Thursday, May 9, 2024

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I hope you can say that you've had a great week; I have, and I'll share about it throughout this post. I'll jump in with my list that comes straight off the pages of my gratitude journal. 

I am thankful for:

  • a new day, a new week and the new mercies of the Lord
  • the excellent sleep I've been getting, thanks to our new mattress
  • the fact that the Lord has been waking me up at 4 a.m. every morning since Saturday
  • When Calls the Heart on Hallmark Movies Now
  • my people being safely home
  • a Monday (mostly) at home
  • extra energy, thanks to that great sleep I mentioned
  • being able to stay caught up on household chores
  • the moms in our life
  • the fact that I accidentally called Dad yesterday and had a ten minute conversation with him
  • being able to productive both at home and at work; I got a ton of things done yesterday in the bookstore
  • the fact that I had lunch with Mom and two of my sisters yesterday after work
  • the gift of laughter
  • dogs that do their job barking at stranglers 🤣
  • blooming hydrangeas that we thought for sure were dead

I mentioned having a great week; it's because I've been waking up at 4 in the mornings! Don't think for a second that I'm complaining, I promise I am not. I love the early morning hour and I've enjoyed the extra time that it's given me to be productive. Two mornings in a row last week, I had to be at work at 6 a.m. to get a start on my day and making coffee for that big event we had at church. I think that's what started this early wake up time for me, because even on Saturday and Sunday, I was up by four in the morning! This is also a reflection of the new mattress that we've had for one week today; I am not hurting anymore, thanks to the fact that we now have a more firm mattress (we had a memory foam one), and I am sleeping all night without waking up and then waking up in the mornings feeling rested and refreshed. It's amazing and feels miraculous. 🤣 I am so thankful for this!

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for linking up with me here each week, friends. Love to all!

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  1. Grateful for the dogs barking at strangers- I am cracking up- so true! Ha! ;)

    1. Am I right, or what? I'm alone so much of the time that I love having them here to bark and scare the mean people off! 🤣

  2. Yay for the new mattress! That is incredible. I just got new sheets and am waiting on some new bedding. And super exciting about the hydrangeas as well. They are some of my favorites.

  3. Sounds like the new mattress has done wonders for you. What in the world would we do if our dogs didn't bark and warn us of all the dangers around us? lol

    1. It really has! I don't even like to think about that!

  4. That's amazing that a new mattress can make such a difference in your sleep. I bet you're feeling great! The hydrangeas are gorgeous!

    1. I know! I have been amazed by that all week. Thanks, Tanya!


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