Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! The last week has been a blur for me, and I'm shocked it's already Thursday again. It's hard to believe it was this day last week when we left to get Noah moved into his new apartment in Dallas. I'm so glad it's behind me now, since it was something I was dreading; I miss him, but I am all about getting adjusted to a "new normal" as soon as humanly possible. Are you like this? Is it just me?

I have so many things to be thankful for this week! I'll list them below.

  • my husband; he loves his new job and the shift that he was assigned is working well for both of us because of the dogs
  • family members that I saw or have talked to this week
  • getting texts with pictures and videos from Noah
  • seeing Drew at church with his best friend and roommate, Zach, who is one of my bonus sons and someone I pray for everyday (his mom is with Jesus and it dawned on me that he needed a mom to pray for him)
  • windy days
  • Graham picking up groceries for me when he's at Costco
  • A/C
  • portable fans
  • getting my nails done

  • new dresses that I'm enjoying wearing
  • Jonah going to see my mom so that she can cut his hair
  • our dogs and their funny antics
  • freshly cut grass
  • beautiful flowers that the summer brings
  • hugs from Jonah that are random
  • Proverbs 16:9

  • Psalm 119:195 and The Bible Recap community
  • Tara Leigh Cobble and her excellent teaching

  • Christian writers, influencers, bloggers, and podcasters who inspire and encourage me
  • my beautiful niece and precious great nieces

  • Psalm 61:2 and a visual reminder of a high rock formation on the same day that came up on my Timehop memories

  • that I can look at this picture and smile (and not bawl my eyes out) 🤣

  • the many friends and loved ones who have reached out to me to ask how I'm holding up

I could go on, but I'll stop there for today. What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for linking up with me today for this weekly post, and for reading my blog. Love to all!

Jenn ❤

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  1. I'm so happy you're doing well! And, yes, it's hard to believe it's already been a week that you did that whirlwind trip. Is hub fully recovered? I'm so glad his new shift works with the dogs. I'm already dreading August and Eddie Otis needing to be crated more. But, I also think I will have my kids living here for the year. You have so much to be thankful for this week. It's so nice to read your positive list because it makes me see my blessings even more, too!

    1. Thank you! I know, I find that hard to believe as well. He was fine all along! He didn't have all the exhausting emotions that I did, and I do think that is partly why I was beat by Friday night. I think it's great that your guys will be at home until they figure things out; you know we have half and half, so I really see the wisdom and insight in that kind of thinking. The bonus is that they'll be able to help out with EO! I love that all of us can say that our families are the types of ones who will help out any and every way that they can. All hands on deck, is what I love to describe that as. Thank you for saying that; that's such a kind thing to say to someone! 🖤

  2. Congrats on not feeling like crying when you see the good picture of you and Noah! I am also grateful for Christians who invest the time (even if they´re getting paid, as they should!) to create podcasts that are encouraging, uplifting, informative and thought provoking. Also, Christian bloggers and friends who do all of that but on a more personal level. Love all the family photos in your post. Beautiful family on the inside and out!

    1. Right?! It's such a win! 🤣

      I love what you said about Christians investing in others, even if they're paid- and I wholeheartedly agree. For many of the ones that I know and love (Joanna Weaver, Robin Jones Gunn - a favorite author who literally has my name written down in her prayer journal -, Priscilla Shirer), it's their full time job. And it is a full time job! Even as I write blog posts each day and keep up with comments here on my little blog space, it's like I have a second job -- I can't imagine how much more so it is for those big name people that we all love. Thanks for that, my friend! It's been a fun, family filled couple of weeks!

  3. I am thankful for my husband and all of my family, time alone with my growing-too-quickly grandkids, summer sports for those same grandkids, books, sweet posts like yours that remind me to be thankful first.....and coffee!

    1. I love all of that, Julie! Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words!

  4. I am glad things are going well with your husbands new job!
    That is so sweet and kind of you to pray for your son's friend.
    I love the colour of your nails. So bright and cheerful!

    1. Thanks, Kim! I am so happy for him. I love this bright yellow!

  5. What an amazing list! And I feel your momma’s heart. I am so proud of you and it’s totally normal/okay to be happy for him and miss him at the same time! I’m thankful to be in Savannah this week to move Brook home for the summer!

    1. I know you feel these same emotions when both of your girls are far away at the same time! I have a whole new level of respect for moms like you and Tanya. It's not easy, but I'm still grateful to feel happy and excited for him. I miss you! We really need to get together soon...will I see you Monday night at Book Club?

  6. Your Bible is a work of art. I love to see notes in the margins, and you've taken that up a notch with the colors and artwork.

    1. Thank you! I've loved to write in my Bible for as long as I can remember. I love the wide margins that allow for this kind of thing!

  7. I've been thinking about you this week! I love that verse from Psalms.

    1. Thank you for that! I love that verse too. It's so true!

  8. Pam Ecrement I love your site and how you share your faith in doing life. I am thankful for improving health, 6 amazing grandchildren, 2 wonderful married kids (1 in TN and 1 in MD), and a hubby of nearly 60 years. Grace and mercy each day covers it all.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment, Pam! I love your list of things that you're thankful for this week. Amen to the grace and mercy of God! I would be unable to stand without it and without Him.


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Thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday, friends! It feels like it's been a minute since I've shared a Thankful Thursday post, so this feels good to share ...