Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday Favorites: 5.10.2024.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. How has your week been? I hope you can say that it's been a great one! I have some favorites from the week that I want to share with you today, one of which was my first bonus post of this week, one that I titled Dear Senior Mom. (I'm going to sprinkle all of my blog posts from this week throughout this post, with the links to open up for you in a separate window from this post that you're reading today. Just click on the lighter shade of words that you see!) 

I mentioned that I bought these necklaces last weekend; they're my new favorite thing to wear! I got them from Amazon, so if you want to check them out for yourself, just click on these words and you can see them great price. I've worn them everyday since they came in!

You all know that rearranging and redecorating or repurposing are a few of my favorite things in life. Thanks to the rearranging of the living room that I did last weekend that I mentioned in my Hello Monday post, this front corner is my new favorite area. Books are my favorite! I had my second bonus post of the week that same day, the April edition of Prime Purchases

(This was me as a kindergartner back in 1981-ish. I feel like I haven't changed all that much. 🤣)

You all know that collages and throwback pictures are my favorite! This one right above is my sister Lisa and I here when she graduated from Collierville High School. This shows our age difference of fourteen years and how I was always her little tagalong, which is why we're so close today. I remember wanting to go everywhere with her. She's the one who taught me to embrace my big, curly hair and how to "fluff" it up even more by turning my head upside down and giving it a shake. Ironically, she is here this week visiting from Denver. Family and sibling time is my favorite! 

The other pictures above this are to compare the differences in both Todd and me in the last two years, and the good old days when the boys were little. We loved family game night! And look at that driveway full of boys playing some basketball. My heart just grew a little bit bigger just by remembering those days!

These were my favorite things from the internet this week! Patrick Swayze was one of my teenage crushes; is it any wonder why looking at this picture of him with Jennifer Grey at the premier of Dirty Dancing? Speaking of that movie, it is and will always be my favorite movie! Also, I loved this from Friends that I saw on Tuesday.

These were a few of my favorite things that I ate this week, either for lunch or dinner. We have had quiche, nacho bowls, and chicken with an Asian salad thanks to my stepdad Bill. We've had the leftovers for the rest of this week, which is also a favorite. I love not having to think much about meals!

This soap came in a package of three from Costco; this particular one is my favorite scent. I just started using it yesterday morning!

This is my favorite spot in our home. It's where I sit to read the Bible, study, write, eat dinner around the table, and talk to Jesus.

These are my favorite cups! The pink one is for water that I take to work; the green one is for my protein coffee breakfast drink. 

My friend Barbara painted this picture and gave it to me to use in the bookstore. Things like this are my favorite, especially the things that have Bible verses attached. That's one of my favorite verses.

Hydrangeas are my favorite...

... and so are these azaleas that are starting to bloom in that middle row! These are the kind that bloom more than one time a year. 

I went to choir practice on Wednesday night this week; it was my favorite to be back in there with my people!

Yesterday after work, I went to get my nails done; that's always a favorite! I was going to get a different color, but I got this color instead to match what's on my toes. It's the OPI color that's the closest to the color Cajun Shrimp. 

Did you catch my other blog posts this week? I'll link them below. 

Sunday was Dear Senior Mom.
Monday was Hello Monday and Prime Purchases

What was a favorite from your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. I hope you come back tomorrow for another scheduled bonus blog post!


  1. Can't go wrong with cajun shrimp! Looks like you had some good meals this week and a really nice and productive week. Yay!

    1. I know, right? I have loved this color for a very long time, at least for fifteen years. I kind of forgot about it, though, and just thought of it again when I got my last pedicure. Happy Friday!

  2. What a great post - so much there! The book I was reading last night mentioned Dirty Dancing - I guess if it comes up a third time I need to watch it? I’m the same with throwback pictures - so happy to have the pictures to jog my memory :)
    Enjoy your sister time!!!

    1. Thank you! It was a great week. That's funny about the movie, maybe you need to watch it again! I hope you have a great day and weekend!

    2. FYI - you inspired me to blog today!!

    3. Oh, YAY! I will go check it out now!

  3. I am loving all of your flashback pics- so so sweet and sentimental and your plants are looking amazing!

  4. So cute that kindergarten picture of you! I have those same soaps from Costco and am loving them too! Enjoy your Friday and weekend!

    1. Thanks! I remember you getting them as well; I was thrilled when Todd brought these home a few weeks ago. I've already been through one bottle!

  5. Great post, so many fun photos! We loved family game night, Uno and Phase Ten were favorites.

    1. Thank you! We loved those games and we also loved Skip Bo. That may have been what we were playing on this night in the pictures...I always felt like games were so good for our kids; it seemed to help them with math skills!

  6. Those necklaces are so pretty and I love your bookcase. It looks like such a welcoming area.
    Patrick Swayze was one of my teenage crushes too and my eldest daughters. lol She fell in love with him after seeing him in Dirty Dancing. She was so sad when she realised he had died many years before.

    1. Thank you! I love this bookcase. I love a mixture of books with things that are sentimental to me. That's so funny about your daughter! It's hard to believe he's dead.

  7. Dirty Dancing will forever be in my top movies. When I was a sophomore in High School we had a Swedish Exchange student live with us. She was obsessed with Patrick Swayze and we watched that movie every day after school for probably 4- months. I still stop and watch it every time I see it.

    I love that nail color! It's so happy and springy! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. YES! Same here, my friend. That is hilarious about your friend from Sweden! I watched it Friday night and could quote the entire movie practically. Thank you! I love it for that very reason!

  8. I love all the old photos and how your big sister taught you to embrace the curls. I also love the comparison pictures. You and Todd seriously look 10 years younger now than a few years ago!! I'm putting the necklace on my Amazon "idea" list. Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Thank you! Isn't it funny what we remember with certain pictures, or songs? I saw this picture and remembered that detail I hadn't thought about in ages. Oh, yay! I love it! Happy Mother's day to you, my friend. xoxo

  9. These flashback photos are fabulous (as are your nails!). I just did mine a pale pink this morning with some little silver stars. I hope they last because I am really loving them. Your hydrangeas are so pretty. I love hydrangeas so much.

    1. Thank you! Ooh, that sounds so pretty! I love hydrangeas too, and am hoping they last this time.

  10. My daughter got me onto those Costco soap and I love them. Your hydrangeas are lovely. They're one of my favorites too. A deer snacked on ours this year and the leaves have come back, but I don't know if we'll have blooms or not. I like the nail color a lot. I'm having mine done on Monday. We have a wedding next weekend and my dress is turquoise and white. I think that color would really pop with that. Happy Mother's Day! .I enjoyed your senior mom post. Mine were in college when I started my blog, but I'm so glad to have those memories recorded.

    1. I love them too! Thank you! We had bugs or something a couple of years ago, and last year they didn't come out at all. I'm really hoping these last! You are right and I love that combination of turquoise and coral! I know you're glad to have those memories, too.

  11. That necklace is a steal and so cute, added to my cart! I love hydrangea's also; we have two bushes in our front yard!

    1. It is, Mandy! I'm so glad you added it to your cart; I gave it as gifts for mother's day this year. I would love to see those bushes! I bet they are gorgeous.


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Friday Favorites, 3.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a good week! Mine has been mostly great; I'm looking forward to this weekend and upcoming...