Friday, May 17, 2024

Friday Favorites, 5.17.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? I hope you can say that it's been a great one! I have some favorites from this week, and I am sure you do as well. Here are a few of mine:

Antique stores and quirky home decor items are a couple of my favorite things...

... and so are fresh flowers!

Time with family was fun this week! My sister Lisa was here from Denver, and we ate lunch with them at Mom's and Bill's after church on Mother's day.

Graham was coming home from Nashville as we took this picture, but these guys and Graham are my faves!

Having our Denver family members here are always a favorite...

... and so is having fresh flowers by my bedside!

I love it when my boys know all my favorites; Drew knows my love of candles and he picked this one for me as a gift.

The bouquet of flowers from Graham was so big that I split it into two vases; one is here in the living room, and the other is the one by my bedside.

These new pink slides are a favorite...

... and so is reading and studying the Bible and writing out prayers for my family on the pages.

Having a clean, organized closet is a favorite...

... and so is this new dress from my recent Shein order! (I love bright colors in the summer!)

Someone asked me on an IG message what my favorite pens were, and these Flair pens will always be number one in my heart.

This picture of Graham going to his friend Abigail's junior prom with her was a favorite to see this's hard to believe that was eight years ago!

This is another favorite dress from my recent order!

This t-shirt is my new favorite thing to bum around in! It says, "Joy comes in the morning", and it's from Psalm 30:5. I ordered it from the company LoveLLX. 

Handmade things that my sons gave me will always be my favorite! We painted these sticks one day as part of our history lesson while we homeschooled.

A baseball game as a staff field trip from work was a favorite this week...

... and so is this neon phone cover and royal blue dress. I'll be sharing about some recent wardrobe updates on my blog one day next week, so stay tuned! I've been having all kinds of shopping success, thanks to some social media people that I follow. 

And lastly, celebrating my mom-in-love's birthday yesterday after work was a favorite! We went to get pedicures, then we went next door to eat at a place called Cheffie's and dined al fresco. I got my newest favorite OPI color this time, Suzi Chases Portu-geese. It's mainly white with a hint of mint. I love it and think it will look great with the tan that I'll get started on this weekend. (Hopefully that'll be the case! We'll be using our neighbors' pool while we watch their dogs again._

Did you read all of my blog posts this week? I'll link them below, going back to last Saturday.

The Cozy Chronicles: the practice of being content (this will be a continuing series, so keep coming back!)

Dear Mom

Hello Monday

Things I'm Excited About & One Thing I'm Dreading

Closet Organization & How I Set Up Mine to Work Best for Me

Thankful Thursday

What were some of your favorites this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

Jenn 💙💚


  1. Oh that bright and colorful dress is everything and you look beautiful! Loved seeing all of your quality time with your people- so good for the soul!

    1. Thank you! I love bright colors in the summer time, especially with a little bit of tan on my legs. I agree with you on quality time with my people!

  2. I love that colorful dress! My local boutique had a pattern similar to that. Their stuff starts at about $60 for dresses. You really have me re-thinking Shein and wanting to try again. Why am I so influenced? Ha! Love the pedi color and you had a fun week! I feel like I went to work, came home, went, to work, came home. I need to plan some fun for next week!

    1. Thank you, it's going to be a new favorite for sure. You need to think about Shein again, but we need to chat about this. I've learned some tricks, and the more I order, the better I get. I'm happy to share them with you! Could you talk tomorrow morning sometime? I have lunch plans and plans to lay by the pool before that...

      I'm easily influenced too, by lots of things you buy! Thanks for the pedicure love! It's a fun one. I've had weeks that I felt the same, so I get that feeling. I hope you get to plan something fun to celebrate the end of the school year!

    2. Please share your Shein shopping tips on your blog - I love your style and want to update my own (current style - shlubby) - love wearing dresses and hate tight shirts. Also interested in the prayers you write in your Bible - do you use your favorite Flair pens? How is it even possible for such excellent penmanship???

    3. Hello there, Julie! I am writing a post for this very thing next week on my blog, so stay tuned! I'll post it on Tuesday, most likely, and will share my tips and tricks that I've learned with ordering from Shein. Ironically enough, I have another blog post scheduled for tomorrow morning, and I share a little about how I turn passages of Scripture into prayers, and how I write in my Bible. Thank you for the love on my penmanship; I have loved the art of handwriting since I was a young girl in elementary school!

  3. Such cute dresses and fun family and friends photos. Hope you have a great weekend,

    1. Thank you, Cathy! I hope you have a great weekend as well, my friend.

  4. I've been reading all week but generally read from my iPad when I have time. Sometimes comments go through, sometimes not and IDK if it's the technology or me ;). I really like the dresses you have recently purchased and loved your Mother's Day post about all the sweet things your boys said and did for you. I know how hard this upcoming move is going to be for you. . .not so much b/c he's so far away (although that is part of it) but that it will change some of the dynamics, last-minute things, and the relationship in general. Praying you through this transition from across the state.
    Hope you get lots of pool time this weekend! We are supposed to be hosting a graduation party and the weather is looking "iffy". We'll see.

    1. Thanks, Jenni, and especially for your prayers and encouragement with Noah moving away. I read your comment and got a lump in my throat when I read of how the relationship in general may change; I hadn't thought of that, but it will just because I'm not seeing him everyday. It changed with our son Drew moved out three years ago as well, so I have seen this to be proven true. GULP. Thanks again for the kind words, friend. I hope your weather turns out in your favor!

  5. You influenced me to give Shein another try and I have a huge order I placed yesterday coming in soon. That colorful dress is beautiful! It sounds like you had a really fabulous week!

    1. Yay!!! I can't wait to see and read about the order! Thank you for that, I love it so much and am going to force myself not to reach for it too often, but it'll be hard. I hope your week was good! I'm so behind in blog reading...I've had to change my morning routine again, so that's why.

  6. That plant pot is so cute and the flowers look so pretty.
    What lovely family photos and you have done really well with the flowers.
    Shein have some fab stuff at the moment. I am planning on making an order with some bright, summer clothes.

    1. Thanks, Kim! I love little quirky things like that. I would say thanks for the encouragement on the plant growing, but the one sitting inside of it is faux! My mom gave it to me years ago, but doesn't it look real? I hope you get to place an order soon!

  7. Lots of fun favorites! We had a junior prom memory pop up on Facebook this week, too.

    1. Thanks, Pamela, it was a fun week! How funny that you had that same kind of memory pop up. I love looking back on those years!

  8. I love all your new outfits. It looks like you had a wonderful Mother's Day! I'm catching up on my blog reading. :)

    1. Thank you! It was a great day, and I hope yours was too! I can't wait to read about your trip; I am also behind on blog reading this week. I've switched up my morning routine and it's throwing me off!

  9. You are doing so well with all the new dresses! I love them and they look so cute on you! Have a great weekend...miss seeing you!

    1. Thanks, friend! I needed to replace some old ones with new; the older ones were looking more worn out, and I figured since I'm working in my church, I need to look a little more put together. I love cute and affordable clothing! I hope you have a great weekend; I miss you too and would love to get together again after next week. I feel like I'm on countdown mode, and not in a good way! I've lots of things to squeeze in over the next few days. After Memorial day, let's plan something!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...