Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday Favorites, 5.31.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? I hope you can say that it's been a great one! Once again, this week has been a blur, but for very different reasons than last week. I'll explain.

All of you know that we drove behind Noah to Dallas last Thursday and got him moved in; we were home twenty-five hours later, and Todd worked a shift with the sheriff's department. He was off on Saturday-Monday, then on Tuesday of this week, he started his assigned shift with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT). His hours are Tuesday through Friday from around one p.m. to ten-thirty. We went from five of us at home eating dinner at least once a week, to four of us for a few nights, and now for four nights each week, it's just three of us. I keep having to adapt; thankfully I don't mind this and can change things around at the drop of a hat. Todd just has for his lunch whatever I had for dinner the night before, and for breakfast and dinner, he drinks a protein shake. So far so good! 

And now, onto my favorites from this week...

Our little town and this night that we spent on our town square was a favorite this week. I loved getting to spend time with my niece Erika and her girls (left to right above) Macy, Madi, Kylie, and Kinsley) this week! I saw them on Wednesday of the week before for lunch, again that night when they all came over to our house, I swam with them on Monday, and Todd, Jonah, and I saw them one last time on Monday night of this week before they flew back home the next day.

Have I mentioned that we've been on a cleaning/rearranging/organizing spree? It's my favorite thing when that happens! I worked in our bedroom and bathroom last weekend, and took this picture of our bathroom door with this bag hanging on it; I don't think I've ever shared it here before, but you all know that tote bags are my favorite! This week alone I've cleaned out the laundry room cabinets, our bedroom, and the tornado closet was what I worked on last night.

My neon yellow nails are my favorite right now...

... as is this new candle I bought from Walmart.

Wearing heart earrings in my second holes is my favorite... is wearing my hear up right now. I love summer, but being hot is not my favorite.

This beachy screen saver is a favorite...

... and so are these insulated cups from Walmart that I drink my protein coffee shakes in every morning.

Seeing Drew thrive and smiling so big while he's working will always be a favorite!

Summer Bible studies are my favorite, and this one came in the mail this week. It's perfect timing! I'm doing this online with a group of women; we'll meet for six weeks this summer, starting on June tenth. 

Todd's current hairstyle and the length of it is my very favorite! I've been wanting him to let it get long and shaggy, and we have finally achieved this. I am smitten!

Lastly, the fact that Chloe makes me both yell and laugh my head off is my favorite. Is that not exactly what a dog is? Equal parts infuriating, adorable, and hilarious? Jonah took her collar off her and she wanted it back; when he wasn't putting it back around her, she took it from him like this and just walked off. 🤣 She only came back when he called her, because she thought he had a treat.

I have written a lot this week; in case you missed any of my blog posts this week, I'll link them below. 

Saturday was Share 4 Somethings.

Monday was a Memorial day tribute.

Tuesday was a weekending post.

Wednesday was my own version of What's Up Wednesday.

Thursday was a double post day: Thankful Thursday and Fashion Files

Also, this Wednesday June 5th is the Currently link party; we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, looking forward to, enjoying, seeing, and lounging around in. I hope you make plans now to join us! The next day, Thursday June 6th is when Joanne, Marilyn, Tanya, and I will host the June edition of Share Your Shelf. I'll be talking about all the beachy books I've been reading in May! I can't wait to talk about books and the book club I'm hosting Monday night, so I hope you read it and/or make plans to join us. Also, I may be back tomorrow with a bonus post, so stay tuned!

What was your favorite from this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  1. I am cracking up at Chloe- hysterical! How could you get mad at that face? ;)

  2. Yes to dogs being all those things! They keep us on our toes! I am glad you had a good week! No talk of pool?

    1. Right? I agree. It's supposed to be rainy here today and tomorrow, but I'll be swimming at our neighbors' again on Sunday! The weather will be sunny and hot, which is so perfect. I can't wait!

  3. It sounds like it's a big change with Todd's new job but I am sure you will all get used to it.
    I love your town, it is so cute. It's something that I imagine seeing on a Hallmark movie. Your niece's girls are just adorable.
    That candle screams summer to me! I can just imagine the smell from it.

    1. It is, Kim, but we're all adjusting pretty well. Funnily enough, our town square was actually used for a Hallmark movie! Also, we made it in the top ten list of Southern Living's charming Southern towns to visit. I love it here and feel fortunate that I was raised here and that we've raised our sons here.

  4. Chloe is so cute! You're inspiring me to get some organizing done! Hope you have a good weekend.

    1. She really is, and she is so stinking funny! Her personality is huge and contagious. I hope you get some organizing done this weekend; mine was long overdue! Thanks, my friend, I hope the same for you!

  5. So many fun favorites - but would definitely put cute Chloe at the top:) And those heart earrings. I'm going to have to look for some of those now!

    1. Right, Jennifer? She is well loved here in our home. You should find some on Amazon, I always buy mine from there.

  6. I love your tv screen savers!

    1. Thank you! They're making me want to visit a beach. 🤣

  7. That candle sounds like it would smell heavenly! I love the screen savers on your TV.

    1. It smells divine! Thanks for that, I love that turquoise blue color right now.


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Thankful Thursday

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