Friday, May 24, 2024

Friday Favorites, 5.24.2024

Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? I hope you can say that it's been a great one! My heart is full to overflowing from the week and last weekend. I have so many things to share, so I'll jump in.

Last Friday was my favorite! Dad and I went to Jackson for the day and walked around my old college campus. I wrote about it here on Monday.

Dinner that same night with my young friend Holly was another favorite! Who knew we had a traditional Irish pub here in Memphis? The wood and some other materials was shipped here from Ireland in the making of this incredible pub, Bog & Barley. That cocktail was also my favorite, something called The Bluebird, or something like that. 

Another new favorite dress, this one in pink and orange on a white background! I had lots of compliments on this one when I wore it to work on Tuesday.

This swimsuit is still my favorite! I ordered this one and loved it so much that I bought another one on Tuesday night in the black and tropical patterned color print. 

I have loved taking "church notes" for a long, long time. This was something I wrote out after my pastor's sermon about twelve years ago. 

I met a new friend for lunch on Saturday, and she brought me fresh flowers! Have I mentioned that I started an in-real-life book club? There are ten of us and we will meet to talk about our first book, Still Standing by Courtney Joseph Fallick, on Monday night June 3rd. I can't wait and anticipate it being a favorite! Michelle is a new friend that my young friend Holly (pictured above with me from Friday night) introduced me to; she isn't from here, and the book club was a perfect opportunity to meet some like minded friends! 

And on that note, I am not really starting a book club; it's the Lord who put us all together! Each of us have a story, a common thread, and we're all similar in age and phases of life. How crazy is that? I could go on, but I'll stop there. 

The Mother's day flowers from Jonah are still going strong and look great in my new favorite antique store find from two weeks ago. The color turquoise is my favorite!

Friends, if you know me even the tiniest bit, you know that the fuller our home is, the fuller my heart becomes. I love to feed a large crowd, and I love me some big 'ole burly guys coming over to eat the 16 oz of sirloin steaks I made for them last Saturday night! 

These guys are my favorites! They always have been and always will be, and I love that they oblige me for requests of pictures with them at random events like normal family dinners. They're great sports! 

Our hydrangeas are gorgeous right now; they've always been a favorite bush/flower of mine, since I was a young girl at my Grandma's house appreciating hers.

Night swims have always been my favorite! And Todd is the new favorite of our neighbor's dogs, Boone and Ruby.

Wednesday afternoon was my favorite when I got to see my niece and great nieces!

This new journal I bought from the bookstore on Wednesday morning is my favorite; I love a new journal, and wanted one for summer. 

Here's another favorite dress that I received in my last Shein order! I love white in the summertime, and the black buttons are a fun detail on the dress. Also, I may have made my collar pop while I wore this on Wednesday. 

Notes in my Bible are my favorite! I love turning the passage I'm reading into a prayer for all of them.

Here's a favorite book of mine by my all-time favorite author, Robin Jones Gunn. Have you read any of her books? I highly recommend each book she's ever written, including this one! Summery beach reads are my absolute favorite. 

What's a favorite of yours from this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

P.S. Just a little blog business: This is your friendly reminder about Share 4 Somethings taking place tomorrow; we'll be talking about the things we loved or disliked, accomplished, improved upon/needs improvement, and noticed this May. The Currently link party will happen on Wednesday, June 5th; we'll be talk about the things we're currently loving, looking forward to, enjoying, seeing, and lounging around in. 

Jenn 💙💚


  1. Happy Friday and safe travels back! I hope you have some down time this weekend when you get back and I hope you feel peace about your new life chapter.

    1. Thanks, Amy! I have no plans to do anything tomorrow, which is nice. I'm sure we'll be moving a few things around, since a room switch is happening. It sounds lovely!

  2. What a really fabulous week of favorites! I just love a good Irish Pub (not that we have any of them near us but we used to have a great one only 45 minutes or so away).

  3. Great post! I love the look of the Irish Pub Fare. I've read all of the Sisterchicks books by Robin Jones Gunn but I'll have to check out Under A Maui Moon. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I loved it when we went, and am looking forward to Todd trying it with me soon. Read that book you missed, it's SO GOOD!

  4. The fish and chips look delicious and I love Robin Jones Gunn too. I'm not sure if I've read that one or not. Definitely going to see if I can find it from my library soon.

    1. It was amazing! I hope you can find it in your library!

  5. The photos of you and your dad do make me smile.
    That pub does sound great and I love the sound of the food.
    I hope the book club goes well. I can't wait to hear more about it.
    I love that white dress, I wish I was brave enough to wear that colour but I seem to attract dirt if I do.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I know what you mean; I ate lunch with my great nieces that day and was terrified to drop something on it!

  6. I wish I were there for that book club. I love hearing how it all came together!

    1. I wish you were too! It's really cool how it all happened!

  7. I hope you had a safe trip home. How fun to have all the men in the house. I have daughters and have so enjoyed now having sons in law and grandsons especially. I do love fish and chips from a good pub menu. And fresh flowers always make my list of favorites. Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks, Joyce! It has been such a fun week, and one I am so grateful for. I hope you have a great one as well!

  8. I really like your dresses! I am excited about the book club! I hope you are able to sleep tonight after a busy few days. I know you loved having a full home and seeing family this week. I miss seeing you!

    1. Thank you! I am so excited about that too! I crashed really hard before ten last night, and slept so good all night. I miss you too! We need to get together soon!


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...