Monday, May 6, 2024

Hello, Monday!


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! 

Mine was great, but not much tops my Friday night. As all of you know, I worked a lot this week because of a huge event that our church hosted; the bookstore was a hubbub for lots and lots of people during the event. I loved it; and I love seeing people come in and use the bookstore/coffee shop for what it is: a place to sit, have some coffee, maybe read a book or work on your laptop, and catch up with friends. 

So many of those people made their way into the bookstore and sat in the chairs and at the tables. I loved seeing that! That being said, never in my life have I been so excited to come home and not talk. 🤣 I took a cool shower (hello, menopause), got into comfy clothes, and sat for the rest of the night. Todd went back to work with the sheriff's department, and that was the night that kicked off him working something called The Music Fest in the downtown Memphis area all weekend long. I had the house to myself all of Friday night, and I didn't hate it, I'll be honest. I had leftovers for dinner from the night before (veggie pizza from Little Caesar's, two slices) and I listened to podcasts and played around on my blog. It was basically my dream night, and it felt so luxurious! 

Oh, and about last week at work? I worked 42 hours. 42. My usual is work week is 22 hours. 

My lazy night came to an end when Jonah inspired me to rearrange the living room furniture, so guess what I did? I rearranged the living room furniture, which led me to vacuuming, which led me to dusting just a little before calling it quits and sitting back down. I talked to my sister on the phone for no less than three hours that night, too; we have such a hard time talking on the phone when neither of us are busy, so that worked out well for us Friday night. I was up until one a.m.! And I woke up at five something on Saturday feeling very refreshed and rested.

On Saturday morning I cleaned what I didn't get finished the night before, did laundry, then dressed to meet Mom for errands and lunch. I had specific things to do, and I'm so glad to say that I got them both done! I wanted to go to our local Indie bookshop, Novel, and I needed to buy some new household cleaner, preferably the Mrs. Meyers brand. (Mom actually gave me a bunch that she had and wasn't using, which was perfect.)

Mom and I went to J. Jill for her to make a return, and I bought two pairs of pants! I'm so happy with them and have been wanting some wide legged pants. The ones I picked are cropped; I got a white pair and a charcoal gray pair. I'll show them to you this week, so stay tuned!

Mom and I matched again! I made her take another picture with me, because the older I get, the more I value the importance of taking the picture, even if it makes you look silly. Life is short!

Look at these adorable earrings I bought myself from Novel!

I rearranged on Friday night and moved the long couch to the space in front of these doors...and then we ended up putting outside to throw away, because it's broken. We plan on purchasing another recliner for that space when we find one.

I went to Mom's and Bill's for dinner Saturday night! Bill is an amazing cook, and the food was delicious. I always love making a drive out to the country to see them! 

I was at church early Sunday morning dressed in this outfit; the details about this shirt are in my bonus post today, Prime Purchases. 

On the way home from Mom's and Bill's Saturday night, I heard the song I Could Sing of Your Love Forever by Shane & Shane. (I'm including this YouTube video so you can listen.) I used to sing that song growing up; imagine my surprise when during my quiet time on Sunday morning, I kept reading in the book of Psalms about singing to the Lord. It seemed to be a theme that the Lord wanted me to pay attention to, so I wrote out the verses and thanked Him for encouraging me through His word. I'll probably share more about this tomorrow, so come back to read that post. In the meantime, isn't that so sweet of Him? The verse above was one I read in Psalm 89. 

I'll end with these last pictures; you may remember me mentioning that there is a library next to the bookstore at church. When we do the remodel this summer, that space will be turned into a classroom, so all those books are being given away right now. I hit the jackpot!

Books have always been and will always be my favorite!

I'll leave you with this last picture of my youngest grandpups, Oakley and Chloe. I love them so much! What did you do this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤

P.S. In case you didn't catch this little tidbit, I did write a bonus post for today that is under this one. It's the May edition of Prime Purchases. I also wrote a blog post on Saturday night, called Dear Senior Mom. I'd love for you to check both of those out, in case you missed either of them!


