Saturday, May 25, 2024

Share 4 Somethings -- May 2024


Happy Saturday and bonus blog post day, friends! Today we're talking about the things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed this May. I'm so glad you're here today! Just a reminder to visit some other blogs and leave a bit of comment love for them, because as we know, everyone loves blog comments!

This month I loved all the things, of which swimming takes the top place. 

We thoroughly enjoyed using our neighbor's pool while we watched their dogs; Todd and I went over for night swims two nights last week. 

I loved singing in choir Sunday night!

I loved to see that hydrangeas didn't die! I was worried about them. 

And I loved a family dinner last weekend before Noah moved to Dallas. And speaking of that...

This month I accomplished helping our youngest son pack up his room and get moved into his new apartment near Dallas!

This month I improved my morning routine.

I've been waking up early all month long, in the 4 o'clock hour, and I've been starting my mornings with coffee, and Jesus. It's meant extended time with Him in both prayer, and in lingering in His word. 

This month I noticed that I am stronger than I give myself credit for. I know there will be moments of unexpected sadness knowing that I don't know when I'll see Noah again, but I'm proud of myself that I was able to be strong when it counted. 

I can't wait to read your posts today, friends! Thanks for linking up with me. Much love to you!

Jenn 🖤

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  1. His apartment looks fabulous!

    1. Thank you! I was so proud of him when he sent me pictures and videos. I didn't know he was so good at decorating!

  2. His apartment looks so nice! I love the Stepbrothers flag? Prestige Worldwide! There is a sailboat down here called that and Tom and I always laugh. You are stronger than you think!

    1. That flag makes me shake my head. Who knew they would all end up loving it so much? I wonder if Noah knows it's a real sailboat...I'll have to tell him this when I talk to him soon! Thank you for that; I know we all have to be that way sometimes, don't you? Even when we don't feel like being like that, we just havde to suck it up sometimes. 🤣

  3. That pool looks so inviting! You are strong, for sure! Hope you have a great Memorial Day Weekend.

    1. Thank you, Cathy! I hope you have a great weekend as well, my friend.

  4. I am so proud of you for being strong, but also remember, it is okay to cry too at times and that is still being strong!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn! It is, I know. I had a bout of that on the way home yesterday and then again last night. I know it'll come in waves until I start to get adjusted to a new normal for our family.

  5. I think strength is the perfect word for you right now.

    1. Thank you so much, my friend! It's not by choice, but even so, I think you're right.

  6. Big step… for you and your son! Maybe not in the moment, but I’m thankful for opportunities that show us how strong we really are.

    1. Thanks for that, Lois! I feel the exact same way. It's good to experience hard things that lead to growth, whether for our grown kids or for ourselves. It's an honor to be able to get older and to experience situations like this with them; so many are not afforded that opportunity.

  7. Sad to see your baby move out but yay for him - how exciting. And good for you for making the most of the early morning. I get up early to write and blog. It's my precious time Thanks for hosting (Locked out Lydia C. Lee)

    1. Thanks for that, Lydia! I am sad too, but I'm also very excited and happy for him. This is what they're supposed to do! It'll be an adjustment, for sure, but I'm glad he had this opportunity to do something he's been dreaming of doing. I am like you and I love my morning time!

  8. Wow - those hydrageas are gorgeous!! And what a treat to have the neighbor's pool to yourselves! All the summer time feels in this post. And congrats to your son!!:)

    1. Thanks, Jen! I love hydrangeas; they remind me of my grandmother. Neighbor's pools are the best! I am excited to have that again this weekend and for two more weeks that are coming up soon. Thanks for that, my friend!

  9. Pool time is awesome! I am looking forward to that when I go to my sister's house in TN in July. Your son's apartment looks great! Nice and homey! My daughter graduated college and moved back home, which is a transition in itself, but I am not sure how I will be when my babies finally leave the nest. Have a great weekend!

  10. Praying for you. It's not easy when the "kids" move out, but so fun to watch them grow and depend on God!


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