to be in a book club. But honestly, I don't typically read books that others read (or at least it seems that way to me). However, I have always wanted to be part of a crochet group and I've been doing that for over a year now and I totally love it. I hope you have so much fun with your reading group. I agree that "Laugh Lines Literary Society" is the best. Have a great day!

    1. I have too, Cathy! I'm glad you're in a crochet club and that you love it so much. I have high hopes of loving this one! Thank you for that! I'll keep you posted on the name. I hope you have a great Tuesday, my friend!

  6. Oh, I know how it feels to have your kids move away. I promise, it is also brings new joys to look for to see how they grow and mature as adults. Keep looking for the joys in this hard situation on a momma! I'm glad you have your nieces and her kids to look forward to and the book club! I like all the names, but Page Pals stood out to me. Another book I thought about reading sometime is Unreasonable Hospitality. I have several people talk about this book. I started reading Still Standing today so I can have it finished in a few weeks.

    1. I'm looking forward to visiting Noah in Dallas once he gets there! I'm already thinking of a fall trip there. Thanks for that! I like that one, too. I thought we'd talk about the first night that we meet!

  7. Enjoy the time with your family- that IS very exciting :)

  8. Aww! How lovely to be seeing some of your family, the girls look adorable.
    Sending love and hugs. I dread the day my girls say they are leaving home but I know they will still live locally or just a bus ride away. It sounds like you have a sensible young man and has a good plan, good luck to him.
    The book club sounds like fun and it sounds like the planning is going well.


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