  1. I can't wait to see the new pants. J. Jill is a great place for staples like that. I have to be careful with wide leg. The length has to be right and then my shoes have to be right! You had a busy weekend after a busy week. Where did you get all that energy?

    1. I love them! I have that same issue because I'm only 5'3. The wrong length makes my legs look shorter and stumpy. You're right about the shoes, too...most of mine have a little bit of a platform since I can't do flat. Flat would be bad for me with them! I have no idea what's going on with me right now, but I'm in that phase of not needing a lot of sleep; I'm going to bed around midnight and I'm up at five, but I wake up feeling rested and ready for the day. We did get a new mattress...did I mention that? I'll take the energy, though!

  2. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! Those earrings are so cute and your nails look great too.

  3. What a busy weekend! Cute earrings.

    1. It was! Most of mine aren't like this, but after my super slow weekend last week, I was glad for the opposite. Thank you! I love them and can't wait to wear them.

  4. What an amazing weekend! Thank you for sharing those books- looking into a few of them. Love the living room too :)

    1. It was, Holly! You're welcome; you know how much I love books.

  5. I am tired for you and admire your energy to rearrange furniture and enjoy a day of shopping after last week! So fun you found some cute pants and enjoyed your day!

    1. 🤣 That's part of this phase I'm in right now: I'm not tired and I have tons of energy. i was cleaning my bathroom at eleven p.m. last night! It's so crazy, but I refuse to complain, because this isn't my normal. Thanks, my friend!

  6. Sounds like a fun, full, exhausting weekend. I'm glad your event went well and you got some good books too. I spy a London tube map on your wall. We lived there for a few years and I have one framed here that we found in a thrift shop in TN of all places. It's a little faded but makes me smile still. Have a nice week!

    1. It was, Joyce! I loved every bit of it since last weekend was so slow. Thank you for that! And you are right about that map; do you know that I live in Tennessee? There's a cute shop that I like to visit and that's where it came from. I paid full price for it, but I do love it, especially since part of my family roots are Welsh. That's a little tribute to that Lloyd side of my fam. I love that you have something similar!

  7. I enjoyed your post. It sounds like a perfectly wonderful weekend. Now I'm being nosy, who plays the piano?

    1. Thanks, Cathy! It really was a great one. I love this piano! My dad bought it for Mom when they were married, and we've all played it over the years. I don't read music, either to play or to sing, but I can pick out things by ear. I'm the same with singing and using sheet music; I know enough to follow along and to know whether to go up, down, or that the Altos have the harmony part, but I learn by listening and doing that on repeat. Do you play? I feel like the answer is yes, but I can't remember for sure!

  8. You and your mom are beautiful. Nothing beats a country drive.

    1. Thank you! You are so right; I do love being in the country!

  9. We went to JazzFest in NOLA this weekend! I'm pretending today is Sunday and doing nothing much, as I have to drive 4 hours to pick up my oldest from college tomorrow

    1. Now I could get on board with a jazz fest! That's more of my style. That sounds like so much fun! Have a safe trip going to pick up your daughter!

  10. What a great weekend! I'm listening to the music video as I read it!

    1. It was! I love doing that as well. I'm listening to music as I write!

  11. It sounds like the church event went so well but I can just imagine how glad you were to get home and relax. It sounds like a really lovely evening. So nice that you got to chat to your sister.
    What a lovely photo of you and your mom. I have started taking more photos of my dad (which he hates) but understands that he's not going to be here for ever.
    Well done on getting all of those books!

    1. Yes! To all of that. I loved talking to her! We rarely get the chance to talk for hours like that, so it felt like we'd spent the whole evening together. Thanks for that, Kim! I love that you're doing that with your dad. I need to remember to do the same with my dad on Fridays. This is the second time recently that Mom and I have taken a picture together; now I need some of my dad and me. You are so right about treasuring the time, because we'll miss them someday.


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