Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial day 2024


Happy Memorial day, friends! What are you doing to celebrate the unofficial kick off of summer? We're not doing anything patriotic, but we do have plans to go swim later on. Do you do anything to celebrate today and what it means? I can never let this day go by without thinking of and talking about the family of my forever best childhood friend, Stacy. 

Her nephew Chad joined the Marines after 9/11, back when so many young men and women were joining the military in order to fight for and to protect our country. I hate that it took something so tragic to make this happen, but do you remember how we were all in unity back then? It wasn't one party over another, but everyone was in support of everyone else, because after that September day, our freedom was under attack. Anyway, Chad joined the Marines and left his young wife at home while he was shipped off to Iraq; and he never made it back home alive. 

That is what this day signifies for us all: men and women paying the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. I can't ever let this day go by without expressing my gratitude for the fact that they laid down their own lives for you and me. It sounds a lot like someone else who did the same thing...

His name is Jesus. Do you know Him? If you ever want to talk more about Him and having a relationship with Him, I'm here for you! You can email me at 

I am spending some of my morning praying for the families who mourn their loved ones today, and I am praying for our country and governing officials. I'd love for you to join me. 

On a lighter note, what are you doing today? I'd love to hear your plans! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. I'll be back tomorrow with a regularly scheduled post. Love to all! 

Jenn ❤️💙


  1. Yes! I think about that a lot and I feel like as a world language teacher I am talking about what our country has that other countries don't when I am comparing for my students. It's not cool to be patriotic today but I am extremely patriotic. That's what travel does for you, I think. Kids haven't experienced that yet usually. 9/11 is still so hard to think about. I am so sorry for the ultimate sacrifice. We have so many students coming to our school from Spanish speaking countries (and other countries) and they are usually more patriotic and in awe of the good ol' USA!

    1. I love that you do that, Amy! It makes sense about talking about this kind thing when comparing our country to another. I feel the same way about America as you, and I love what my Pastor said yesterday: Our country isn't (never has been and never will be) perfect, but I surely wouldn't want to live anywhere else! It's because of the brave men and women who so bravely fought for our freedom that we can enjoy them today. I'm beyond thankful for this! I know you are as well.

  2. Still trying to finalize some plans but I'm hoping this Monday includes something yummy off of the grill!:) Glad you are having pool weather. Our skies look iffy, to be sure. Will have to stick that grill inside the garage - lol!!:) Enjoy your day, my friend!

    1. That sounds yummy! I love grilled food of all kinds. It was a lovely day!

  3. Thank you for sharing Chad's story. I love what Amy said in the comments. Having lived in another country (and I LOVE England!), I can confirm that there is no place like the USA!

    1. I loved that too, Tanya! I never want to take for granted the freedom that we have here. I'm so grateful for the brave men and women who have fought for this!

  4. Happy Memorial day to you!
    We have a short week here too with today being a bank holiday which means most people get the day off work.
    Ahh! I remember when 9/11 happened, even over here everyone came together to remember and support those effected. Oh no! That is awful about Chad. I am so sorry.
    Today my fella and I have been in the garden cutting the grass and that's about it.

    1. Thanks for that, Kim! I hope you enjoyed your long weekend!


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